I will answer every comment

can you red pilled me against Jews i am from Germany and new to politics this is serious here in Germany Jews portrait as great people

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Jews rule

leave this place while you're still mentally sane


i am mentally sane but merkel will kill us all

Here's your first red-pill. Read this first.

> I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter- racial tensions.

did they say that white people will be racist anyway ?

are you still here ??

No, they said that Whites are historically the only REAL threat the Jews in any way. They've been kicked out of Europe 100+ times throughout history, so they need to breed the 100 IQ Whites with the 80 IQ Browns, so that Jews ONLY have the IQ advantage.

Now you know why all of the forced race-mixing propaganda and media subliminals.

Ignore the racists, they're just lonely virgins. Jews are fine.

>Not Racist

Get back to me when the Jewish-race state of Israel opens it borders and accepts Diversity, for it is our strength!

I think there's a resurgence of anti-Africanism because at this point in time, Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and Africans are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that it once was in the last century. Africans will be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Africans will be resented because of their leading role, but without this transformation, Israel will not survive!

Du willst dir doch nicht wirklich diesen Dünnschiss hier reinziehen oder? Pol ist pure Volksverblödung.

These blatantly racist policies that Israel has in place are an absolute disgrace upon modern society. They segregate the blacks and muslims into ghettos. This isn't 1950 anymore! When will Israel take their fair share of migrants? They are so close to them.

The difference is that Jews never oppressed the world through colonialism like Whites did. Whites have to make up for that, they can't just fuck the rest of the world and walk away.

can you give me a link to a website that shows arguments against jews ? i am in the identitary movement but im a new member please provide a link

The first thing you should understand is what the Talmud says. Most Europeans just assume that Jews follow the same stuff they learned in Sunday school (they dont) or that it's as peaceful and loving as Jewish apologists would have us believe. Just like Islam you need to read the source to find what they really believe, and at its root Judaism is a supremacist religion. They believe they are the chosen people, destined to rule over all others as masters too slaves. That's there version of paradise destined when there supposed messiah returns.

They aren't doing it because whites are racist, they are doing it because whites are a threat. Africans and Asians are racist, far more openly than whites even, but (((they))) don't see blacks as a threat, and don't see Asians as an immediate threat.

what Jewish people hate ?

>Jews are ALL personally responsible for all of your (or anyone's) problems past, present, or future

I think I've pretty much summed Sup Forums ideology up for you, Hans.

Now armed with this knowledge I'm sure you'll be able to resist the Islamic invasion.

Read up on the Red Revolution and Weimar Republic.

that should be more enough to redpill germans on the jew.

You do realize that the entire point of Reform Judaism (The majority of all Jews, and by a vast margin anywhere outside of Israel) is to ditch that stuff right?

Yea, they just oppressed the World for the past 2500 years via Usury instead. At least the colonialists brought civilization with them.

You do realize that the entire point of Reform Judaism was to throw off the Goyim, right?

why are people still replying to flag larpers?

Nigger go watch a youtube video called the greatest story never told: Adolfo hitler. It's the greatest 6 hour redpill of your life

Funny how every conflict in the past 20 years has been the states that border Israel, huh?

>oppressed via usury
>were expelled from many nations
You can't be both a victim and an oppressor at the same time, your argument contradicts itself. Also, how is doing something anyone else could do but chose not to willingly oppression?

i will read the article about Weimar Republic thank you

If you haven't sucked a dick you're not truly red pilled

>Afghanistan borders Israel
>Libya borders Israel
>Sri Lanka borders Israel
>Mali borders Israel

American education... Even Iraq doesn't border Israel but at least it's close by....

fuck off

>they actually ditched the part of their religion which caused any kind of problem but it's all a trick anyway
That's completely insane. You're just desperately grasping at straws for an excuse to be racist.

To where?

You contradicted yourself. It was never stated that the Jews were 'oppressed via usury'. Nice cognitive dissonance you got there, goy.



Sad what pol has become. Sad you guys actually took this bait.

Oh so your saying it's wrong for wealthy Europeans to forcibly colonize and subjugate other parts of the world? Great, so when will you be evacuating Palestine, and or allowing the oppressed Palestinians back into there land?

fun fact finis germani is on place one on the amazon book list in Germany its show anti semitism and hate for refugees

Op, don't listen to this shill, he's mad.

Fucking retard, I meant that you said the Jews oppressed via usury. This level of desperation is just pathetic.

The Jews needed a homeland. Europeans already had plenty. And the Palestinians still have land, the Europeans took everything.

sure, here in Germany i get a lot of hate because im a friend of a Muslim and Muslim get a lot of hate because they a friend of a germane thanks refugees

You're not addressing my arguments, you're just saying to ignore them. Nice willful ignorance you've got there. Is it because you know I'm right, and can't refute me?

You know what this looks like menachem?

There is no such thing as 'palestinian' and modern Jews are not the tribe described in the bible.

"The Europeans took everything". When was this? 20,000 years ago? Your brainwashing is abhoranttly disgusting.

i am with you

Show us your flag, faggot.

Actually, he just did, but you're either too lazy to read it, or will never accept any new ideas to attempt to learn. You're brainwashed on an institutional level, and there's no hope for you.

fuck you

what do you think about Kurdish people ?

whats about Kurdish people ?

A meme, and not an argument?


20,000 years ago? Try 200. Do you even know what colonialism is? Of all the world, only Japan, Korea, China, Thailand, Turkey, and Iran didn't fall under European domination. And who modern Jews are descended from is irrelevant.

"Muh PR stunt reform judaism is a majority!"
It's only a majority in the US, and barely so. It's only popular amongst lazy secular jews, who want to blend into Goy society easily. It's not the majority of jews globally, especially not in israel.

Moreover, you guys aren't exactly known for your honesty, so you'll understand when I don't buy into your "progressive judaism 2.0" it is still very much a jewelry vs. Goy mentality.

There's nothing wrong with that, homophobia is just as stupid as racism or anti-semitism.

finnis germania a book against refuges and Jews it has hit amazon book rank number in 1 germany, germany is waking up thanks to the autor Rolf Peter Sieferle

Should we send the hews to you mr. Silver eye?

You're not even trying. You know you can't refute what I'm saying so you resort to insults.

Your argument was that Europeans stole all the land, so Jews get to have Israel. Stop moving the goal-posts.

Kurdish people don't have a strangle-hold on the whole Western-World, so I'm not worried about the 'Kurds'.

Again, with the brainwashing. Just kys now.

Over half of all Jews live in the US, it's a majority.

hasst di dich erst mal mit Nigger eingelassen gibts kein zurück mehr hahahahah

You were the first person to result to insults (multiple times) in this thread. People provide you with clear infographs, but you refuse to listen to new information. Then, you wonder why people refuse to argue with you.

Filtered & Ignoring.

Muslims hate kurds too so do we hate Muslims ?

do we hate kurds or are we just ignore those fuckers ?

>The whole plan for the past 40 years has been for the European Whites to fight the Arabs for the Jews. This way Jews don't lose life. See the pic in

They (Jewish media) purposely stir up shit with the intent of getting whites pissed enough to start wars and fight FOR Israel.

>jews needed a homeland.
No they didn't, they have done alright without one for 2000 years. And are doing fine in other countries tries at the moment, Israel is hardly a necessary liferaft.
>"oh ver Goy! What's your problem? Sure I took your house and all 90% percent of your property, but I did leave that delimited Shack for your family to live in and rent. Why are you so greedy?-BTW, my cousin Solomon will be settling into that Shack next week, make space"

>stealing is wrong when you do it, but it's totally fine when I do it! - The post.
Jewish morality everyone.

what do you think about Lauren southern and Gavin McInnes ? they are against those Muslims who come into Germany and they will slowly kill us

i really love Lauren and Gavin


>And who modern Jews are descended from is irrelevant
The entire justification for the Jews invading the most contentious piece of land on the planet was there supposed historical connection. If that link doesn't exist, then Israel has no legitimacy.
So I would say it's pretty fuck ingredients relevant.

Of course you are against Muslims. That's the plan. Pit the Whites against the Arabs so Israel doesn't have to fight.

Islam: the Thread

but i never see jews as a problem in germany or europe the biggest problen are those fucking muslims please give me a true proof that she is a jew

Here, I'm adding a pic to your post.

Die Mehrheit von deutschen Erwachsenen können beträchtlich besser Englisch als du. Deswegen nehme ich an, dass du minderjährig bist. Du bist reportiert worden.

watch this film or listen to it in the background. Especially relevant for you. youtu.be/U1Qt6a-vaNM

Ps. i never saw a Jew killing Germany it was always the Isalm so stop hate against Jews the true problem are Muslims times has changed

So much stereotypical Jewish literary tricks. I stated in was referring to global Jewish demographics, where it was tiny. And like I said, it's about 33-40% of us jews, only a majority because of how many forms there are.

9/11 videos are just stupid conspiracy videos fuck off idiot

And why do you think that there are Islamist in Germany killing people? Who do you think started all of this? Why are the Islams in Germany in the first place? Why are they angry at Western civilization in the first place?

Everyone with a working brain is against Muslims.

so do you think that jews started this war ?

OP is larping nigger but this got me thinking.

Can you imagine being a freshly redpilled German? It's like the biggest mind-fuck of all time. OF ALL TIME!!!

pic related to OP

Which war? The constant tensions that are going on right now?

i am want too understand Germany .. i hate those Muslims Kurdish and Jews in my school they are literary retarded

I like southern and McGinnis, they are both good nationalists, and know what's really going on. They have to play the case game to an extent, but they are at least open about the Islamic problem. Which is the most pressing concern at the moment.
Some people will scream that arabs are just being manipulated and aren't our real enemies, just symptoms of the disease and not the cause.
doesn't matter, an infection can kill you just as easily as the underlying cause. Fix the most pressing danger, then the next.

Just going to leave this here, because most German education bans this type of discussion.

but thanks that you call me a retarded because i want to understand you .... this is your chance oo red pill me

i always thinking about the Turkish faggots in my class they hate the Kurdish people but if i hate Jewish im the racist .....


Just google jews most persecuted people in history. Its like saying that ass hole that gets kicked out of every party is being persecuted, no hes an ass hole and thats why hes being kicked out for being an ass. I refuse to believe that all these nations let the jews in then proceeded to kick them out. If it was a matter of muh racism then they wouldnt have been let in, in the first place.




i googled it and this is true thanks for red pill me

>can you red pilled me against Jews
That's anti Semitic! Jews are probably the group whose religion is more of peace than Islam.
There are just a bunch of haters who are jealous of the jews with their muslim,feminist, and lbgtquyipz allies ushering in a global utopia, with germany leading the way in europe.

>why are people still replying to flag larpers?
I'm bored at work and don't have any computer games that interest me more right now.

i recommended stahlgewitter nordfront landser and sleipnir for every Germany patriotic

>If you haven't sucked a BBC you're not true current year canadian