Just created new youtube account. Give me Sup Forums approved subscriptions to follow.
Already added Golden One and Molymeme.
Just created new youtube account. Give me Sup Forums approved subscriptions to follow.
Already added Golden One and Molymeme.
Other urls found in this thread:
remove golden
follow jordan peterson
Millenial woes, altright.com, survivethejive,
Hes redpilled af xD
e;r for funny meme reviews
Steven Crowder
Red Ice TV
Tara McCarthy
The Golden One's personal library consists entirely of fantasy novels.
david duke
Rebel media, info wars, lauren southern(based jew XD) and sargon of akkard.
Praise kek shadily
2nd for Tara McCarthy
history civilis
interesting videos about rome and other history stuff.
Nice, added those.
black pidgeon speaks and lindybeige
PewDiePie, I heard he's a Nazi now.
Seriously though, you should add him just to fuck with the left since they are after him. I just turn off add block and mute it and leave his videos on auto play in another window. Fuck Jewtube, they have to pay him for that shit. It also helps redpill normies that know he's not really a Nazi.The media has really doubled down on slandering him so now millions of people know the news is bullshit.
Real conservative stuff, here are some more obscure ones.
Europa Resistance
Mr People's has some good stuff
Rekt SJW videos
Dissenter is also ok and needs more subs
Liking and adding videos to lists helps prevent Youtube form deleting them and deleting accounts. When something is popular enough they don't delete it because of ad revenue so also disable ad block on these when you can. the more money they generate the less likely Jews will cut it.
this has to be a troll holy fuck
Yeah Tara is the only woman on YouTube that's worth following. She brings on good guest and she is an ethno-nationalist who is also aware of jewish influence.
I used to hate PewDiePIe but unironically like him now. He just genuinely doesn't seem to give a fuck anymore.
Thulean Perspective
delray misfits
we should all be more like big lenny
Survive the Jive
Millennial Woes
Try harder mate you aren't going to level up if you keep hitting 0s
>Millenial woes
Ets bluudy desgusten!
Nollywood RealnollyTV
Porridge pals
Jordan Peterson or be forever a cuck
Roaming Millennial
Computing Forever
Jordan Peterson
The Great Work.
>the phonecall that saved bottled coke
When you're rolling in money and there's nothing anyone can do to stop him...Yeah, I'd stop giving a fuck as well.
styx as long as long as you dont mind getting ur timeline spammed as well as occult/magick videos
>pagan and a jew
Actual alt right channel I stumbled across not long ago
The Thulean Perspective
Oh, and Rocking Mr E.
These. Surprised by lindybeige. Always interesting.
Ryan Dawson
jordan peterson
3 battles in one war between carthage and rome that are interesting
battle 1
battle 2
battle 3
Some of the most famous battles in history.
Lana Lokteff (spelling?) Of red Ice radio. She's pretty good. Little cringe occasionally though.
Fucking find your own way.
Jesus christ, this begging to have other people tell you what to think is beyond pathetic. Sort yourself out.
Jordan Peterson
the young turks.
the most redpilled channel on youtube.
Stay at home daughters
Reactionary Expat
Some people like myself like to hear others take on current events to see if they have thought an aspect of it in a way I had not. Shutting yourself in in your basement isn't going to help stimulate ideological development.
ignore civ nat cucks like this
Also the Weimerica podcast is pretty good.
Naked ape
Lol faggot
>Murdoch Murdoch
>European Kitchen
>On Periscope (watch only Scott Adams)
>American Renaissance
>Jordan B Peterson
I would especially highlight the channel On Periscope (Scott Adams) because it's informative and you don't see it shilled a lot on here.
Steven Crowder: Louder with Crowder
SmartrMelon 3
Ruptly TV 99+
PioneersProductions 1
Tim Pool 17
The Thinkery 8
Sargon of Akkad 3
Mohn Jilius 8
Leftist Cuck 2
Ember's Ghost Squad
fakeengineer 2
Black Pigeon Speaks 3
Bedford Forrest 2
StevenCrowder 7
Lauren Southern 3
EazyOnMe 1
Styxhexenhammer666 23
Fullwhiskey 2
RedPill Shark 16
50 Shades
rekt sjw videos
Deplorable News 8
South Front
Deplorable Trumpster 1
Assclowns United
Duerst The Wuerst 16
Alt Right Pepe General Franco 2
POL News Network 1
Sargon of Akkad Livestreams 6
Internet Historian: Incognito Mode 1
Blonde in the Belly of the Beast 7
Rekt Feminist Videos 2
Brad Holmes 1
ViralBrother Erik 1
Social Justice Fails 1
Milo Yiannopoulos 1
White Knight 1
Gypsy Combat (BKB) 2
PewDiePie 7
Make Cringe Great Again 2
Internet Historian 1
Europa of Eurabië 2
Probably just obscuring his power levels for book sales, he's almost slipped on a couple of occasions that I can tell, I just listen for details on yank habbenings but every now and then I double take at something he almost says
Mister Metokur
Black Pigeon Speaks
Jordan B Peterson
Hyde Wars
Murdoch Murdoch
Thulean Perspective
Common Filth
The Report Of The Week
>American Renaissance
How could I forget this one. Jared Taylor is a major asset to ethno-nationalism.
Fuck you faggot. I dont want to trawl through sjw jew cancer to find some hidden redpilled gems.
American Renaissance is good
You must die now, Gracie.
Lous le Vau
Mister Metokur
I'm sure I am just repeating a bunch of other people at this point.
>implying fiction can't reveal insight into the human condition
Reactionary Expat is severely underrated and overlooked. Best voice for NeoRx out there imo.
Red Pill Philosophy
grow up you fucking child. status: not sorted
Murdoch Murdoch.
Best channel on YouTube.
Tanner Guzy
I kinda feel bad for the Golden One.
No matter how much he reads or works out hes clearly a borderline retard that got redpilled.
And that mug of his is fucking hideous. He looks like a buff Styxhex666.
Glad hes helping redpill people though.
That made me laugh, eh?
what a fucking crybaby cunt this faggot is.
>waaaaah the blacks are so racist
Join 'em already.
Styx without his glasses is pretty handsome desu
You are welcome
Stop being glassicst.
With both styx and Golden one its the fish mouth and teeth for me.
Again don't want to come off as a hater i like they are red pilling people but Jesus are they both ugly.
diglot is actually legit, her videos aren't exactly explicit about her political views but in private conversations and interviews she has made it clear that she's against white genocide and is pro-white baby making and wants a big family.
she seems legit.
Styx is a faggot.
Leftist cuck, HIGH energy & Internet Historian for my jollies.
Rekt SJWá, Squating Slav and and 50 shades for antifa doxes and keks.
Aydin paladin.
> American renaissance
> Black pigeon speaks
> Tommy Robinson
Rebel media occasionally puts out decent videos but the majority of them are garbage.
Obviously George Webb, the man closest to finding the killer of Seth Rich and bringing down the corrupt of left and right.
Not a pundit, but a serious fact-centered journalist.
>4 mentions of pewdiepie
>0 mentions of JonTron
JonTron turned out to be an actual redpilled vidya youtuber. Pewdiepie is also good since his clash with MSM though.
This. That guy is absolutely based
Black pigeon speaks
Tim cast
Murdoch Murdoch
Red ice tv
Should be enough to get you started
Include me in the CNN scr eencap
Don't listen to shills and follow Varg
thulean perspective
molymeme aint pol approved
hes a libertarian
The Justicar
Electronic Resistance
he's also a fucking jew
>follow the guy who has no problem with letting the shitskin hordes run over Europe because he hates Christians
No thanks.
>Sup Forums
>not libertarian
Fuck off newfag
Please fucking die.
How can I start a youtube account right now from my chair without giving up my phone number? I tried some online texting services but they are blocked.
>Sup Forums
>not anti jew
fuck off newfag
>taking that post seriously
You have Asperger's