Body Hair

Is large amounts of body hair a sign of shit genes? Body hair correlates strongly with shit races (Jews, Arabs, North Africans) and less with better races (Asians, Hwite European).

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I love how you avoided including your own group, Tyrone. Niggers are the least hairy group of them all. It's a neotenic trait.

no, it isn't

Anglos are hairy, though. Unless only nords are white...

medium body hair is hot

it's a sign of high test

that's why hairy men usually go bald

No, it's a sign of puberty. Now don't post here again until your balls drop.

>Niggers are the least hairy group of them all. It's a neotenic trait.

Native Americans, seriously

Errrrrr... Whites grow more body hair than the darker races because we've lived in cold climates for thousands of years

Just shave your bodyhair you fucking faggot. It reduces any chance of BO and makes you look vascular as fuck. Only kikes say it is gay.

I forgot to mention that. Ya they're the exception.

yes goyim, having low testosterone is good. eat more refined sugars and drink more (((beer))). only then you can become a good cuck.

high test =/= mpb

mpb = recessive gene passed on from the mother's side (X chromosome)

women have mpb too, but due to having XX, the gene is not expressed unless double recessive. it almost always only appears in later life for women, and it is characterized by diffuse thinning over the whole head, rather than the toilet seat shape in men


>american """""""education"""""""

Swedes are very hairy too nigger.


depends which one, but overall if you look at africa, with all its diversity, you'll definitely find the least hairy ones

Body hair is absolutely disgusting :^)

the gene thing is a meme, all men go bald eventually, high test ones just go bald earlier

show me an old man with a head FULL of hair, they are very rare because they are the exception to the rule

ive noticed this too op

my family is all scandi so we barely have any body hair sept for the face region(muh viking beard) and any body hair is blonde so its not really apparent on the pale skin

i have literally no back hair and barely any chest hair

plenty of men in my family had full heads of hair into their 80s

>Japanese as hairy if not more hairy than Indians
I somehow don't believe that map

Ainus m8

The Ainu are.

The fellow AnCap is right, i'm a top dom bi bara and fuck twinks and traps.

why are armenians hairy

What's a bara

Evolutionary speaking: why DO arabs and other sand niggers have lots of body hair? It would make sense for nordic and cold-faring people to have body hair, but why are desert-dwellers so wookie-like?

I was always told the more native american blood you have the less body hair you grow

Ainus are like 2-3% max of Japanese, and there is not a place where they are the dominant ethnicity. Have you seen the Indian abos, and for that matter Sri Lankans?

Checkd, but lots of old dudes have hair. My gramps in his late 90s and still has a full head.

>why DO arabs and other sand niggers have lots of body hair?

Moroccans and Tunisians are usually pretty smooth for some odd reason :^)


it is gay because man that spend that much time on their appearance are fucking gay.

I shave only where it absolutely needs to be shaven; armpits, some pubic areas. Other than that, ive got no time for that fagotry.

kek @ asian manlets

Isn't body hair meant to protect the man from the cold, since Europe is a cold continent, wouldn't it be a normal sign of Europeans to show more signs of body hair than people from hot regions like Amerindians and Africans?

tl;dr OP is a non-white

Shaving body hair is fucking gay you faggot.

>ive got no time for that fagotry.

Enjoy staying ugly lmao

Enjoy your body odor you filthy cunt

>shaving armpits
What a faggot. A real man shaves only his chest, belly, and pubis, and only when he has the possibility of fucking some bitch.

so if you shaved your body hair you'd turn gay? wow

>travel around the world and watch where dudes grow hair
That's gay.

No, it's likely to create a layer between body and clothes so that sweat can get through. Even the hairiest guy still has pretty little insulation.



>Hwite European
Your spelling is as stupid as your post.

Assuming you're talking about men, Asians are about the shittiest race there is. Most are physically-inferior and most are dumb as rocks.

>B-But there are Asian doctors in my hospital.
Only the smart ones are granted access to western countries.

>not just trimming it short when it gets too long

>Be me
>Tall (6'4")
>Perfectly blue eyes
>Flawless, fair, white skin
>Full head of light, sandy-brown, almost blonde hair
>No physical impairments. Strong, healthy, and in good shape
>Strong, germanic/aryan heritage
>Lots of chest and back hair

I just realized my body hair makes me a nigger. Should I just kill myself now??

t. abdul

>Lots of chest and back hair

Get on the meme train, newfriend

White europeans have tons of hair, you beta faggot.

Arabs are hairy because it prevents sand from rubbing against their skin. They also have longer eyelashes to keep out the extra debris from sand, much like camels.

body hair but having a well toned body is okay.

Fat ass faggots like the person in OP are just disgusting hair or no hair

I'm 25% native american and have a hairy chest and belly.
Everyone thinks I shave my legs though and it sucks

>White europeans have tons of hair

If you have body hair, you aren't white. Period.

Get the fuck out, you filthy animal

>stay ugly

said most probably manlet to a 6.3 foot muscle mas (kick boxing), long beard, mountain of a man.

armpit hair collects bad smell, so it is a practical reason. and i trim pubes around me cock. (same reason. So it is 100% hygienic and 0% aesthetic.

I know bunch of hidden fagots spending hours and hours in a beauty saloons, doing the depilation. So yea i would say that is quite fucking gay.

It means you probably have more Neanderthal genes.

>exception to the rule
this is a meme phrase and signals to everyone you have no background in science. proper usage:
>"the exception that proves the existence of the rule."
as in, the rule does not apply in a certain case, which validates it.

an example would be if it you said it was a rule that all hairy men have mbp. then you find one hairy guy who doesnt have mbp, which seems to invalidate the rule. but then you find he had hair transplants to correct mbp, thus making this case not applicable, and validating the rule.

anyways, there is a strong correlation between genes of the x chromosome and mpb
>The top gene-based hit was, as expected, the androgen receptor on the X chromosome (P = 2.0x10-269).

>The top X chromosome gene-based findings included the androgen receptor (AR), which has been well established as a baldness associated gene [32], along with its upstream (EDA2R) and downstream (OPHN1) genes.

also for giggles:
>Two of the top 10 X chromosome SNPs were located in OPHN1, a gene previously associated with X-linked mental retardation

>foot muscle


I dunno, I'm as white as snow and can trace my lineage back like 6-7 generations and most of my ancestors are a mix of British, German, and Russian.

I'm hairy as fuck, hair all over my chest, stomach, arms, legs.

>chest hair
back hair is disgusting though, shave it

Gene thing not a meme, but you are not totally wrong; given a long enough time. In some peoples cases it may be related to excessively high test levels, but also would need genetic predisposition to get to that level of baldness. A vast majority of men will at the very least experience some thinning.

I am greek, and both of my grandfathers had pretty full heads of hair until old age, and they also had a fair amount of body hair.

I have no idea why, but people from all countries around the Mediterranean have a lot of body hair

It's definitely shit genes.

, , ,

Because they are brethren of the greeks

>If you have body hair, you aren't white. Period.
Asians confirmed white.

>german hates any sign of testosterone
Imagine my shock

You aren't a man if you don't have a thick patch of chest hair.

Got one for women? Gotta know where the grass is greener.

Nords, Meds, and Anglos all have a lot of body hair.

Chimps sink

>he thinks if A implies B, B also implies A

Sasquatch education, everyone!

>if u have body hair, u arent white. period
Blacks confirmed White.


Insects? to give em a early warning system to those gross bugs buzzing around sucking your blood?

I don't look like an animal, therefore I am not a man


You disgust me.

>I just realized my body hair makes me a nigger.
Bullshit, body hair proves you are a western European with high testosterone levels, women love hairy men

Everyone has the same amount of follicles, which are, incidentally, more than a chimp. What differs is colour and physical properties of what said follicles produce.

>uploaded Jan 8

that's you, most likely

This is a true red pill desu.

Yes. Now kill yourself you mongrel.

He's gorgeous

you are not. Germans are fucking disgusting. Especially blonde ones.

You look like a twink, I could brutalize you in a matter of seconds.

Concentration camp diet?

Fuck off and go shave, you filthy animal. And after you're done, go shave your mom's back, thx
>I could brutalize you
Do it

What does it mean if you have a moderate amount of arm,leg,underarm,facial,and pubic hair,

But minimal chest hair?

Does it come with age?


This is what my friend looked like before he died of cancer

I'm Celtic, have hardly any body hair,very pale skin but lots of head hair and pubes.

It's the fact you act like them you ape.
How's Minnesota by the way?

It's because of this:

>shaving armpits


go back in your motherfucking shed

>Skinnyfat belly
>Twig arms

how does that even happen, does he just sit in bed all day?

who said im too hairy, at all. I was just talking about Germans being fucking disgusting, which they are.


Absolutelly retarded map. Natives here have pretty much no body hair whatsoever

>who said im too hairy

Uhm, your location? You 3rd worlders all look the same: hairy and ugly af :^)

dude you sound perfect. sprint, work out, train with guns, you'll be the poster boy of men in the future.
Man is animal quit trying to diverve from what your really are and construct yourself into so unnatural artificial entity liberals keep pushing for?