CNN Fake News Protest at CNN Headquarters


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Cmon guys this is big

Hats off to these people........


Finally, a protest I can get behind!

Wow really. How many is there?


Maybe like 100 people

>all these rural and suburban retards

I'm not watching this shit.

You can clearly tell none of them have a collage degree. What an embarrassment

You are an embarrassment

I can't tell if this is bait or you purposely spelt college wrong

Hard to swallow, hey leaf?

>clearly tell
Offers zero proof to back assumption.

Ultimate boomer in the deplorable me shirt kek

Begone scum.

Don't watch fake news


I'm just a singer of simple songs I'm not a real political man, I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you the difference in Iraq and Iran.

I went through one of those tours they have of the CNN headquarters a few years ago. I remember the guide asking our group if we knew what CNN stood for, but before anyone could respond he quickly added that he "heard 'Communist News Network' five times today, so don't say it."

He sounded genuinely pissed about it too.


Gathering of the boomercucks.

Oh look LEAFS who are faggots who'd a thunk it?

Glad to see you went to collage.
Personally, I went to college.

i think that if people really want to do a fake news protest, they should be making full size posters of images like pic related. show evidence of the media's dishonesty to everyone willing to see it.


Sigh. Pls go and stay go

> Join stream.
> "You've never heard that song? You've never been in a biker bar then."

Oh lawd this is great.

Jews are not happy about this.

At least these guys are out doing something.

>You've never heard that song? You've never been in a biker bar then.
Which song was it?

FUCK this is boring.....was hoping for some anti-jew rhetoric being shouted.

hmm. Who is Paul Waldman in the Opinion+ piece there?

You guys shit on these people and all you're doing is sitting on your asses.

Meanwhile a leftist rally is always 20x as big

conservashits fail at everyting

Damn I'll be in Atlanta this coming week, I'll go if they're still doing it

hey's it's that biker's 4 trump guy

none of em wouldof gotten collage degrees because their all morans. I stand by my leafbro


>EU talkin shit

Holy fucking shit. Are you people retarded? Trump is retarded. The alt-right is retarded. The alt-left is retarded. Fuck all of you.


Suport presdent


Bless these beautiful protestors

about 50 old hillbilly hicks


Is this where I can find the famous hacker called "Four-Chan?"

>that based pajeet


Did I just see Andrew Anglin?



>errybody being polite and jovial with the cops

this gives me warm and fuzzy feelings

I ain't seein' no 'splosions.

>about 50 old hillbilly hicks
Unlike you libfags, we have to be at our jobs.

Found this OC in a 1952 Columbus newspaper.

On a saturday?

Jew poster

What kind of fucking pleb works on a Saturday? Blue collar trash.

j-just some hillbilly hicks goy! don't pay any attention to them!

i masturbated to this with anal stimulation

Hide your flag leaf, your kind isn't welcomed here. Why defend your cuck nation?

Flag checks out.

Newspapers used to be so classy

Lady knows what is going on.

I wonder who could be behind this post...

Why are Southern accents so cute? I just can't take it, I want to take them home with me and feed them biscuits.




Bump for freedom fighters

Congratulations to those who organized this protest. I know most of them work and can't always protest but more of it should happen, so they feel the pressure.


About fucking time. Hopefully this raises awareness of the corrupt practices of news outlets.

These fucking (((journalists))) need to stay on the defensive. They have had too long to obfuscate the truth


Same reason dogs are cute. Helpless idiots.

Its a teenage Trump Brietbart wankfest
(CNN is bullshit, but this is just more of the same crap. "Stop telling the truth about our incompetent President")

Actually this is a good and proper protest. Np violence, dialogue with everyone including law enforcement, raising public awareness about the corrupt practices of news outlets. All in all 9/10 protest.
Needs more coverage.

Calling them propaganda would trigger them harder than calling them fake news

what did he mean by this?

is CNN running any segment on this?

>RURAL and suburban retards




>tfw mutilated penis because of the kikes
feels bad man :(

It's good that there are people outside talking about an actual issue which is a large news organization lying to people. Much better than the popsci hugbox that leftist organizations set up.

It doesnt all have to be secretly redpilling girlfriends about white genocide and posting about it on Sup Forums

It was a banner

>White supremasist rally outside CNN headquarters. Possible Russian funding

full coverage on negative-lower-thirds
>in other words not visible on screen

Nope, I have my TV on right now. Completely ignoring it. Well at least the New York branch I'm in is.

that's evidence for what, exactly?

It's kind of stupid that they're showing support fot trump.

Thr should be protesting CNN, or supporting trump elsewhere. They shouldnt be doing both at the same time.

Theres a big difference between citizens protesting bad news, and "president supporters" protesting bad news.

Shouldnt it be, "I want fair and honest news" and not "I dont like how you talk about my president?"

Damn, this is a shit protest. They need better beats and chants. At least the right has a good grasp on the memes



oy veeeeey