This is what Swedes will look like in 2020 and is beautiful
This is what Swedes will look like in 2020 and is beautiful
What are Swedes? Didn't they commit national suicide some time ago?
I remember that motivational picture from 10-15 years ago "Sweden making British girls look ugly since".
Sweden was the un-trollable country. Beautiful women, Alpha men and a strong industry.
Now they are a joke. To the point where the British can banter their butt's back into their fjords.
I'll always remember the days when Sweden was strong.
so when? is the question just waiting....
His Indian so i don't really see the problem.
What pisses me off most about this is them posting stupid videos about nothing. You can't just feed your kid on camera and speak gobbledy gook and make a channel out of that.
looks like shit
Cheerleader effect. Take a hard good look at them individually and you will notice that they are painfully average looking girls.
le hymym memes. its 2011 again?
What about this?
she's calling for the bbc
I hope she'll teach the baby to use the loo
Indians have less than 4 inch average dick size
Pathetic race of subhumans
All it takes is a 6 foot white guy with a fat cock (ike myself) and she will be hooked for life
She probably already cucks him, because let's face it, a finger could fuck her better than a pathetic Indian dick
You sound like a fag.
It would be so easy to cuck this girl
Rural Sweden is Poland tier uncucked. Race mixing is so rare, your head will spin. It's rare to see Swedes mating with other Nords and let alone scum like in the video. Why do you think it's shilled so much
they will be nuked by based poland superpower in 2054
The absolute madmaiden!!!!!!
When Poland rejoins the New Russian Empire thus obtaining nukes.
Indian dude is complete dud but since he landed that solid Swede kudos to his rupee ass. Goes to show that you ugly dudes can get some too if y'all just applied yourselves.
I was looking up this girl for more pics and damn this girl is hot
>I was looking up this girl for more pics and damn this girl is hot
Too bad she only dates East Asian guys
>New Russian Empire
With apartheid for noneuros again and jew-free this time?
Ivan pls.
you are worst than India.
you have more income inequality, AIDS and corruption than India
Your women are biggest race mixing whores on the planet, Russian women will marry anyone with a green card or a few shekels
Russia is bigger shit hole than India
>>I was looking up this girl for more pics and damn this girl is hot
we will make our own weapon
she whores herself for donations.
WHITE ""MEN"" BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's wrong with her foot?
This guy knows what's up
Race mixing is being pushed in the media and by e-celebs like the ones in the video. But it only ever happens in the cities and some shitty ghettos
was there a concerted decision to use that cunt more and more on Sup Forums ?
stop that already your shilling become really obvious
It's actually much more common to see Swedish guys with foreign women than the opposite, but even then it's only in the bigger cities.
>dicklet autism is incoming
You are not masculine. Most people think that gooks are weird looking and pathetic. Nothing you can do about it
Indeed. Any normal European nation can obtain nuclear under a week. The only thing you must do is to say "fuck you" to NATO, China and Russia
shh vlad its going to ruin our disguise.
Yeah, of course
This. Thais must be hunged
this, 90% of mixed race couples are white guy/asian women
Oh you wish
>white guy/asian women
Hilarious permavirgin yellow-fever user using the world 'asian' trying to ignore that it is mostly brown 3rd world jungle SE Asians barmaids from Thailand or mail-order brides from the Phillipines with these White guys.
Sweden is giving America a run for her money. Check it again in 20 more years. They should tie.
Asian guys get HOT White girls (see )
White guys get brown 3rd worlders from poverty stricken countries in SE Asia
im the future emperor of the polish empire
thats my only goal in life from now
see u in next 10 years
Sorry i dont racemix
Kys fucking faggot. We want to preserve the White race, not have it mongrelized into a bunch of streetshitting shitskinned subhumans. Then again you are probably a Pajeet subhuman yourself.
when every subhuman race lusts after your women, it's fucking hilarious way to admit their own genetic inferiority
it's around 80% now my dude
U mad? And the average cock size for most men is 4-5 inches.
Yeah, because every swede will turn black in 3 years.
Seems about right.
If that Swede is so beautiful,
>why does she feel the need to dye her hair?
Not rocket science. Go visit Thailand. You'll find plenty of dirty, ugly, fat white scumbags with asian women.
How often do you see asian men with a white girl? Pretty rare and when it does happen, the asian guy is almost usually above average, successful, etc.
he's right uno?
>To the point where the British can banter their butt's back into their fjords.
What fjords? Sweden has as many fjords as Poland or Switzerland.
Lol sweden is not 94% white
She's Norwegian.
Jewish insider George Friedman said they Jews were going to make Poland into a global superpower this century.
relax goy i was just joking.
Sweden is a country with a small population (a little under 10 million) and a negative birth rate, it may not be in 2020 but the downward spiral has already began.
She never shows her feet, this is the closest you'll get to seeing them. Probably has fat toes or something.
Also she's not Swedish. She looks slavic, probably polish or Ukrainian. Maybe Baltic Slav rape baby
this, I only see blonde babies.
How exactly did they obtain these data?
I though ethnicity-based censuses were not allowed in Sweden.
when is this made is it relevant today this year?
i imagine is worse
No. The Jews have too much power, going full Hitler would be suicide at this point. Though we could send the Jewish elite to Siberia, by charging them with corruption they're totally guilty of.
The future is jewish/black cities surrounded by white mountains/countryside.
what about me yo?
You're taking in 100 000 per month, it doesn't matter if you have 1.5 blonde babies per couple. They'll take over your country soon with terror and bullshit. What are they trying to win by doing that bullshit? The only achievement your country has gotten by it, is being number one in is rape stats.
I live in America but am born in Europe.
My neighbors on both sides are white men with Asian women and hapa kids.
My brother is dating an Asian girl, and dated one before her.
Black men fucking white women only happens because black dudes are actually TRYING for these girls and giving them attention, while whites are chasing Asians and leaving girls starved of attention. Then add in the Jew media making it "cool" to fuck niggers and you get a SHITHOLE of a genepool.
I sometimes hate that my parents dragged me to America.
I remember raiding the comment section of that video, God it was hilarious.
2014 or earlier and yes, it would be much worse now.
Countries like Germany and UK and France cuck out because of their past. What has Sweden done wrong? Apart from maybe Abba lmao
I think google is onto something
Theyve been good people, and that is their demise.
Also the reason the other countries and swden and Us are cucked is because or a enormously powerful left wing thanks to large numbers of Jews
>>I was looking up this girl for more pics and damn this girl is hot
>Too bad she only posts pics and vids on insta and twitch for money from whiney redneckbeard manchildren while regularly getting railed by some other guy
I was here 15 years ago and Sweden was shit already.
I believed their girls were good looking then, though.
I prefer latinas to blonde women.
Swedish males have allowed 3rd world niggers to rape their society, culture, and Nation. They should commit mass suicide for their failure. Sweden is dead.
Lisa isn't Swedish.
>muh big dick
Literally nigger tier
I know a hot ass japanese girl who is dating tall blue eyed chad. So na, but I agree with your point. It's hilarious to see white Guys with south Eastern women. They aren't Asian lmfao they aren't even human.
Portugal whiter than Spain? What a joke! We're about 90% maybe even less...
>To the point where the British can banter their butt's back into their fjords.
>British people still exist
Nice try Muhammad
I live in CA, trust me, you don't . Latinas are disgusting teir.
Unless you're talking about Portuguese and Spanish , that's another story all together. Nice feminine women, for sure.
But Indio blood is a huge no. It's the same as nigger blood, honestly
>it may not be in 2020 but the downward spiral has already began.
The birthrate of swedish kids are higher than foreign born though.
So the date is still 2035-2040. Which is bad enough.
is there any way to get numbers up to date that is before the big wave of migrants right that was 2015 right?
is this bitch with that fucking chink?
No idea.
We have a fuck-ton of immigrants from latin america. They don't usually cause that much trouble because our cultures don't clash (same language, religion, etc).
Probably yes.
She's Canadian from Calgary, nothing to be surprised about.
Hello Sup Forums, a Swede from the countryside here. When i'm done with my education i'll just pack up and walk forty kilometers to the west and end up in Norway, hopefully they'll take a poor refugee like me in.
my bad
40km? Why not stay in Sweden but get a work in Norway?
That's what most people near the border are doing.
She's from Calgary? Seriously?
That's what her twitter says