Summer is for niggers.
In winter you can wrap up warm and get comfy. What are you meant to do in summer? Rip your skin off?
Summer is for niggers.
In winter you can wrap up warm and get comfy. What are you meant to do in summer? Rip your skin off?
fuc u have no idea. I am literally dying and its only a few weeks into summer.
Got icepacks on my neck and chest, laying in bed with two fans. its 24 degree celcius.
Fuck this shit man.
I can't imagine living somewhere where it's permanently hot like Arizona. Over 15 degrees and I'm done.
Afghanistan is cold as shit in winter and it is a shitty mudslim county
It's 22C here today and I'm fucking dying. I've had 3 cold showers today just to get some relief.
I work in an office that is mostly women. They obviously have the heating blasting constantly. I checked the thermostat the other day, 27 fucking degrees in the room.
>Not sitting in 105 degree weather with no airconditioner
it takes a few weeks to get used to it, but it's liberating when you do.
Crazy some people think 25C is the perfect temp. WTF how can they even be white? Like leafbro above said, anything over 15C is nigger tier.
You guys live in Canada, it's still jacket weather right now.
It's fucking 100 degrees in TN and humid as fuck. I wish I had the money to move somewhere cold.
Also this, most Arabic countries are cold as fuck. Look at Turkey, Germany, Afghanistan, all of the ones surrounding Russia.
Only time it even gets warm there is in summer, rest of the year is barren wasteland of tundra.
26c here today and hate it. My white skin isnt made for heat. I like it anywhere between 15- 20. Glad we only get couple weeks of heat then it starts cooling again.
M8 this country is insanely hot at the moment, I'm struggling to do any work at all, how do people live in this shit all year round? Where has the rain gone???
save us
It's not jacket weather here, retard. It was over 90 Ameritard degrees yesterday in Toronto
28C here mfw
You guys are wimps 500C in Kensington the other day.
Spain had 50C - lol desertfags.
>Got icepacks on my neck and chest, laying in bed with two fans
>its 24 degree celcius.
I find that certain music makes the heat more bearable. It's like the music is suffering in the heat with you, and it helps me cope.
Same here but only 1 fan and 28 degrees. But even if I had another fan, the sweating would never stop. Is there any country on the planet where summer hits 20C max?
112 degrees with 80% humidity here :^)
Tennessee here, too. Anything over 80 degrees is pretty damn uncomfortable here due to the humidity. I've been to Phoenix when it's 105 and it's fine. The humidity is the worst thing about the south. It's a breeding ground for disease and swamp ass...
Dry heat though, I'll take that any day over this bullshit.
y-you too
I plan on it m8
it's hot as balls here in summer
Air conditioning nigga. White man can survive in all climates.
Get a few bottles
Fill them with water
Chuck them in your freezer overnight
When it's too hot, take one out, put it in a sock, and shove it between your thighs. There's a big artery somewhere are there. Cooling it will cool you
FACT: Anyone who lives in the Southern US is NOT WHITE.
FACT: If you have problems with the cold, you are NOT WHITE
>Live in a hot country
>Eat hot food
Why do niggers and poos do this?
North America is much colder than Europe fuck off
You mean Canada?
I doubt anyone likes +25C desu famalam
anyone who posts without using their country flag is a faggot
It's because our houses are designed for winter with insulation and shit so they become ovens in summer.
Northerners literally fought to keep free slaves so ther daughters could fuck them. Yeah the southern arent the non white ones here who else dies trying to giving niggers rights? Not whites.
Northern US and Midwest gets much colder than most of Europe in the winter and is cooler than southern europe in the summer
I love you winter chan
TN master race riverbend was unbearable
>be me
>grow up in town that's @ 101F today (((that's 38C for you commies)))
>realize desert is cancer and leave
>move across country to east coast
>realize that wet heat is 1000x worse
its fooking freezing down here.
>hurr dur lets keep black people as slaves forever because that will work out real well
You're retarded
It's so fucking hot right now. my brain feels like it popped. I feel so tired and lethargic. How the fuck do People live in hot climates ? No wonder they can't think properly and are too tired to work. I would be too if I had to endure this hit all year. I'm sweating like a pig and hornets and spiders are crawling into my room because I have to keep the window open
You from Chattanooga?
That doesn't explain the outdoors where things can be even worse than indoors
Canada gets oven hot.In the summer we get no wind so the heat is trapped on the surface and boils us. Also the atmosphere is thinner here so we get more light.
As if your countries are even cold, comfy fuckers. BRRRRR.
Meant for My bad
>tfw living in arizona
I should really try and find a comfy spot in a cold state to buy land and move there
It's a double act with
Autumn and winter have always been my favorite. Except for the free labor, I can't imagine what possessed my ancestors to settle in the south. Summer in SC has to be as close to humid hell as one who just arrived from England could find.
It is an irrefutable fact of history that supremacy has been moving inexorably North since the dawn of civilization.
The White man has been invested as the caretaker of humanity by God himself. This graph proves this beyond any doubt.
Pol needs to issue bans. This thread is not politics related, just another race bait thread. Sage.
I was starting to think I was the only one from this general area that post on Sup Forums
It's because of the weather desu
keep... talking...
Agree. Fuck the heat.
Anything above 20C is unnecessary.
Not worth installing for a few days of use a year.
Hour or so west of Chatty, SE of Nashville (Manchester).
The fall and spring are the nicest weather i've ever seen in any area of the world.
Summer is just so humid because of the TVA dams and rivers.
GL gents.
We need a nuclear winter to maek things /comfy/
Fucking pussies. It's 39 degrees here and I haven't even turned the AC on. I'm not even sweating either.
What are you sliding?
>tfw no seasons in my city
im watching christmas movies today
Well no wonder there are so many radicalized terrorists in hot countries. The heat from the sun combined with dehydration makes them delirious and confused, and are easily brain washed because of those factors.
But in colder countries, when it's cold enough to make you feel like small cold needles are drilling inside your bones, you can only think about getting to a warm place, but also slowing down every liquid in your body, suppressing your emotions more easily.
Then again, it's just one of many theories that currently exist.
>rent basement suite
>have to use a heater during summer
>this is what hot countryfags believe
>talking about weather
Go back to your boards
im just trying to converse with people. weather is the easiest way for me
Nice, now try living here for 3 days
>-15° is not even that cold
It's because you're a desert nigger
>What are you meant to do in summer?
We have this thing called central air conditioning. It's when a refrigerant removes heat from the incoming air. Yes all the air that enters your home will be cool! I know you Brits haven't caught up quite yet, but I think you're really going to like this new technology.
Shutup dixienigger. The south blows dicks and you have way more niggers then us. Also enjoy your new pooish and Muslim neighbors.
I'll be here tomorrow. Can't wait to get back to the land of Winter
what do when power goes down? the entire south would cook to death.
I produce body-heat. I give energy back to the world instead of mooching off the ambient temperature.
You even need gibs from natue
I believe this
Enjoy your igloos faggots
Im just chillin in my parents pool waiting for the bitches to never show up
literally bathing in piss
>I dream of svalbard.
>But i couldnt make a living there.
>it's 25c at times
I fucking hate this. Why is weather so bad? I want my fucking December snow and -30c back. Fuck.
As I said before, there's no point installing it for how little it would be used.
Try not being fat you degenerate. If you are low bodyfat Summer is fine unless you live somewhere where it gets death hot. Winter is for fat people.
I live in Arizona, have my whole life. When it's this hot people legitimately pass out walking from A to B in the city. We have programs like Operation Hydration. We each live in an air conditioned box, and travel in air conditioned boxes to other boxes of cold air. Anything else is literally death.
>tfw every season in one day in my city
I don't read Fahrenheit how much is that in real degrees ?
equator is objectively geographically superior to polarfags
>completely even smooth sailing > retarded roller coaster of changing day lengths in equinoxes\solstices
>most solar flux = most solar\wind energy
>most solar flux=most photosynthesis , most plants and most biodiversity
if we were on a generation ship in orbit and earth was as it is now only with no humans\anything manmade the first colonies we'd make would be on the equator.
That would be over 40C in the day.
Just checked Mars' weather
>Sol 1726 (June 14, 2017), Sunny, high -17C/1F, low -76C/-104F, pressure at 8.55 hPa, daylight 06:30-18:25
Mars is calling
How do you live? I couldn't stand 2 days of 30c when I was at Germany.
>Constant 30°c and above temp
Damn son, and I thought we had it bad
holy shit. Humans aren't supposed to live in that. Come home Whiteman
I stay inside, and am severely underweight like a jackrabbit. There are very few fat people outside at any time, any season. Most people I see are at worst a little overweight. Don't be a fat fuck and it's manageable, but no one likes it.
You manage. I had it happen a few times during hurricane season in FL.
you can piss several thousand gallons in a summer?
>lives in spic desert wasteland
this should be a daily general
fuck the summer!