Why do people believe in Flat Earth?
Why do people believe in Flat Earth?
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No one legitimately believes that
If Earth is round then how come things ain't constantly rolling away?
Colonialized science needs to die.
Some do, and usually drugs are involved. Hallucinogenics and Cannabis mostly.
Watching Eddie Bravo turn into a flat earth supporter is so bizarre.
I was actually a student of Eddie Bravo. I got my blue belt under one of his 10th planet black belts and then studied at his gym in his advanced class for a long time.
Eddie is a brilliant coach with an amazing analytical mind and a knowledge of anatomy that would blow you away. Unfortunately the man has just smoked entirely too much reefer and I think the back surgery (where they had to move around all his organs in order to access a damaged part of his spine) recovery maybe fucked with his head a little bit.
Eddie needs to just chill the fuck out for a little bit and go on a long cruise around the round earth. He certainly has the money for it. And maybe smoke a few less joints and drink a few more rum cocktails.
>t. brainlet
Actually, we all believe the earth is flat until we are told otherwise in school. All of our senses tell us we live on a flat surface
Brian Stelter
>no one legitimately believes the holocaust was a hoax.
Very interesting story user, thank you for sharing.
To troll people who think they're smart.
>round earth
in the sense that it is a circle, yes, it is round.
Because they are swayed by the CGI earth conspiracy , disregarding physics and astronomy. When confronted with actual facts about planetary formation they are left answerless and stop believing in that fucking bullshit. Now ISS photos could be CGI for X reason but earth is not fucking flat
Because they want to be redpilled but they're so brainwashed that they can't accept that the anti-semites are right.
They know something is very wrong with the world, but they can't put their finger on it so they grab on to anything that seems like the kind of ruse that (((they))) are trying to hide from us all, but they never try to answer who the (((they))) are because it always leads to the same conclusion.
>go on a long cruise around the round earth
Doesn't matter. He'll just explain some bullshit mathematics that he's making up on the spot and when you call him out on it he'll just say, "I don't know, man... It's complicated shit."
Listening to him talk about conspiracies is insufferable.
It's the only thing that makes sense
Flat earth looks like a spoof on gravitational disk planetary formation, rather than the more likely electrical expulsion from a star.
>*blocks your path*
Welcome to my world
>*flying gogoplata*
>*pulls rubber guard*
>*mission control to zombie*
Ready for.....THIS?
>*kimura sweeps you into side control*
Check THIS!
>*berimbolo back take*
You know what's next?
>*twisters you into a living death*
Heh, nothin' personal kiddo.
>Get concussions for a living
>Make good choices and come to reasonable conclusions
Pick one.
ironically enough. there's a theory that the Himalayas popped up instantly by a meteor impact in the gulf of mexico. this is backed by a notion that an Island popped up in Pakistan instantaneously after a 7.7 earthquake.
>being a spherecuck
Consider suicide
the rapper dude is a pedo
Hahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahhahahahha this is why nobody takes this fucking board serious
Bro what do you know about electrical expulsion from a star? What/who have you been reading? I put that on a list of shit to look into a couple months ago
Pretty sure it's one of these.
I was just thinking about this before I found this thread. If the earth takes 24 hours to rotate once and a year to rotate around the sun. Six months from now when we're on the other side of the sun the stars we see at night should be different but they're not. So what the fuck is going on? I'm not saying it's round or flat but I think the model we're used to looking at, must be wrong.
But wouldn't it be wild if one of the fundamental beliefs we had about reality was all a lie?
We take things for granted because there is authority behind it.
In Eddie's case because he's a massive contrarian
NASA just released the first untouched photos of earth.
Where are your spheres and flat earths, sweethearts?
Take five minutes out of your day and attempt to measure the curve of the earth
8 inches per mile squared is the math
>bet you wont
Yes the earth is flat and Math, Science, and Visual evidence prove it. Not bogus theories freemasons feed the masses. In fact it is the easiest conspiracy to prove. Go ahead take 5 minutes and attempt to prove to yourself that the Earth curves at 8 inches per mile squared, bet you won't :)
8 inches per mile squared of curvature is unmeasurable.
The spin of earth is also unmeasurable.
The Theory of gravity is also unmeasureable.
Countless laser tests have been done over 8+ miles with zero curve detected.
Countless high altitude rockets/balloons have been shot into low earth orbit and every picture/video they take shows nothing but a FLAT PLANE with sun spots under the sun. (if you don't get why that's a big deal go back to school)
You can zoom 50+ miles away and see the shoreline and buildings of things you shouldn't otherwise see if we were on a curve. (anywhere in the world under any and all weather conditions, its not refractions you dopes)
You can see Polaris (the north star) from the (((southern hemisphere)))
There are endless proofs just google 200 proofs the Earth is not a spinning ball and enjoy that you have been lied to.
Then you have NASA and other space agencies clearly using CGI or fake studio sets under water.
China has my fav one, of course NASA congratulated them for this great space walk
When this was live streamed I laughed so god damn hard. If you believe this then you are forever blue pilled and lost
Then you got NASA with bubbles come out of their equipment and space suits.
Then there is video of Russians also faking it.
THEN the moon landing hoax a simple look at how there is more than one light source in the moon landing official pictures means they were not lite by the sun but by more than one source as the shadows go off at different angles
THEN the fact that the (((moon rocks))) brought by america after the landing turned out to be nothing more than petrified wood
Also the fact that thrust doesn't work in a vacuum nor does combustion
Endless endless endless proofs
I dont know shit about space but technically if the planets rotate around the sun would't that mean our solar system is a capable of rotating around something else like another solar system or Sun
wtf the earth IS flat?????
The galaxy is really, really, really, REALLY big dude.
Think of it this way: Go outside and spin around. Now spin around your house as you do. Keep your eyes up on the clouds the entire time. See how it's the same clouds, even though you're moving? The distance between you and the clouds is so big that the changes in your movement (both rotation around your central axis and around your house) is essentially zero. The stars we see in the sky are basically the same, only the distance between Earth and them makes the distance between you and the clouds look non-existent.
Because Alex Jones and True Capitalist Radio
The flat Earth theory and denial of climate change is why the right looks retarded all the time.
Because you lack an understanding of gravity, Mr. picRelated
>dah evil white man doesn't think the earth is a table with floating water
Live feed for the goym
In theory, yes, you could have several things rotating about one thing that in itself is rotating about another. That's exactly the case with Earth and the Moon; the Moon rotates around the Earth and the Moon rotates around the Earth. You could have, say, a solar system rotating around a black hole.
Now, as for whether that actually happens with OUR Solar System, the answer is sort of. The Solar System is rotating around the center of the milky way, but that's very far away.
If anyone truly believes that, it's to give themselves control over their useless meaningless lives
Wow dat Kekestani homeschooling tho
It does.
>look into it
Because it is one of many ways to state without equivocation that you believe something fundamental and taken as absolute fact is totally and objectively false. While nobody seems to know what the great lie is, many people believe there is one.
>video taken closer to the ground loses curvature
eddie doesnt totally believe in flat earth bro. he just likes to question shit and watch youtube vids
why do people believe eyes are real?
What motivation is therefor mainstream scientists and governments to claim the earth is a globe when it's actually flat? The earth is hollow
more space nigger quotes
>You can see Polaris (the north star) from the (((southern hemisphere)))
No you can't.
real eyes realize real lies
If I'm understanding the question correctly then it is possible. what I don't get, is we see the same stars in the night sky in the summer as we do in the winter they should be on the daylight side in the winter but they're not. youtube.com
why is google censoring google maps? Recent updates got stuff scrubbed
Do not believe in the Flat Earth. However, I find it interesting is the anger shown when a simple narrative is questioned. Why does that trigger some people? The insults start right away. Also, there are a few questions that do stand out and have not been adequately explained.
It's clear he's has an invisible string attached to him, but do you have anymore info on this?
Look up "american inventors" if you haven't already
Because most of one's concepts about life and reality are based on "facts" they take for granted, and the notion that the Earth could be flat undermines all of that.
People enjoy being edgy I guess, instead of actually trying to find the truth. Or they create a delusion to believe that their edginess is the truth because nobody else believes in it.
What the fuck? Why there's like 95% niggers?
Google censors and skews all kinds of shit to suit their agenda
Because Eddie Bravo tapped Royler Gracie at Metamoris 3.
Even Graham Bell looks like a fucking nigger in the results.
You can google "white inventors", too, and see what comes up
ok, that's fucked up
Wait.... are you sayin clothes wrinkle in space????? HOLY FUCKKKKKK
I hope whoever took the time to make that animation got cancer.
I did that now you try. Try looking east then go around to the other side of the house look east again and you will see a house in your way.
He's getting paid to astroturf this shit
The same reason people believe in Good Hitler.
They're deranged and desperately need to be THE ULTIMATE REBEL.
If loving Hitler suddenly became mainstream and communism became taboo, 50% of epic fashy natsocs would immediately flip to communism, and the rest would flip after a year of peer pressure from the cool taboo communist underdog clique.
>Why do people believe
People don't, it's a psy-op.