What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
Liberals will say we should send criminals to harvard instead
I guess we should deport some of those criminal mexicans so we can send people to college.
Abolish prison and make Harvard open their borders for everyone.
Utopia follows.
kill all the prisoners guilty of felonies, duh
wtf i love prison now
Pretty sure the point is we should simply execute dangerous or multiple offenders rather than letting them live the NEET lyfe on the public dime.
More crimes should be punishable by death
How much does it cost in those really nice Scandinavian prisons?
Imagine how much tax money we could save if America wasn't flooded with so many shitskin criminals.
maybe they should stop screaming for new laws every time they get offended. the same retards that cry about prison costs and police brutality are the same ones who want to make everything illegal. really prods the peanuts.
Do prison cafeterias have soft serve ice cream like at Harvard?
We are spending too much on prisoners. we need to stop coddling them. set up some prison factories and make them work and contribute to society
>reduce sentencing time for drug charges, make repeat offenders do hard labor
>Nobody can have life in prison, just death sentence
>Death sentences can be held off for a maximum of 10 years
>If you've been in prison more than 5 times, you get killed
Nothing. There's no coherent message here. It's just liberal nonsense.
>prison labor
Yeah let's give criminals access to power tools. And let's have normal companies compete with companies that have to rely on non criminal labor.
No, if you want soft serve you have to get it from another inmate.
this is exactly what he meant
>muh normal companies
This is a 30+ board. Go away and take your fantasies with you.
We need to have a system like they had in Arnold Schwarzenegger's Running Man. And don't tell me it's a bad idea because it ended up corrupt in the movie. IT'S A MOVIE! Movies need obstacles and drama. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water!
And I hear the death penalty costs tax payers MILLIONS of dollars per inmate. IN A PLACE FULL OF MURDERERS? Just send him to genpop and announce to the other inmates that they can kill him with no consequences.
Well what retarded liberal spending is going on in California?
>These people then complain about private prisons
I want live beheadings streamed on CSPAN. Tookie Williams death redpilled me as a teen and i realized if I dont fly right I'm gonna get killed
I'm glad the left is full of smart people!!!
Lease the prisons out to foreign countries and make bank. I think Best Korea could run Cali prisons at cost, at least.
in 2020 kamala is gonna fill your stupid country with cartel members
in 20 years there is no america no more
I meant a company that relies on prison labor would have an unfair advantage over one that hires non criminals
Time for prisions loans to become a thing
It is a fair point. We should be executing recidivists behind the courtroom. One 45 to the back of the head and send a bill to the next of kin for body disposal plus the cost of the round.
>5 times
>not 3 times
>Demand that each prisoner get a personal tv, in-cell hot tub, luxury mattress, $20 meals, expensive 'rehabilitation' programs
>"OMG why is prison so expensive?? Guess we better let them out now :^)"
>t. business student
I see no problem with that. Every successful groaf-based society is built on slave labor, you student. Fucking jewristocrats thinking you're entitled to 2800 goy slaves would be funny if we weren't the ones who will have to throw you into your own machinery.
>send all nigs back to Africa
>all spics back to S.America
>use all that money saved from prisons to fund university students
It's almost like nationalism works.
Although in an ideal world we'd this instead:
>execute all current prisoners
>literally costs a few cents each for a bullet to the dome
>pay illegal mexicans to dig mass graves
>deport the illegals once they're finished
>implying american prisons don't pay better than Chinese sweatshops
American companies would be fine.
because it's not like we already do that
Average wait time on death row is 15 years (only 5 more than your proposed maximum), and it is still vastly more expensive than imprisonment, even versus these $70K a year imprisonments.
In addition, you are giving the government way to much power. In other words: the death penalty is a step in the WRONG direction.
First California will pass free healthcare and then tuition because they're so progressive and money is just a construct
>>deport the illegals once they're finished
I like the way you think.
Someone get this user another scoop.
Nah. Most of the money is eaten up in the bureaucratic administrative nonsense that is the US prison system.
Prisoners occasionally have those clear see through plastic T.V.s and android Tablets in prison but they have to buy them with their own money from within the prison. They aren't just given to them for free.
The only reason our nation hasn't crumbled is our strength and wealth. Any other western country with our current demographics would be completely fucked. A lot of western countries aren't even close to 60%, yet they're already feeling the weight of it.
They mean the Qatari government needs to distract you from the 2 million people they keep in slavery
Death penalty
-Expand death penalty to all violent crimes and drug crimes
-Deport all illegals
-Do away with traditional prisons and make outdoor camps with razor wire all around
-Prison food should be rice/beans only
-Library books the only entertainment allowed
-Less guards with orders to shoot to kill any trying to escape or causing trouble inside.
Over funded prisons are a big problem all over the world. Fuckers in my city eat better than me and complain like princesses. Being a cook in prison is more stressful than being a cook in a good restaurant.
The point is liberals do everything in their power to drive up the cost of prison and then say 'Well it's too expensive so we need to let these nogs loose on the street'
>Make all drugs legal
>No shitskins can make a living selling drugs
What happens then Sup Forums?
So what you're saying is they need to bring back the death penalty?
I'd rather spend a year at Nigger U aka jail, at least you'd learn something there.
Believe me, we are in agreement there.
>This leaf gets assaulted but ends up going to jail as well as the aggressor
>Ends up in his little Russian gulag hell
>the death penalty is so expensive guys!
>it's just too expensive to buy a bullet and a gun or a rope, we need to shelter and feed them for 50+ years at 70k a year instead
Haven't you see what drugs do to people
The problem isn't just the nigs selling them.
So we should lock up all Harvard students?
Fuck off Qatar.
What about the officials that put them there based on prosecutorial fraud? Can we let the whole town rape and torture the fraudulent prosecutors then bleed them out slowly?
People will consume drugs regardless of their legality.
Reminder that California hasn't executed in 30 years.
Also, its 6x more expensive to execute than to life imprison.
most criminals are jailed as victims of the class structure and cultural stereotypes imposed on minorities
They should be sent to institutions instead of confined like animals, most are litterally dying to be successful in society but are held back by socioeconomic status and do not know how, so they turn to crime
Yeah lets let Tyrone spend all day watching TV and lifting weights out in the yard so that when he gets out he's bigger and meaner instead of teaching him a job skill that he can use upon release. Yeah that sounds like a good use of our tax dollars
For states, that's not quite true. otoh economic rents can and should be driven down to zero, and if the government needs to start providing services that dead-weight entitled cucks want too much for, that is the people's prerogative. Jesus flips your table and drinks your milkshake.
I don't get it.
So no black person had EVER graduated from Harvard until 2017?
That's pathetic if so.
It's cheaper to just execute them and dump the bodies in mass graves in the Mojave.
I always like watchin Hank(Ijustburnedone) Johnson speaking on C-Span, he prove that smoking dope is a bad thing.
The path is clear: Send all Harvard students to prison.
>Yeah lets let Tyrone spend all day watching TV and lifting weights out in the yard so that when he gets out he's bigger and meaner instead of teaching him a job skill that he can use upon release. Yeah that sounds like a good use of our tax dollars
Heh, now you know what sublimated homosexuality looks like.
This nazi has the right idea. All the Ivy Leagues and Seven Sisters should be glassed.
This. Just put the money back into law enforcement and use it to prevent & solve more crimes instead of killing people who would probably prefer death to life in an American prison.
>it takes an average of 15 years to carry out a death sentence
This. Where do you think that money goes morons? It not like they burn it of feed it to the inmates...
It litterally goes into the pockets of civil service workers. America is so afraid of communism they will never state sponsor anything but it is badly needed and relied upon in our economy. The only sector they can justify are prisons, which is why our prisons are so over crowded. If we can just accept the government owning businesses it can put the money in the pockets of construction, agriculture or medical workers instead and we would move forward instead of being caught in this police state
More people will consume them if they're easily accessible
If someone commits a non-serious crime and they have no job skills, they should be sent to a trade school, or university for 2 to 4 years and live in a halfway house the entire time - then have their wages garnished afterward to pay some of it back. Cheaper than jailing them.
Then if they screw up again - straight to jail.
>its 6x more expensive to execute than to life imprison.
Depends on how you execute them. Ofc the state is gonna do it as humanly as possible, but a bullet should be enough.
I support the death penalty if the evidence is rock-solid and the crime is rape or murder. Like video or audio, or hundreds of eyewitnesses. In the event of overwhelming evidence the evidence should be made public and there should be a new to type of supershort trial and they should be publicly executed immediately after.
Also the education level should be decided on merit. There's no point in training someone who isn't intelligent to be a nuclear engineer.
please do empty the prisons and let run a muck on colleges
That's retarded why would you want a bunch of nigger and mongs in trades they belong in fucking mcdonalds.
If they had the work ethic required for trades they wouldn't be fucking degenerates
Corpotate control over the prison system, sucking the tax payers dry. Everything is overcharged because they can. It's the same with your hospitals.
30k-50k dollars is the price per year for the average prisoner in Norway, and this is with our "Hotel prisons".
Only if we give them 20 fucking years of appeals before we do it.
Don't send people to jail send them to Harvard instead.....no don't worry nothing will go wrong
That we should execute the truly dangerous (murder, rape, armed robbery, history of aggravated assault, pedos, political/financial corruption) and let the rest opt to renounce their citizenship for a free one way ticket out of the country.
Execute everyone. Humanity does not deserve to continue.
>inmates teaching other inmates how to be better at crime
But which ones are teaching?
They meant they have raging fucking autism
>Le ebic prison is for rehabilitation meme
>small crime = hard labor
Tell me why this isn't a superior alternative?
Death penalty endorsement?
American prisons need guards with tanks, riot gear, and automatic rifles to prevent uprisings.
is it really that hard to take them to the back of the courthouse
and empty a bullet into them
bullet costs 50c usd
And at the same time you have them a lot more crowded, pay your staff WAY less, shittier quality on everything from food to health care etc.
It shouldn't be twice as expensive in the US.
That maybe we need to rethink putting someone in prison for 10 years because they sold weed.
>Reminder that California hasn't executed in 30 years.
Yes it has. Tookie Williams execution was big news around 10 years ago.
it's a statement about how truely terrible a toll we all bay for negro crime.
Maintaining each person on death row costs $90K more per year than putting that person in prison.
Unless you want to potentially kill someone that never even committed a crime, it costs more to ensure the person who is being killed is guilty, and thus the death penalty costs more.
>Unless you want to potentially kill someone that never even committed a crime
They're in jail, you know, the place you go when you've been convicted of a crime.
And oh no, you have to spend 160k for a few years, better pay 70k for the rest of their life instead!
Liberals are dead weight
The population of muderers and rapists alone in US prisons is more than that of any nation.
Life in jail doesn't start the rigorous appeals process that the death sentence has.
Average time on death row = 15 years
That means the death penalty is cheaper only cheaper if you expect them to live for more than 30 years.
There are also the legal costs associated with the case seeking the death penalty.
Overall, in California (where the $70K/year incarceration is the cost), lifetime incarceration costs an average of $11.5M in total versus $137M for death penalty.
In other words, the death penalty is 10 times more expensive.
The only way to make the death penalty the price of a bullet is to ignore the due process of law, and risk the blood of innocent citizens on the government's hands.
Archived it for you
R8 my idea:
Replace "prison" with Fines, Caning, Lashing, Solitary Confinement, and Execution.
Pretty much every crime has a fine associated with it. More important crimes (theft, breaking and entering, stealing taxpayer money, etc) have caning on the feet and buttocks. Crimes involving hurting someone (assault, murder, rape) have caning on the feet and buttocks and lashing on the back. Prison times are cut down severely but are essentially solitary confinement with the only exceptions being mealtimes. Prisoners who show good behavior may be let out of the cell to enter into work programs. Prisoners have plenty of books and approved entertainment (radio). Prisoners who act out get caned. Drug usage gets you sent to (forced) rehab. Selling drugs illegally gets you lashed (weed, cigarettes, alcohol) or executed (heroin, cocaine, meth).
>the system has these pretty shitty flaws, so let's just ignore the problem
Nah, kill them.
15 years on death row is fucking disgusting, shorten it to 2 maximum. If you haven't confirmed they've done the crime then why are they in prison?
>he doesn't understand how appeals courts work
Good thing retards like you don't control the law at all.