Why are celts so pathetic?
Why are celts so pathetic?
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The latest figure for West Wales and the Valleys is £16,059 per person or just over 63% of the UK average. It's the only area of north-west Europe -apart from Cornwall- to still be poor enough to qualify for the most generous European funding. The UK Government has promised to keep up the payments after Brexit but only until 2020. What happens after that has not yet bee130326749
>Being occupied by the soviets is better than being occupied by celts.
it's because of the post-industrial era, fuck all people live there and all the infrastructure is suited to society 100 years ago, it's very hard to get a job around here
Meibion Glyndŵr (Welsh pronunciation: [ˈməibjɔn ɡlɨnˈduːr], Sons of Glyndŵr) was a Welsh nationalist movement violently opposed to the loss of Welsh culture and language. They were formed in response to the housing crisis precipitated by large numbers of houses being bought by wealthy English people for use as holiday homes, pushing up house prices beyond the means of many locals. They were responsible for setting fire to English-owned holiday homes in Wales from 1979 to the mid-1990s.
> Be welsh
>Too poor to afford nice house
> Blow others' up out of jealousy
If an african american said a paraphrase of what you just said you would mock them.
What's wrong with celts? They're good honest folk! Nothing wrong with them, nope nothing at all
> Irish travellers
>Buying other people's houses.
Almost completely decimated, although I'm sure traces of it live on in modern languages.
Supposedly English grammar is "Celtized" Germanic, for example the meaningless "do" at the beginning of questions like Irish, and distinguishing between present simple ("I read") and present continuous ("I'm reading") like Welsh, while the continental Germanic languages are different.
It's only natural at this point, you see.
Look at London! London's turned into a no-go zone for the English as well!
>implying there's something wrong with 'fuck off were full'
That's how you protect your land from the jew.
Because they have a long history of homosexuality.
ITT: muh heritage people who can't handle the truth
Feels good not to be a c*lt
a millennium of genocide
Also there, kraut, the Scotts contributed more to the wealth and prosperity of the empire than your filthy guttersnipe bastard race ever did.
They're good people m8. There's more masculinity in those tits than in your entire life.
Don't mess with the Celts the have the fastest infantry, if you know how to play with them you can raid very fast your enemy, if you're playing with goths in your team you can raid very fast late game civs, like bizantines or turks
Difference is a nigger is typically making excuses or the degradation of industry is mostly caused by him.
The Welsh did not choose to have their coal and steel mines closed, but the cheapening of steel world-wide, and oil replacing coal, was what drove their employment down.
The problem with Britain is that all business is conducted within one spot, London, as we've become a financially specialised nation. This means other parts of the country like South Wales and North-East England to suffer.
Funnily the same problem is now happening in the rest of the country. House prices are rising because foreigners are investing too much into our properties.
These retards who think they're pure Anglo piss me off, despite such a race not existing anymore.
They intentionally stir up hate amongst, not just our allies and neighbours, but our only racial brethren.
Celts = niggers of the white race
>Supposedly English grammar is "Celtized" Germanic
Not remotely true, grammar has a north germanic vibe to it.
You've really nothing better to do on a Saturday night man? Sad
>Almost completely decimated, although I'm sure traces of it live on in modern languages.
Definitely. We got some words in our language that are associated with Celtic, though 99% has Norse origins.
I'm 3/4 Welsh. And have visited Wales once.
What a shit hole. I'll never go back.
No wonder my ancestors got out.
True. We can usually translate word for word and be grammatically correct since we're all SVO languages.
Your lack of gendered nouns is a bit strange, though. Is that a Celtic thing?
Looking at this map you would think that you can only speak Celtic languages while watching the sun set over the ocean.
why do jews post threads like this all day on a syrian bible sharing image board?
travellers are absolute scum