Umm guys?
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based chinks save the west
This is the only plausible way China supersedes the US, by studying our (((mistakes))) and not making them in their homeland
I hope we wake up from this nightmare before that day
Jews have been holding the gates open for the Chinese for years.
Their reward will be the Exodus to the West that the Jews make once it's completely ruined.
At first it will be people like Zuckerberg and mischling Chinese-Jews; then, in a few generations Jews will be embedded in the Chinese system; sucking their blood, poisoning their media and academy, endlessly moralizing and creating ethnic division, subverting, screaming anti-Semite at anyone who wakes up and doesn't like it. The Chinese will learn the hard way just like every other people in the history of Earth who has had to put up with them.
It's what they do.
Oops-- I meant "Jews from the West"
>As we sat down to a steaming tofu hot pot, he woefully conceded that many Chinese believe the Jews to be “smart, rich, and very cunning.”
> later the Wall Street Journal. In a TV interview he explained that he would be an ideal newspaper magnate because “I am very good at working with Jews”—who, he said, controlled the media.
>making an institute of jewish and israel studies
fuck those chinks are smart, im impressed
Link please?
>the fucking chinese are the ones who save western civilisation
god fucking damn it
The merchant is but a paper tiger for the middle kingdom.
They already had mao
This is very interesting post.
The Jews burger company broke up with Olympics.
"We are reconsidering all aspects of our business and have made this decision in cooperation with the IOC to focus on different priorities," said McDonald's Global Chief Marketing Officer Silvia Lagnado.
Meanwhile the relationship Chinese and IOC is getting closer year after year.
The IOC is literally the nest of human rights and globalism, but has a criticism described by such as Zbigniew Brzezinski (Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Carter/Obama Advisor). ... As we will see, the globalists first cause the cancer and then provide us with their ineffective treatments (not cures) for profit.
Are the Jews Talmud believers? or just bunch of opportunists who have a keen scent from ongoing globalphobia movements seen across the world?
It's already started over the last decade.
Eastern Europeans and Asians are the only ones that play classical music anymore.
The only comfort is that Asians are the closest DNA relatives to Europeans (other than some Indians that are in fact aryans)
Zionist Occupied Government
>The view that jews control the West has become increasingly commonly held thanks to the internet
>Now they're changing the narrative to "and that's a good thing!"
Clever merchants.
lol retards, the Chinese love the Jews and seek to emulate them. That's why they study them.
They're not "saviors of Western civilization" like the weebs and lurking Asians here would have you believe.
>When Chinese people use “Jew” as a metaphor for wealth or success, it is not meant as a slur: With little if no history of persecution or hatred of Jews, the Chinese have instead developed “an interest in, respect for, and appreciation of the Jewish people, their historical significance, and the positive impacts of Judaism on the world.”
>“For a society focused on economic growth and technological advancement, the Chinese regard Jews as a model of success,” said Song, speaking at the JCC of Central New Jersey in Scotch Plains on March 7. “The Chinese acknowledge the Jews’ exceptional contribution to world civilizations and are interested in studying Jewish culture in order to better understand their own transformation.”
I fucking love Asains. They are incredibly racially aware and all seem to embrace nationalism whilst shooting a massive fucking hole in the leftists' "racysis r dum an sheeit" theory. I think in an ideal society there would only be Asains, whites, and maybe some Arabs all living in a fascist utopia. Fuck ethnic nationalism, I think we need a superior race nationalism, that only lets in the superior and the enlightened.
>implying jews like Zuckerberg aren't going to have their half Chinese children take over china too
Their is a reason we call them reptilians. They marry into nations and races, preserve the oral tradition of being Jewish and they circle jerk nepotism to the top. Just wait, in four decades you will have Chinese Jews.
That already exists
It's called Judaism
It's a non taboo fact for Chinese.
I called my dad the other day and the topic changed to politics and he was suddenly ranting about the Jews trying to stop Trump holy fuck.
Who told them? Was it one of you?
Christ you are a cuck faggot
flag checks out
Ching chang jew ching ming ding dong chang dong.
Because they want to be on top, on top of the jewry also. That's what they admire, they're basically a libertarians dream - either you're strong and smart or get fucked over and eaten.
They want to emulate what the jews did, do it better and win the most
The thought of the inevitable chinese western reign helps me sleep at night.
They will do what the whites couldn't do because of empathy.
A Chinese Leaf, what a surprise.
and who opened China up, and who brought them the wealth they enjoy today? Was it not Kissinger?
Chinese sure like to act funny.
>niggers of asia name the jew
>is that a good thing
I've seen mickey mouse in all kinds of costumes yet this picture hit me quite hard. I think it's the fact that the woman is wearing Western clothes while the Disney gang are all in chink gear outside a Western castle that did it.
The problem is that Chinese are just as soulless as Jews, so it'll be a stalemate. Jews can't even "subvert" them as Chinese culture is inherently degenerate, but because of their antpeople spawn points, it doesn't seem to matter much.
The reason egalitarianism works on Europeans is because of the spiritual element of white men putting aside their ability to conquer and trying to "help" lesser people like women, blacks and mudslimes, no such desire exists within Chinese because of their lack of soul, they don't even care to help each other for fucks sakes.
TLDR: Jews will not ever do anything to the Chinese
Hitler liked and actively worked with the Asians and the Arabs against the Amerikikes. If the axis had won the war he would have split America into segments for the Asians and likely would have allowed them to live and work in the German held areas. As well as this, Hitler had Muslim allies and the Al Assad family allowed some of the escaping Nazi Generals to escape to Syria and be protected by the Syrians, which is one of the reasons why the Jews hate them. How am I cucking?
Yeah, he worked with non-whites to kill whites and destroy Europe. As retarded as his 80 IQ followers
THE Chinese or A Chinese? How much of them believe that?
if you knew anything about the chinks you'd realize this has been known for years
Trick question: the chinese are a hivemind.
Germans have an average IQ in the 100s, in fact most German men had an IQ in excess of 100 during Hitler's reign; the whites he did kill were racially inferior, and the communists are traitors of the white race and deserve everything they got, and most communists probably had an IQ somewhere in the 80s due to inferior genes and malnutrition. As well as this, Hitler didn't destroy Europe, America destroyed Europe. Fuck off, Kike scum.
>This is the only plausible way China supersedes the US, by studying our (((mistakes))) and not making them in their homeland
The Chinese also believe torturing animals before killing them makes the food taste better
I am a servant of my new han masters now.
>And yet the chinese are communist, a tool and construct of the jew, spread for the well being of the jew
>the chinese are Jewish communsists
The Chinese are so naive and gullible. The Jews will intermarry with them and one day will also rule over all of China as they do America.
The Chinese used to be communist, but now they are more Fascists with Capitalist elites. There are people in China that drive super cars.
I would rather be a Chinese servant than a Jewish slave.
I'd take a Han job over a Jew one any day.
too late for that. the opposite actually. They have copied your mistakes and are headed for financial doom.
The Chinese have figured out the US doesnt exist but is a feudal state vassal to Jewish kings.
>The merchant is but a paper tiger for the middle kingdom.
No the chinese are jewish puppets
I dont follow much chink news/info. Thanks for telling me
>headed for financial doom.
Care to explain?
It's far more disappointing to read the naive comments in this thread, especially those posting with a swastika. Most people, it seems, are gullible and misinformed at best.
>china believes the obvious
When 8/8 of the wealthiest families that control 90%+ of the worlds wealth are Jewish, what other fucking conclusion can you come to?
Like I understand being afraid to admit it, but actually believing anything different....
Yeah, germs were so superior they got buttfucked by the "inferiors". And calling me a kike for exposing white-killing vermin
and yeah the chiniks aren't half-stupid and they're outsiders so they just say it how it is
This. China has less than 0.1% of it's population virtue signaling because the concept is entirely alien to our DNA. Even mainlanders with their insane communism were not able to produce ideas as stupid as the average western liberal.
There were several huge countries fighting against Hitler and there was still a path to victory which was less clear at the time.
Settle down boomer kike.
Too many bubbles
>Picture this. You’re a middle-class Chinese saver and you walk into a bank. They offer you two investment options. The first is a bank deposit that pays about 2%. The other is a WMP that pays about 7%. Which do you choose?
>In the past ten years, bank customers have chosen almost $12 trillion of WMPs. That might be fine if WMPs were like high-quality corporate or municipal bonds. They’re not. They’re more like the biggest Ponzi scheme in history.
>Here’s how they work. Proceeds from sales of WMPs are loaned to speculative real estate developers and unprofitable state owned enterprises (SOEs) at attractive yields in the form of notes.
>So, WMPs resemble collateralized debt obligations, CDOs, the same product that sank Lehman Brothers in the panic of 2008.
>The problem is that the borrowers behind the WMPs can’t pay their debts. They’re relying on further bubbles in real estate or easy credit from the government to meet their interest obligations.
>What happens when a WMP matures? Usually the bank customer is encouraged to rollover the investment into a new WMP. What happens if the customer wants her money back? The bank sells a new WMP to another customer, then uses those sales proceeds to redeem the first customer. The new customer now steps into the shoes of the first customer with the same pile of bad debt. That’s where the Ponzi dynamic comes in.
>Simply put, most of the debts backing up the WMPs cannot be repaid, which means it’s just a matter of time before the WMP market goes into a full meltdown and triggers a banking panic.
>The toxic combination of government debt, corporate debt, WMPs, and unrealistic growth expectations have set up China for the greatest market crash in history. But, not yet. As analysis will continue to prove, political forces will put off a day of reckoning until early 2018.
Chinese are the Jews og Asia. Their diaspora even get expelled from nations.
>it's in our DNA
don't be too sure of it. Most people also were convinced europeans were cold hearted war fighters lacking empathy during the WW1 era. Quite ironically, good living conditions will probably be the biggest threat to China's resistance to liberalism.
It seems those countries were smart enough to pick the winning side. I'm always astounded by the explanation that there more vs us that's why we lost lol.
It's like negros babbling about institutional racism
to the people who think jews can subvert chinese you're wrong.
the reason is very simple. chinese regularly kill officers who fuck up. you get the death sentence for corruption. rich business regularly "disappear". you can fill your pockets if you're doing well, but the second you fuck up then you're killed. that means the jews at the top would be killed, but even before that they wouldn't allow jews to even be at the top.
newly arrived chinese immigrants are also racist as fuck. they regularly fight with the older liberal asians who came here earlier. they know they came here because white people built it and they don't want shitskins ruining everything. affirmative action will be destroyed because chinese are constantly attacking it since it fucks them over the most.
tl;dr: chinese kill business men and official who are too corrupt and fuck up. that means jews will be killed by them so it's impossible for them to merge
I'll tell you something, not every corrupt business type receives the same justice and you can be sure that is true.
If you do too much corruption for the protection you have, you will be killed. And if you kill 100,000 babies with poisoned powder, you will also be killed, because that just demands justice.
but if you play it right you will not be killed even if you weren't actually that great in the economy.
>tfw Chinks batantly spill too many redpills about Jews in burgerland into the MSM but Jews cant do anything about it except damage controll and accidentally save the white race from extinction at the hand of Jews before accidentally destroying the earth
Who is Karl Marx?
Why are Chinese commies?
yes but that's totally unacceptable for jews. because jews will fuck up and then get killed but that's a big no-no for the tribe. china is corrupt and not everything is punished or even needs to be, but they do need to kill officials and rich guys who fuck up too much which is a great thing.
it's a cultural facet. white christians want to be do-gooders and virtue signal because they'll get into heaven. that's why people fucking virtue signal to begin with to prove how tolerant and compassionate they are in the eyes of the lord. it's christcucks who talked about all humans being equal and took that to the logical extreme. china is based on confucius philosophy before jesus was even born. confucius says you worship your family and not random low iq shitskins mudpeople and no not everybody is equal. EVER. it's the fucking exact opposite based on meritocracy and loyalty only to your family.
whites will throw their family under the bus to virtue signal which is the opposite of worshiping your ancestors that chinese practice.
the west believes in bullshit christianity values but they don't believe in god anymore so they're completely delusional and mentally ill
marxism is the best revolution theory penned. the chinese are fascist and not even remotely close to the cultural marxist destroying the west with liberal mental illness. they even created the insult baizuo to describe white liberal cucks and mock them. they're national socialist without any form of socialism or care about human rights. they're totally capitalist, but state run capitalism also known as fascism
They're not saving shit, kiwi. They're just gonna continue to be a never ending player on the world stage and not get caught in the trap we got caught in.
They wont save the west retard, they'll save their inferior east
They already exist LOL, and exactly as you mentioned it.