I'm white but I understand my wife has sexual needs. It's 2017 and I think I understand that just because she experiences sexual pleasure with others doesn't mean she doesn't like me. She doesn't want me to cheat, i understand that, but sometimes I can't satisfy her. Every week she has sex with a big black man and I'm fine with that, i take her to movies, i have dinner with her, i raise the children, I just don't have sex with her and really that's not what marriage is about. In my opinion you can slap my wifes ass, make her call you daddy, nut in her face but if I'm cuddling her at night who really wins?
There is Nothing Wrong with Cuckoldry
Cucks crack me up.
Enjoy your ban
Sorry but your children will be inbred on a racial level. Mine are hybrids and yes they genetically aren't my own but i don't give a fuck
Faithless marriage is the ultimate cancer that is killing the western world
Men aren't allowed to normalize the hormonal temprament women get anymore (lest they be labeled an abuser or wife beater and have their life ruined)
So women rule the roost, and cuckolds are all smiles relinquishing the one promise women make to their man
It's disgusting and degenerate
What's disgusting is your pimitive outlook on life. Wifebeating? You are disgusting. It's non of my bees wax what my women does. We sometimes go to a party or a bar or something and if she meets a nice guy she may want a quick fuck in the washroom. It's not my business.
Cucks get the rope too, OP. Your time is nigh
If you're happy, cool for you
You're not a man in my eyes, and many agree with me
Your woman rules you and you throw yourself into mental delusions telling yourself you're doing the right thing
It's disgusting, but if you won't listen to reason then so be it
remember that cuckolding is the thinking man's fetish
Did women care about the needs of their husbands when they deny them sex? If they went and had an affair to get his needs met, would she accept it?
The only thing Islam has right is that cheating on your spouse should be a capital crime
>cheating on your spouse should be a capital crime
I wish it didn't have to be so, but I'm starting to think legal repercussions for violating a marriage pact should be a thing
If you want a civil union to play out your perverted, faithless fantasies, have at it
But don't ruin the institution of marriage for the rest of us
I'm a very feminine guy yes but im still a man. Remember what you right-wing nuts say, as long as I got XY I am a man. However in my opinion you're disgusting, why can't a women rule me? I mean for the last 2000 years men have been grabbing women's asses instead of shaking their hand, and staring at their tits instead of their eyes, why can't women be dominant for a change?
>I'm white but I understand my wife has sexual needs
Then fucking satisfy her,instead of you jacking off ,god you wester"men" are getting more weak and pathetic with every fucking second
How to get replies on Sup Forums the post.
Well done OP
>Did women care about the needs of their husbands when they deny them sex? If they went and had an affair to get his needs met, would she accept it?
My wife does not want me cheating but that's ok, i respect her personal boundries. If i ask someone not to do something then I obviously don't want them to do it, that's how i feel with my wife, if she doesn't want me cheating i won't cheat.
Where did you find this big black man?
>Then fucking satisfy her,instead of you jacking off
I can't. My dick isn't long enough I have manboobs and she just doesn't enjoy it when I do it. She says it's more exotic with other men especially foreign men from Italy.
>god you wester"men" are getting more weak and pathetic with every fucking second
Implying im not a man? Sorry but i thought you conservatives believed that anyone with XY with a man?
My wife finds these places online where many men of colour go.
you are a...pussy? i can't even say that, i saw and know women with more balls then you...just grow a spite and work out and if you wife want to fuck other men why stay or even keep the relationship up in the first place?
It doesn't make sense
Fasting is taking it's toll on me
>you are a...pussy? i can't even say that, i saw and know women with more balls then you...just grow a spite and work out
How will working out make my dick longer, my jawline stronger, and my manboobs go away? It won't
>if you wife want to fuck other men why stay or even keep the relationship up in the first place?
Because a women who is single at thirty is considered uhhh scorned in this culture? She has really conservative parents who want her married and having kids and a family. If they ever found out what she does with these men tho they'd be pissed. She wants me because I'm white and educated so i'd impress her parents but behind the scenes it's a different story.
It's not about religion, christcuck, it's never been about religion.
The man/woman union guaranteed offspring that can take care of you when you're old. With an extremely high standard of living in developed countries and the state taking some of the roles previously provided by children, as well as (((equal opportunities))) for women in the workplace, the traditional family unit became pretty much obsolete.
I'm not saying that's a good thing, but blaming it all on a lack of religion is fucking retarded.
>The man/woman union guaranteed offspring that can take care of you when you're old. With an extremely high standard of living in developed countries and the state taking some of the roles previously provided by children, as well as (((equal opportunities))) for women in the workplace, the traditional family unit became pretty much obsolete.
Good. My dad is in a nursing home. I'd hate to take care of that old fart who can't even remember his name and is constantly shitting in his diaper.
>the traditional family unit became pretty much obsolete
If religion won't take up the burden, the government has to
The family should be the smallest fundamental unit of a government. Individuals should take a backseat to the family
The government has failed (arguably intentionally) in this regard and the lack of devotion between husband and wife in modern times has dissolved as a consequence
You don't like religion, but you can't trust the government. Wat do?
>It's 2017
Thanks OP I almost forgot
This is leaf level bait dude. Work harder.
>leaf level bait
Obvious bate aside. I've read all your comments so far. You have mentioned "I thought you conservatives said only xy makes you a man?" twice now. Leads me to believe you question your gender. That clarifies all your other bullshit for me. To you point about working out. It will actually get rid of your man boobs (as they are just fat) and make you penis *bigger*. It will appear as such because of the loss of fat around it. Yes, you are a man. An inferior man who won't be remembered when you die. It's good you don't procreate.
Pussy beta shit
meanwhile, when I sleep with multiple women, they all get pissy
>She wants me because I'm white and educated so i'd impress her parents but behind the scenes it's a different story.
And what gives her the right to do that lie to her parents and use you for your money?
Have some self-respect,and if she is scorned for being 30 and unmarried how is that your problem
Live your life for yourself,because right not she lives her own live and you live hers but not yours....
Dump her it's not your responsebility to take care of her and if that isn't enough to convice you ,she is her own woman she doesn't need you to take care of her
Here is my final advice for you heed it or ignore it:you have 1 life live it for yourself,not for your friends not your "wife" not society but only yourself.
Don't waste it mate,you might regret it at the very end
>my man boobs are just fat
The doctor says im underweight actually.
No shit Sherlock. I mean which website(s)?
She just finds places in more lower income areas
Because my parents made fun of me in highschool for not being able to get a girlfriend. My dad always said i was gay and my cousins beat me up one time and said i was a weirdo for not kissing anyone at 24. I need this women so my family doesn't go back to hating on me.
New pasta. Have a you
People aren't get that you're doing this for the kekistan flag it's too subtle and you're just coming off as a faggot
I'm trying to be Kekistani but my flag keeps chaning to Canadian
then find another one,don't waste time on her,find the right woman is like fighting a war it might take 1 day,1 month or several years but when you find her you will not regret it,so what if you take some insults? you mind your life and tell them to mind their own life
Dont let others direct your life into what it seems a endless pitt of unhappiness
>find another one
Have you not been paying attention this thread? I have man boobs, a super weak jaw, am weak as hell, im short as fuck, and super feminine it's a MIRCLE i landed with this one even though she cheats on me
>find the right woman is like fighting a war it might take 1 day,1 month or several years
But then you'll end up 45 and just married and too late to actually live a good life.
lurk more fag
also sage
>But then you'll end up 45 and just married and too late to actually live a good life.
As oppsed to what you have now?
Because in our talks you aren't having a good life nor having a "marriage" what do you have to lose
on a side note if a girl really like you she doesn't give a shit on how you look,don't give up hope,and in the end just look about to find another and better woman ,and if your "wife" has any problem remind her on the cuckold shit and how her family will react on that,if she can look for other men so should you
I encourage every man that thinks like OP to find a Bull for their ol ladies. theres just no reason to shake my head at that behavior. I think judging cucks is part of the pleasure cycle they have. So, i do not judge them and in fact I condemn anyone that does. Let niggers fuck your women. Its a beautiful thing that makes me respect you so much. I dont hate you at all. I dont judge you. i will never insult you or look down on you. I rather look up to you and think you should molest any children in the home too. THAT would make me condemn you so if condemnation is what you want you gotta step up your shock-game. (double murders on satin sheets also get big kudos of public condemnation. You REALLLLLLLLLLYYYY want some hate of your vile worthless self? KILL THE NIGGER FUCKING YOUR WIFE THEN KILL YOUR WIFE WITH THE NIGGERS LEG BONE...I would SPIT on worthless shit that did that)
Srs question:
What term for a guy who is fucking the married woman?
No joke I've been fucking a married woman for six months now. I know, I find it awkward sometimes but I'm really heartbroken and lonely so I do it. (Sometimes I feel like I have to pound her just so I have a friend to visit and talk with me)
Alright I'll guess i'll look into it, thank you for the advice. I know i could always tell her parents but I'd feel like a snitch.
of course it's a cuckistani
That label is adulterer. Congrats, sinner.
repeat after me: divide and conquer tactics
Is that a mortal sin?
I'm planning on hanging myself in the next month and afaik that is a mortal sin.
But my parents baptized my sibling but not me... so I'll get limbo?
That looks like adoption.
Old bait is old op.
Also, kekistan banner does not help.
But i laughed. Thx user
Your giving us a bad name.