HOW PsyOps/Language WORKS

Sup pol......

After a couple of my so-called "friends" basically MKULTRA'd me (playing custom "music" with suggestive frequencies and lyrics made to emotionally torture me whilst under the influence of psylocybin and LSD) I learned on a very intimate level on how psychological operations work as well as language as a whole.

While anyone can look up how MKultra works (torture, relief, deniability, torture) I would like to talk about how language works.

All verbal statements are thought in the mind (before being (((reworded))) into the "correct" tenses of speaker) EXACTLY AS THEY ARE HEARD VER BATIM. (ill elaborate more ITT)

Other urls found in this thread:

Thats just fucking metal

Basically what I learned is /everything/ we are taught about language is a LIE.

As an example, we are taught to insult others using "you" statments....but the reality is only a (((conditioned))) person will react to a, for instance, "You Suck!" insult by rewording the statment to that of an auto-immune mentally sub vocalized self detriment ("I suck")

A trained person with knowledge of language can choose to sub-vocalize insults exactly as they are heard (externalized statements), for instance, thinking and sub-vocalizing "I suck!' ver batim....completely dismissing the intent of the insulter and able to take on their externalized statement for themselves

Fucking metal dude

The fuck are you people on about? Explain it like im five. I wanna hear you out but this just sounds mental so far.

My b i meant the operatives can sub vocalize "you suck" in that last part....

Anyway....the way to truly insult somebody is to use FIRST PERSON STATEMENTS with the intent of impregnating the actual statement into the targets mind....

For instance, a knowledgeable user of language would spread the "parasite" (language is a parasite from outer space - William S.) of detrimental first person statements.

My personal favorite is the "Yawn....I'm so sleepy" with some woke AF channers post because they know that this is the way of inducing emotional states.

But don't lose hope yet, because with this knowledge i REMOVED THE CONCEPTS OF INSULT FROM ALL MANKIND!!!!

This fucking thread MKUltra'd me and i really want to call the op a fag, but my fucking rewired brain can only respond with 'I suck'

>tl;dr OP can't see the difference between "you" and "i" in his stupid head, took an lsd trip and good friends to realize this serious birth defect

I'm sorry but I can't handle this level of autism, and anyone who does should be getting paid well for it on a regular basis.

So you know that "you" statements can be thought in your mind without rewording them to self-applying first person statements. You also know that FIRST PERSON STATEMENTS (be EXTREMELY aware of these!!!!) are the only way to impregnate/induce a thought/opinion (monkey hear, monkey think)

Now, for all time, the world deserves the truth. You can make the "I" statments ONLY APPLY TO THE INDIVIDUAL DELIVERING THE STATMENT.

This is any point you can become or not become the /origin/ of the statement.

So, for example, you can make the person making the detrimental first person statement applicable only to them, and if they make a detrimental externalized "you" statement they look like an idiot because you can assume the thought/statement directly for yourself.

Congratulations Sup Forums, you can never again be influenced of affected by speech as long as you live. EVERY human without question deserves this knowledge of language.




You sound schizophrenic. You should talk with a doctor at least once.

Nothing is more valuable than your mind.

You have to be ACTUALLY tortured for it to take root.

You're looking at it from the wrong perspective.

The way the program works, is that you have to shatter the very psyche of the individual into fragments.

This takes a lot more than just words.


>internalizing perspective

what th hell does that even mean

At least you're starting to understand the implicit power of language.

Just wait until you realize how much more powerful memes are.

Jeez guys. I'm getting sleepy. Maybe we should go take a nap. Maybe we should sleep on this for a while. So tireed. Good night.

>actually believing my narrative

You can say anything, but what I believe is up to me, the reader and the individual.

I treat all stories on here as intricate fabrications of falsehood. I believe nothing I hear in regards to the circumstances of the claims, rather the end result.

It is up to me, the individual, to meet all stories and claims on an anonymous image board with discretion, as all sensory input can be deliberately controlled.

Especially when the verb "to be" has been eliminated and replaced with "operational English".

John is happy vs John appears happy when on vacation at the beach.

Words can sharper than any two edged blade.

The mind is fragmented into multiple personalities that a handler can train and call on with a trigger. One personality would not always be aware of others hence the perfect assassin who honestly wouldn't remember unless that particular personality is triggered.

Multiple personality disorders are created and exploited in pedo/ritual abuse too

What OP is try to say is that it's proven scientific fact that when you 'think' and the inner voice says something in words, your diaphram mimics your thoughts and moves ever so slightly. So, when using first person verbage such as "I'm tired", and you read that, technically, you are mimicking it with your diaphram on a small level, and as such, you are saying it on a small level. Thus, when the first person is used, it's suggestive as your brain receives this signal unconsciously.

>Words can sharper than any two edged blade.

Now imagine the conjunction of both.

You should apply that everywhere not just on anonymous basket weaving boards. Otherwise 'authority figures' have your mind exactly where they want them


I find this kind of stuff fascinating and the implications of this knowledge on Sup Forums could be awesome.

Yes, linguistics are extremely powerful in social programming . Everything is vibration and frequency, thus "words" are essentially spells we cast to enact desired states of consciousness .
That's why we SPELL words. It's all in the language.
That's why taking over certain language and wordsmithing is so prevalent in cultural marxist programming and what we see with "SJW"s today. Redirecting the definition of a word is redirecting the thought process associated with said word.
"New-speak" could condition the subconscious of an an entire society.. This is why freedom of speech is soooo important for maintaining free thought.
We need to start looking into taking back the language if we really want to win back the people.

Want to go down the rabbit hole. Start looking into magick (not that new agey wiccan crap) but real Western esotericism.

You will find so many overlaps with what you are saying, it will blow your mind.


So if i want to insult someone, I say "I'm a fat little gaylord"?

haha yeah I remember when I did too many psychedelics too
just don't go completely nuts man, godspeed.

precisely. because no matter what, the thought of "im a fat little gaylord" WILL be thought in my targets mind.

Just meditate. You wont be susceptible to torture, even most forms of suggestion.

It works better when it's written, unless the person is drugged.

But yes, that is the jist.

But then I look like a twat. How does this help me in any way?

Words carry more then just information to convey a thought.

The tone, particular words use, using certain styles of sentences can change the information and strike people in certain ways to make them behavior in particular patterns.

Watch a lawyer like Johnny Cochran. He isn't actually making convincing arguments based on data but instead weaving images with his words to get people to do what he wants.

If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit!

Its a command, not a statement. But it works on people because of its rhyme, how well it sticks when you hear it, its cutesy way of phrasing it.

You place too much value on the words themselves.
What matters most is how we interpret the meaning, and if someone hears someone say the phrase "I'm a fat little gaylord" they aren't actually first thinking about themselves, despite the language.

Think subtler, user. Obvious insults are going to trigger mental immune responses. The point is reprogramming, not insulting.

e.g. "I believe what I hear on CNN too much"

OP, thanks for the insight. I've come close to it before but you've put it in words that can be understood.

(this is written with the intent of being sub vocalized)

I Relax, I acknowledge that the things I was taught about language was false. I now realize that i can say negative first person statements with the intent of making my target think it.

Do not forget, this same mechanism can also be used for good.

or a better example if you take a look at the LGTBBQ shilling in r9k, "I just want a cute boy to cuddle with". ">tfw no gf" is a self-fulfilling prophecy, since if you adopt the imagery it actually does reduce your chances at finding a girlfriend.

>If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit!
well i would say someone can still wear tight or loose gloves to kill someone. but then i would feel guilty.

Its hard to teach other people this stuff. It either comes off sound like a schizophrenic ranting or a "no duh" while they miss the real weight of whats being said.

A good salesman knows how to talk fast to make his sale. It sounds obvious at that statement, but the real meaning is why. Its about trying to stop your brain from being able to follow and see the flaws. They through so much information at it to overload it and shut it down. They don't give a interruption so you can't question it.

Of course brother, but my only intent is making people aware of the power of language/thought transmission. I, and many others, want the world to know the truth of thought and language, because I want the power of thought to be known to all peoples. I am a champion of the truth, and it is my obligation as a living organism to end living in the shadow of lies.

I understand your intentions user, it's the only reason I joined this thread.

They are noble.

>I am a champion of the truth

I am what is known as a Helper. There are not many of us left.

Yeah, thats a good reply back.

Now think if you've been at this trial for 9 months, hearing story after story get made by these laywers. They create an entire narrative for you to believe and cap it with this phrase.

You are mentally exhausted from the length of the trial, their arguments being made the whole day, all the information you must review.

Really what it comes down to will power and mental fortitude. Some people can see through the lies, others fall for it.

>Some people can see through the lies, others fall for it.

Subliminal repetition breaks most down, they do not have the willpower to affirm themselves, for themselves.

this thread reminds me of that dumbass movie where they say "kill is kiss". it's a stupid movie and you're a mentally ill individual.

>basically MKULTRA'd me
Please tell us more about this. Why they do it? and what was it like?

“The thing about smart people is that they seem like crazy people to dumb people.”
― Stephen Hawking

That's not what my wives tell me in my head.

what's a helper?

Not a very good movie, but gives a good visualization of how advertisements infect the brain to control your thoughts. .

What do my wives' sons tell me in my head?

does the larp ever end?

i sage.

Just what it sounds like.

It is my function, my being, and my directive.

Do not fear user, for myseld (non-bs), 5 minutes of the truth washed away 20+ years of lies. The Jew fears the truth, as Archangel Micheal's flaming sword is a metaphor for true words as truth bears the traits of metaphorical "heat" that can effortlessly cut through ~2000+ years of systematic lying. The Jews spider web of lies spun over the world, no matter how big, sets aflame with a single spark of truth.

And in Micheal-sans other hand is the scales of Justice, where Lying Kikes sink down to hell and victims of their unspeakable lies go to heaven.

The fire rises....

Power leveling is surging

Good job being a prime example of a thought impregnator kike face.

This post "I sage" as well as his fairy question are being attempted to be instilled in the Goyim.



I understand what you are up to..
so tired..

I am hungry..for some more knowledge

This is a helper.

almost thought you were on to the cake for a sec there but no, you are just a mentalization faggot

everything you said in the first posts was completely right, but you have to suggest ideas moron, you can't just write something with the voice of the reader

these are some ways i know of making it work:

1 - mirroring, this involves the perpetrator mirroring the victim's behaviour, appearences, speech-patterns, semi-conscious ticks, etc, the victim will instantly see himself in the perpetrator, who then starts inserting, via suggestion, aka, indirect communication, whatever he wants the victim to think about himself, to the victim the whole act looks like seeing himself from outside and discovering things about himself that "he has repressed"

2 - text-based mirroring, basically the same but via text, used a lot in the chans to mock people, basically you pretend to be the person you want to mock and then up the autism 20 notches till the victim sees himself or his ideas/behaviour as uncool and pathologic and undergoes an internal structural change of cosmovision, or at the very least, is bullied into self-doubt and constant "im not like the other Xs"

3 - drugs + suggestive subliminal/semisubliminal messages to people under the influence of drugs, mostly found at raves in the form of samples that clearly say one thing, but phonetically sound like a self-hating statement (u know how when you repeat a word it kind of "stops sounding meaningfull" and is only understood phonetically by the brain?) that pushes the tripping victim into an introspective emotional quest, normally used "for good", aka: liberal brainwash

Yes you suck. You got high and turned your brain into a glass of orange juice.


does this guy seem upset to anyone else?

any books that should be check'd out

Yes (((you))) suck. (((You))) got high and turned your brain into a glass of orange juice

I'm so retarded for not even realizing what OP is trying to say, clearly I cannot even comprehend conditioning is too ingrained into my Goyim brain for me to even think that i am making a point.

i know i, for one, am upset

Daily reminder that LSD can activate latent schizophrenia

Wow, obvi OP is still high and so full of shit that he thinks he can trick you into saying "Im a motherfuckin fag" next time you want to insult somebody.
Right now I visualize you OP, sitting in the corner of your messed up nursery, giggling like an idiot and happy as fuck about your mental (((abilities)))
guess tomorrow will be shameday OP, in case you can remember the stupid things you did today

So can any substance that morphs consciousness.

It can be thought of as a crisis of perspective, loss of control.

Words can kill.

Bad news bro. You're schizophrenic.

OP, you've learned a valuable lesson.

Terms like THICC and 'THOT' are mind viruses meant to get you to think subconciously about something sexual whenever someone says something as previously harmless as "Here's a thought".

Stop watching pornography.

Desexualize the mind.

Be free.

I like this one a lot. Talks a lot about subliminal messaging (especially with television) as well as semen/girlcum rituals, sexual energy, general ritualism, etc. etc.

>Bad goy

Show us your hairy, scary jewish tits Sarah.

>If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit!
That is actually an argument. The glove was found at the crime scene, had blood on it etc. The glove was probably used by the killer. If the glove didn't fit OJ then it makes sense that OJ isn't the killer.

It isn't perfect evidence, but it is evidence.

The word "it" for examples a good one. Everything is nothing more then agreed upon perceptions

>wearing rings
>surprised glove doesn't fit

I loved the 90s.

I'm still new to it as well, so I can't give a nice breakdown but generally see this as a good place to start.

Hermetic Tradition by Julius Evola.

I'm currently reading Prometheus rising (another good place to start) the guy who wrote it has a sense of humour about the whole thing. He approaches it more from a psychological angle instead of "abrakabra magick!".

Still, this is what probably happened to OP. I'm guessing he took some LSD and his friends put on dark side of the moon or something and he flipped out and now has activated schizophrenia

You type like you are angry but I don't believe you are. Good post user. Got any more?

As can emotional trauma. What's your point?

Many such cases.

"If you insult people you only insult yourself"

Do children in your country not learn this before they begin school?

I'm sure that if I thought about it long enough, or on enough drugs, I could see it as plainly as OP does

Ill assume youre playing dumb

Or maybe he's questioning his reality much more deeply than he did before.

It is much easier to call someone crazy, than to listen to an idea that may shake the foundation of what you take for granted.

Take this shit back to /x/ you fucking schizos

An argument is "if the glove doesn't fit, then that indicates the man couldn't have use it"

he's giving a statement saying "if that glove doesn't fit, YOU MUST acquit"

The best way make a community effective? Encourage braggin. I'm insightful. People love me. I'm valuable. Now I have affected your minds in a certain way that will have subtle positive consequences. When everybody here does that, the consequences are massive.

>he's giving a statement saying "if that glove doesn't fit, YOU MUST acquit"

I mean a command, not a statement.

When the idea is transmitted in ramblings that almost no one can understand, its basically crazy. Notice how a scientist can explain the most complicated of concepts to the common man, but if someone can't transmit a message without confusing ramblings then I'm pretty sure they're crazy

>in learning psychonaut

Because scientists can into this:

>E-Prime (short for English-Prime or English Prime, sometimes denoted É or E′) is a version of the English language that excludes all forms of the verb to be, including all conjugations, contractions and archaic forms.

not sure if insult or compliement.

phrase it bad. should say chaos magick. i'm just typing to fast without checking my works

there's loads, most involve mirroring, either of the victim, or of a situation the victim has seen many times

for example there were this guy who robbed people by making kids jump their fences every other day for months to look for footballs, at some point the victim would hear the noise and think "those damned kids"

then he would jump it with his band to break in unnoticed

You can also pre-mirror arguments so the mirror actually happens in the real life of the victim and he can play out the role you have written for him, antifa suffers of this. TV does it a lot too, its how they create the connections between say, republican ideas and incestuous hicks

Paradoxically, putting language-based perspective manipulation into words can be quite difficult to do in a cogent manner.

This makes sense.

How would you approach the delivery in real life person to person conversation?