Do you support an independent Cornwall?
Whats your opinion on the Cornish folk?
Butthurt English need not apply
Do you support an independent Cornwall?
Whats your opinion on the Cornish folk?
Butthurt English need not apply
so we've established theyre the last bastion of the white race and all things non degenerate?
guess i can / my thread then. !
they are friendly but naive like all celts
naive how?
I'm CORNISH not English.
I recently found out I'm part Cornish.
>pic related, cornish 4th great grandfather
Fucker lived to be 91 in 1895.
Forgot pic
Barely any linguistic left.
Probably even worse ethnically.
Most of the celtic nations are overrun with far left heroin addict mongrel cunts.
Cornwall is poor as fuck. Why would they ever want to be independent?
>Independent Cornwall
Lol no, but I do support Cornish nationalism. They're definitely not English.
(Live in Devon)
I don't think they're human
You guys are just wannabe Cornish. You don't even have a decent zoo.
Cornwall is badass. Who here /CornishRepublicanArmy/?
devon may aswell just slip into the sea
dull drive through county.
dartmoor is nice though
>Do you support an independent Cornwall?
No, that sounds retarded and pointless. I support strong regional identity though.
>Whats your opinion on the Cornish folk?
Their gene pool got obliterated a few centuries back but their history is neat and admirable.
Cornish beaches are PENG
are French Bretons what English people were ethnically before the Saxons and vikings invaded?
We're still better than you. You are nothing.
>Paignton Zoo
Apart from the tourist areas, your county is a shithole and it's 'culture' is irrelevant.
opinion discarded
cornish nationalism is still as goofy as the idea of independant celtic countries
Paignton can suck my left nut