just guess how history will look back you racist fucks
How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history ?
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What's the definition of that word again?
Anything leftists don't like or understand.
I hope it portrays him as the aspiring hip-hop artist that he was, and shows the real truth of his tragic demise.
Why hasn't spike lee or oliver stone or one of the new generation of socially conscious directors made a Trayvon movie?
Really? Just...What the fuck is this place? I just came here from /r/politics to see if there was anything of equal or greater quality, and I come here and I don't see any shit but fucking sexism, racism, and islmophobia. all of you are fucking garbage. Is this the trash can of the internet? what would drive anyone to come here to be with such trash? this is why all internet forums should be strictly moderated by those of high moral standards irregardlessly of it's age rating or intention. There is no decency here. What the fuck even. I just can't. I can not.
Also why does this website look like it was made in 1994? do you people really enjoy posting on such outdated shit? if you value your precious anonymity then I would expect that you would try to go somewhere with sophisticated coding and security. this isn't even fucking https.
fuck you guys
This is now a dindu nuffin thread
If you're 6 feet tall and 250 pounds, but the media refers to you as a "little boy"
>(((Warner Bros.))) set to create a massive financial loss for tax evasion purposes
Oh look, it's nothing...
Idk, ask a leftist.
If you see a police car parked on the side of the road and decide to reach in and grab the police officer's handgun for street cred
"wrong" is subjective.
what you see as "wrong" may not be viewed as such by others.
perception of an event changes depending on who's viewing it.
morals exist in the mind, not in the world.
>one perfect shot
Shame it's not about Trayvon
this is jew propaganda. mike brown strong-arm robbed someone and then assaulted a police officer. and guess what? he didn't get shot in the back nor did he have his hands up.
if this movie doesn't follow those exact storylines then it is jew propaganda and they want a civil war
These things can't even be called human at this point.
kafir apes have no morals.
Would have been epic they would find the whitest guy you know to play zimmerman.
>first hour is michael brown going around doing crime dealing drugs, your average low life scum things
>last 20 min he steals blunts from a convenience store and bullies the owner for a while
>while walking down the middle of the street a cop trys to stop him
>so ofc micheal must bum rush him
>whole movie theater is silent as the credits roll and the last thing to appear on screen is the words
True Story
>He Dindu Nuffin the movie
>Michael Brown is played by a 12 quadriplegic
>Officer Wilson is replaced by trump
>shoots him with a M134 mini gun
>police are in ss uniforms
>police starts executing blacks in mass
>Bernie Sanders comes and stops the massacre
>and features Bill nye and Neil Degrasse Tyson
i hate niggers more with each day, and i hate these kikes that try to humanize them
If Eric Holder himself signs off on an FBI report backing up the findings of the local investigation affirming the justified use of deadly force...YA MIGHT BE MIKE BROWN.
>based on a true story
>doesnt make him the bad guy
History would look back on the financial successes and failures of nation-economies and define The Fall of the West as being due to a loss of homogeneous culture and capitulation to egalitarian mindsets not rooted in fact and logic.
Oh my god when will the pandering end? Will these fucks ever grow a spine or fold themselves into another dimension pandering to the herd. Now that I think of it, it might be brilliant - they're in the business of making money, making something on such a touchy subject will surely get people to watch. Now that torrenting is a thing did that knock a good number of people stop watching movies in theaters? making them resort to unusual tactics to make up the sales loss? [I'm 1 haven't seen a movie in theaters in 5 years] Much nicer snuggled up in the couch with a couple adult beverages a fine meal watching it on the widescreen.
The nigger literally tried to grab a cop's gun. It caused a bullet to go off through the top of the windshield.
Forget the fact he was fresh off robbing a store.
The fact they still choose to use this nigger as some type of hero just shows are fucking delusional they are.
>the wrong side of history
Of all of the "victims" of police violence to choose for a movie, why fucking Michael Brown? Why glorify the one who behaved the most like a nigger out of the rest? This perfectly shows how out of touch (((Hollywood))) is.
This is a minefield for Warner Bros. If they aren't fellating that fat nigger thug for 100% of the movie all the lefties will crucify them in public for it.
Meanwhile everyone else will just avoid it like the plague.
You sound like you'll fit right in. Welcome.
>I hate blacks, Jews, Arabs, and all other non-whites (except maybe Asians because of my favorite cartoons). We need a race war to happen like now to get rid of them!
>Why are you calling me racist? You must be brainwashed by the liberal media.
Hmm, really makes one think.
>just guess how history will look back you racist fucks
Nice copypasta faggot.
>mfw I'm so outraged that my spellz goes out dat window.
a nigger stares at me like that and i fucking clip his gorila ass tbqfh
>duh, it's gonna be like that other movie people really liked with black folks and police
I hate "culture"
The nigger literally attacked a store clerk and store cigarillos... what the fuck is wrong with this world?
Very ironic. You would paint user with a broad stroke, yet lambast user for doing the same?
>royalties to Z
Welcome to Sup Forums you low IQ copypasta nigger.
oups wrong nignog
you know who would be getting paid though?
So much truth to this. Blacks are awful at choosing their 'heroes' to serve their needs in our political media.
A piece of shit like "Day After Tomorrow" was
It's the only reason they chose him.
Blacks are suppose to be low IQ criminals, and as such the Hollywood kikes make sure to only spotlight the most thuggish violent apes.
>multiple black witnesses stating he beat up the cop, tried to steal the cops gun then charged at the cop
>make a movie sanctifying him
fake and gay
I remember after the video came out deranged liberals trying to argue that the asian clerk was refusing to accept money and the Gentle Giant was just trying to shove payment at him.
I pray the day of the rope starts soon.
Fuck the niggers.
Cast Darren Wilson
Fuck I hope Darren Wilson sues the fuck out of them when they paint him as a racist out to kill the gentle giant (tm).
I'm sure they'll quietly give him a small cut...very quietly. He'll certainly get paid though. Also, it's unlikely that Wilson is actually cast in the film and it's more likely he'll only appear as actual footage from his Stephanopolous interview post-verdict. It's such a broad story it's more likely to center on one narrow and particular aspect, like Brown's mother learning about the verdict. The film will likely decline to mention how Brown lived with his grandmother since his own mother didn't love him until she discovered there was money in his death.
How does it feel knowing Hollywood is losing shit loads of money and they are now being bought out by the chinks?
fookin leaves