What are they good for? How many do countries need? When will they next be used? Why aren't advanced big countries such as Germany allowed to get them but Pakistan and North Korea are allowed to have them?
Redpill me on nukes
Do some digging on who gave Pakistan nukes. Redpills inbound (protip: it was as a response to the USSR giving nukes to India)
Don't even dream about nukes,eternal kraut
Why doesn't Latvia have nukes? Aren't you threatened by Russia?
We are not allowed to have nukes because we agreed to the "Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany".
Switzerland also tried to get some, but the americans went full reeeeeeeeeeeee mode.
They exist and aren't going anywhere. Having them if a nessecary evil
>Why Germoney cannot into nooks?
Because we said so, bitch.
They have ours
Because Germany has zero power in the world.
Your economy is based off others buying your shit.
We will never let you have power because we are just using your people as nigger tier slaves.
Pakistan didnĀ“t ask Uncle Sam. They just built some. Same with the Norks
>Oh please jewish Masters, can i pls have a bomb?
Not for long. Latinos won't give a shit about a 2 million East Euro nation they probably don't know exists.
Nukes for the jews
Sure thing Shlomo. Except you can't just "build some" nukes, especially when your scientific level is 18th century tier.
There are many countries that could go nuclear in a long weekend.
>S. Korea
Many others. That's just off the top of my head. It's the international non-proliferation regime that keeps things under relative control.
You know, it's kinda expensive...Also we have weaponized folk songs
Nukes are the reason why there hasn't been a direct conflict between two major powers since 1945
>Why aren't advanced big countries such as Germany
You co-own France's nukes
The United States has promised most countries that if they get nuked, the US will nuke back
>the United States has promised
kek. not even their greatest ally believed that shit
>What are they good for
Killing things
>How many do countries need
More than the enemy
>When will they next be used
Not sure about when, but the Where is South East Asia
>Why aren't advanced big countries such as Germany allowed to get them but Pakistan and North Korea are allowed to have them
Because no one wants to risk war with China/Russia and go stomp those countries.
why the UK has such a problem growing it's supply will always confuse me.
probably because we somehow got ourselves ripped off by americans.
>Because no one wants to risk war with China/Russia and get stomped by those countries
Uhm, no sweetie. In a conventional war the US could fight all of those countries at once but the US will have allies that join in. Problem is it won't be conventional.
China is 4 times the size of the US and has a well-trained ground army. the US has niggers and women
>tfw you need nukes just because you're surrounded by mudslimes.
Empty promise or not, it has successfully kept other nations from developing nukes of their own
not the greates ally
Um... try again honey. China has 200 million men ready for the meat-grined. Not to mention the pact with most ex-soviet nations Russia has.
Russia has 10,000 nukes and China for the meat grinder. The West would fall very, very quickly. Dont forget how densely populated Europe is. Dont forget how many subs Russia and China have.
>China is 4 times the size of the US
And mostly desert.
> a well-trained ground army
Along with a significantly worse Airforce and Navy.
Stop being retarded.
>South East Asia
There's a lot of truth to that. Energy concerns are about to push Asia back into realpolitik. Also, eastern Europe is going to be dicey in the next several years with Russia's decline and territorial ambitions. There's a possibility that someone could throw a nuke into the mix in eastern Europe and fuck over everyone.
i meant China the nation you dummy
There's 4 chinks for every burger
And us Americans each have 4 bullets for every chick.
>muh numbers
Gee what happens when a mass bombing campaign meets a densely populate area user?
Americans can only shoot school children. You can't even defeat a small bunch of dune coons
>What are they good for?
Killing a lot of people, doing bad damage
>How many do countries need?
As many as they can get
>When will they next be used?
Hopefully not for a long time
>Why aren't advanced big countries such as Germany allowed to get them but Pakistan and North Korea are allowed to have them?
They aren't cucks and understand the concept of defending yourselves, unlike you
Ask yourself this since most military age Americans live in urban areas
this guy knows what he's talking about, he's one of the only good tripfags on this entire website
>What are they good for?
Deterring people from fucking with you. It's especially useful in negating whatever leverage a nation with nukes could hold over you, and the more nations have nukes the more and more UNlikely nukes ever being used again becomes, because for every nation a nation might wish to nuke, at least one other nation will be willing to retaliate for that use, regardless of intentions or justifications. MAD was not just pulled out of thin air, it was a very real, very potent doctrine that played no small role in keeping the Cold War cold.
>Why aren't advanced big countries such as Germany allowed to get them but Pakistan and North Korea are allowed to have them?
Countries that already have them don't want countries that don't have them to get them, precisely because of reasons I'd laid out before.
Are they allowed to do all the research and stuff to make them as long as they don't actually produce a functional one, or is it a "don't even think about it" thing?
all you need to know kraut is what one single nuke is like 100 Chernobyls
>Pakistan has more nukes than India
Lol we made our own nukes by tricking US search on Pokhran we even got a war for that,for not consulting US.
>advanced big countries such as Germany
if by 'advanced' you mean good at taking rapefugee dick and becoming a kaliphate then yes.
krautniggers pls go
you couldn't even make your own toilet. same with Pakis
They don't exist. The technological capability just isn't there.
>a non country talking tough
You literally only exist because the US allows it.
And when did Russia get more than usual?
Nuclear dissuasion. Enough to kill 80 millions german in case of. Cuz you lost WW2, also, Pakistan and North Korea aren't allowed to have them.
Any other question, Fritz ?
I just Wiki'd it. How do Germans feel about this today? How long is it supposed to last?
Israel has had multistage weapons for decades
Since when pirates started advocating for toilets?
I believe they're allowed to do all the research and have MOST of the material they'd need. After all most of them have civilian nuclear power, research facilities and educational institutions, and the skilled personnel. I think it's mostly treaty obligations and political and diplomatic happenstance that keep them in line, after all those four and most of the others are exceptionally close allies of the US which means they don't need an independent nuclear deterrent or capability.
I mean I just went through it. How come Switzerland wanted some if they're neutral??
>confusing Somali niggers with jolly gentlemen of fortune
I'm more interested in how the fuck Pakistan hasn't yet lost a few of their nukes to Taliban or ISIS.
Isn't like half of their cunt ruled by Islamists?
its pretty much the other way around
USA isnt independent , its controlled by a shadow government . there's no way the country could survive a week governed by orange meme man.
That must be one of your (((many))) designated shitting canal.
>the toilet is a jewish trap
I guess It doesnt really matter since Germany isnt going to be in any risk of beeing nuked. ( Even tho Berlin might be an exeption ).
Also, why should we nuke anyone ?
South Africa used to have nukes, but they gave them up so ANC wouldn't have them. Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine give their nukes to Russia after the USSR dissolved. Sweden, Romania, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Iran, Libya, and some South American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile) tried to get nukes but never did. There's no proof Israel has nukes but it's assumed that they do.
>Also, why should we nuke anyone ?
Why not? There are many countries that would benefit from a proper nuking. One comes to mind in particular.
>What are they good for?
Blowing up other nuclear weapons locations, military bases and of course, city capitals. It's extremely unlikely they will be used to target areas with large populations, but the worst thing they will do is destroy lots of harvest, that everyone needs. And you can't even go into a radioactive area without cleaning up the your mess.
What, you thought someone else was going to clean up all that radioactive waste and irradiated corpses? Hell no mother fucker, it's YOUR fucking nukes, so it's YOUR fucking gamma rays you need to get rid of.
And for the last fucking time, humanity can't go extinct from a nuclear war, unless if everyone was packed into the Grand Canyon and then blown up.
Even idiots know this shit.
They literally prevent another total war scenario
Mutually Assured Destruction is the reason we haven't and will never have WWIII
It's funny for anyone to have that many nukes. Like, how many major cities are there in the world? Not even 1,000 right?
Well, at least build some sheds for private defecation you dirrrty pirate.
How did the pakis get nukes?
I was thinking more of the settlement in general, like the limits on army, navy and air force
>The Samson Option is the name that some military analysts and authors have given to Israel's deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a "last resort" against a country whose military has destroyed much of Israel.
They're a deterrence. You can have a shit-tier military overall; but if you've got nukes even a superior force has to think twice about invading you.
They're pointless offensively but very valuable defensively.
really makes you think
Because neutrality is never universally respected. Holland, Norway and Belgium were neutral in both world wars, but what happened to them in 1940? If you want to protect your neutrality, you need to be prepared to use what ever means possible.
this desu
Here's an appendix video counting up every nuclear detonation up until 1998 with location and the which country's bomb it was.
Just remove the simple from the previous link and you will get a good idea. I am not informed enough atm.
because nukes can mean the difference between being "neutral" and being neutral.
China helped them to keep the Indians in check.
>What are they good for?
They have prevented WW3 thus far
>When will they next be used?
Spatial warfare I hope
>Why aren't advanced big countries such as Germany allowed to get them
The world has learnt an unarmed Germany is best Germany
>you can't even go into a radioactive area without cleaning up the your mess.
Actually you can. Most places that have been nuked or are radioactive are a haven for flaura and fauna, even wildlife.
When you travel in an airplane you are exposed to the same levels of radioactivity as a nuclear waste barrenland. It doesn't effect most humans because it's all a matter of chance and it's our immune system is evolved to defeat 99.99% of cancerous cells.
>not knowing that nukes don't exist
>not knowing that nukes were a ruse to keep the population afraid and keep federal government in power
>not knowing the soviets did the same to their slavecitizens
wake up
You are aware that NATO and US allies amount to a billion people, right? The numerical edge hardly exists and is mitigated through technological superiority.
India was a newly post-colonial state that strongly favored socialism at the time
not a threat to China
You idiot turds gave them nukes.
>more than the enemy
If we can completely annihilate the enemy 6 times over, but they can completely annihilate us 7 times over, are they actually more powerful?
The taliban is a proxy for the Pakistani ISI (inter-service intelligence agency) that exists to 1) attempt to control the Pastuns and 2) keep Afghanistan and India from forming an effective Alliance. What most people miss is that much of Pakistan is simply those Afghan provinces the British were able to exercise control over, and insofar as Afghanistan exists as a country, it has a more legitimate claim over Pashtun regions of Pakistan than Pakistan does itself, what with being a fake country and all. India similarly wants Jammu and Kashmir for itself, and probably Punjab. By keeping the Taliban active and potent, Pakistan essentially keeps it's to enemy neighbors from allying with one another. The Taliban isn't going to go against its masters. ISIS might try, but they're unlikely to succeed because they don't have the same patronage the Taliban has.
The CIA lists 63? nations with the technical, industrial and material ability to create nuclear weapons within a year.
Delivery systems not included.
How is it that ancaps always peddle the dumbest shit?
Right. Makes sense
delivery systems are no big deal, commercial airliners are a thing and IFF devices are usually done on the honor system.
Netherlands and Germany do have Nukes on load from the US. They don't have the capacity to produce them but they have he ability to use them, largely at their own discretion.
Little known fact.
>USA: 330 million.
>European NATO allies: 500 million.
>Canada: 35 million.
>ANZAC: 31 million.
>Japan: 148 million.
>South Korea: 48 million.
>Total population of dependable allies: 1.052 billion.
You can get fancy... Throw in India against Pakistan... Add the Gulf States and Iran, South East Asia wants China's ass... Indonesia, etc.
The numbers and the technology are on our side.
>China: 1.3 billion.
>Russia: 128 million.
>Total: 1.428 billion.
Bunch of chumps.
>a well-trained ground army
Questionable, given that a competent military is a threat to the central government so what they have is a loyal military. Also one that hasn't fought a war in nearly two generations.
There's a wonderful conspiracy theory on the upswing that "global warming" or climate change is really the result of above ground nuclear testing in the 40's 50's and 60's. While this time period does coincide with an increase in carbon emissions, it was the above ground nuclear detonations that pushed us over the edge. It's often been talked about the effects of a nuclear war on the atmosphere and environment, but as that vid shows we did in fact have a long and slow nuclear war.
Fuck, I did not know we got so much nukes. And we always talk about how peaceful France is nowadays but we have so many weapons.
only germans dont respect neutrality
Threat, competitor, call it what you will, the fact is they have been opponents to China probably since even before modern India was born, even had their own cold-hot war iirc.
how do you think
They got them from the UK. Just like the Indians almost assuredly got them from the Russians.
The US is the ultimate source of all nuclear weapons technology. We gave it to France and the UK, who gave it to Israel and Pakistan respectively. The Russians stole it from the US and gave it to India and China. Israel gave it to South Africa and China gave it to North Korea (I assume, though why they'd do so I have no idea).