Is he being honest?
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No such thing as an honest politician any more than an honest lawyer or a virgin whore, but he did kick her ass sideways there. I was constantly expecting for him to get up and spit in Megan's face or slap her silly.
Nope. If he would say everything, what is in his mind - there would be obscene lexic mostly. The world in a doorstep of nuclear war and all, what american officials worry about is russian Interference in a leak of documents that show democratic party fraud. Are they even serious. Thats beyond any imaginable level of egocentrism.
>Is he being honest?
He was diverting us from (((the truth))) and (((his enablers/appointers))) - pic related.
Now seriously, he would never answer it honestly - I stand with
Putin is refreshingly honest, and he's not stupid like Trump.
If he did the leaks the democrats should praise him for exposing corruption in their party.
That's not how you get to where he is, but i'm ok with it 2bh. We're not pretending to be the ultimate example of freedom'n'democracy, you see. That's your fetish.
The majority of democrats are so corrupt that they don't care and are just upset about losing.
Bernie Sanders lost by almost 4 million votes and the so called democratic party fraud was a red herring designed to hurt Clinton and help your puppet Trump but nice try, Ivan
Oh yeah, we get a little egocentric over our Democracy sometimes
yes, ask any person who voted for Trump - 90% of them will tell you it's because he was the better candidate and they were fed up with failed liberal policies.
Is it that hard to grasp the reason liberals and Hillary lost is because they gave us a flawed candidate.
If Bernie were Running against Trump I 100% believe Trump would have lost. The reason is there as a NeverTrump movement (Still Is) a NeverHillary movement (Made up of liberals) and no NeverBernie movement.
He would have grabbed the Never Trumpers, and kept most of Obamas core voting base
Well, when dealing with bimbos like Megan, the best weapon is honesty, because liberals can't tolerate facts and truth. And the the more logical your dissemination, the more they get triggered, which lets you play them like a fiddle, which he did there.
Just check out the interview they had later:
What kind of American propagandic brainwashing goes on in Russia? Seriously, I feel like Americans have infiltrated you Russian folk somehow. I listen to Putin's speeches quite frequently and he is a refreshingly honest politician. Believe me. American politicians lie so much, you yourself begin to wish for someone to blow up the place and kill all the filthy liars. Putin is several leagues better than this.
What do you Russians expect will happen if you ever overthrew Putin? It will be the end of Russia. You guys will regress to the state of Slovenia or Slovakia or one of the other miserable slavic nations.
You guys have something good right now. You guys will overthrow Putin and replace him with a Jew puppet shill, I guarantee you.
see the world is literally laughting at the ameritards but they still don't see it, even as proven in this thread already. hilarious
we see it. but dealing with the liberal political party is like dealing with the kid who wants to each cookies for every meal.
You realize they're doing horrible thing, because they enjoy it, and they don't understand the consequences for their actions, but they also throw such a giant fit at every meal you get tired, and just give in every once in awhile.
He was doing the opposite. Let's not forget that he was the one who named the Jewish Bolsheviks, thus elevating the claim that (((they))) were (((them))) this whole time above the status of "an antisemitic conspiracy theory".
I think he's /ourguy/. Russians hate Jews more than Germans.
You are so stupid, that you can't even get my point. That's just don't matter who made this leak. You are trying to fuck up Iran deal right now, that means that Iran will get their nuclear weapon, which quite possible make Saudi to by their nuclear weapons from Pakistan. You are starting nuclear war in the middle east right now, that is what really matters. Interference in elections doesn't mean shit USA interfere literally in every elections on the planet no one cares. Your media controlled by Saudis and Qatar, no one cares. You deserve all you have and all you will get.
No refunds
I didn't say that he is a liar, all i've said - that there are lot of problems on a planet, all goes to a great war, and when you keep asking only one stupid question, that doesn't matter at all - I think deep inside it make him upset and quite offended. She wastes his time.
He is never honest.
>literally kills people that speak out against him
>literal documented proof of electrion fraud that he pulls off
>literally kills off opponents
trumptards everyone
I agree with everything putin said here in sentiment alone, but who it's coming from matters more.
i got refunded. You just have to say your wallet got stolen when you were at a political event
>russian dossier
Wasn't this a Sup Forums prank?
This is what the USA looks like when they talk about Russian hacking.
Whoops, forgot link.
Honestly, this is the kind of demeanor I expect of a leader. Trump is nice, but a little too ballistic.
Everyone knows Putin is a cold-blooded killer, but there's a special respect reserved for men like him that display such refreshing, straightforward honesty.
>Bullshit, that written with green suddenly become legit
Yeah, great point there.
Putin killing his political opponents are about as substantiated as the Clinton murder list.
>we see it.
Look at these answers:
It could be irony or Russian proxies, but this is plausible to be American anons. I stand also with the Czech user's statement above.
Probably part of Russian Jewish oligarchs nominated him and gave green light to go foward as PM and presidente.
He took care of some of his former Jewish oligarchs supporters who they didn't comply or agree with him but still gave power and money to some of his own - like his friend in pic related.
Also marrying his daughter to a Jew doesn't award him points to become - /ourguy/ about the Joo's .
Only by making a unironical statement like Henry Ford did or a political will when he's about to die.
--- I hope the translation to English in the vĂdeo - 80%-90& of Soviet first govt members is right. ---- It means something, we can't discard it - even he tried to dismiss it as an antisemetic view afterwards
The translation is correct. I've had friends that speak russian confirm it.
if that translation is correct, I FUCKING LOVE PUTIN HOW... the man speaks (((TRUTH)))
Bernie Sanders was pushed by Clinton from the start to energize the base.
He drank his own Kool Aid and got beaten up at the DNC for it.
You know nothing about what you're talking about.
Check em, boys.
Name one world leader with better bantz
You can't
Sexist , mysogynist, traditionalist, authoritarian, emotionally 100% controlled
Almost Based in my book (racist and antisemite is missing )
didn't catch this first time through... subs go by rather quickly
>missing antisemitism
Politics, my goys. Keep your friends close, shalom.
the main problem with Putin is that he's pretty much a cuckservative / old conservative type
He has incorporated all the existing conservative parties in Russia (and therefore eliminated them) but is actually the secret service ruling the country
This means that even though it was for sake of argument here, he will ridicule people critical of jews;
it means he will say like Russia was multiethnic from the beginning (which is not wrong, but still),
it means he will allow massive immigration from the caucasus, and will prosecute those who are critical of churkas coming
it also means that he will use whatever is popular in most people at the time, be it free marketism, more westernization, whatever it be. He picks values up as they come to stay in power