Been away for a while and saw someone pretended to be me in April. So I came back to update you.
FBI user here. AMA
Been away for a while and saw someone pretended to be me in April. So I came back to update you.
FBI user here. AMA
are the democrats and republicans working together to create a civil war which they can benefit from?
civil war imminent?
>FBI user here
proof plz
>FBI user here
Where about in the USA are you senpai?
They don't consider themselves to be seperate entities. The whole of the Senate is a sort of brotherhood. They certainly don't want a civil war. They want certainty and they need to get rid of Trump to achieve that. But politicians are not the players here, just the pawns. The deep state and the Davos men are the real challengers to Trump right now.
Why does the (((FBI))) hate Whites?
Aso whats with this flag, it says European, but its clearly EU..
When is the day of the rope?
Is there any hope for the FBI to get a real, non-political hack type, police-person in
the directors office who will return the bureau to its core missions and to respectability, or is it too far gone to save?
What percentage of personal would you say are compromised or corrupt in some way?
Whats the diff between FBI and CIA?
Have you ever been asked to hail Satan or pledge allegiance to the Pope?
Civil war when?
And if it does happen, how should we prepare?
Currently in London, for obvious reasons. There's been an exchange of 50 staff to and from London after the recent bomb scare outside the US embassy here. I was here before that though. I'm nothing more than an analyst so got transferred. The UK have got seriously touchy about sharing terrorism info after the Manchester leaks. Security has been very tight, hence my continued absence.
Hard to say. Trump wants someone he can personally trust so obviously that's not good for impartiality. And as for the staff, at least 90% are loyal patriots. Not sure how many are corrupt but I certainly have never had a bad experience with anyone. It's the beaurocrats who are the problem.
Is tranny-switching real?
timestamped proof with fbi evidence or youre larping
My ex's parents were Catholic so they wanted me to pledge allegiance to the Pope I guess. Never anything from the Bureau though
There's no chance of a full blown civil war. There's every chance of riots and mobs of anti-Trumpers though. The word is that there's desperation to provoke Trump fans into meeting them with violence. There's hundreds of ongoing investigations into these types of cases
I believe the fake me in April said something about experiments in Antarctica. This is absurd - the costs to even transport supplies would be too much. There are said to be certain blacklisted experiments in Texas, Montana and North Carolina but I've no idea what they consist of, if they even exist