We Waz Blonde Kangs N Sheet
what is this fixation on the fairy tale that niggers were white royalty?
We Waz Blonde Kangs N Sheet
what is this fixation on the fairy tale that niggers were white royalty?
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it's a "cry for help of sorts"
their culture is so fundamentally broken that they innately try to fabricate a better one.
kind of sad desu
The upper right child is from Papua New Guinea. The bottom row is genetic abnormalities and may not be easily inheritable along typical mating patterns.
Top right looks Australian aborigines not African.
lol, even nigger supremacists know white traits are objectively more beautiful
Imagine that for the entire of your people's existence, you have achieved nothing positive.
You never invented anything worthy of mention.
You never built amazing civilizations whose remains still marvel people all around the globe.
You never created some awe, inspiring piece of art.
You never domesticated an animal to be your company.
Not only that, instead, you are known WORLDWIDE as a nation wrecker, as a burden, as a slave, as something less intelligent than a well trained gorilla, as a disease infected subhuman, as a plague, as a threat for the actual progress of humanity.
Shit, I would even claim to be from the moon.
Is that really what it is like to be a Mexican?
lmao I guess I struck a nerve there
I bet you thought your response was really witty and clever.
I don't know, I just got the impression you were talking about yourself. How about you list all the great things Mexicans have accomplished?
If you do, help contribute to this stub of a Wikipedia page.
same reason they bitch about cultural appropriation. while every other civilization was creating and advancing, niggers were spear chucking and inventing AIDS: they have no real accomplishments as a people. now the modern world has caught up to them, they're still stuck in the stone-age, and have to resort to history revision to keep burying the fact they're basically animals that were adopted by the better races.
Wait what? Are you ironically posting?
For real, I'm just trying to understand this. So, you're saying that I'm talking about how worthless Mexicans are, and then you post a really fucking long list about inventions which are extremely culturally relevant, even moreso in America than in Mexico itself?
Nigger plz.
Legit thought you were talking about Mexicans too.
>never invented anything worthy of mention
>really long list
You keep telling yourself that Paco. I'm so glad you guys came around to invent snow cones. YOUZ WUZ EXPLORAS AN SHEEEEEEIIIITTTT.
It's funny that everything that is considered "black culture" white people aren't allowed to appropriate like braids were things white people already did and better.
In the Evergreen college shutdown videos there are at least four niggers, who were in the group of blacks shouting "black power", in there with their hair dyed red or blonde hair. Every black "separatist" movement has never been about forming their own nation or going back to their "Motherland" but to live amongst white people on their dollar. Black supremacy is a fucking joke in of itself.
>brown eyes
Lol okay abdul
Brah you are so triggered. your first post is totally consistent with how people view Mexico. You mad because you didn't know it.
Go back to facebook normalfag.
Are you suggesting whites can't have brown eyes?
Stop having brown eyes.
If you have brown eyes you're not white and certainly not Aryan. You will be gassed, but allowed to fight for us.
>nigger mongrel eyes
The brutal inferiority complex that black people have is going to be what ends the world.
Live in Hawaii, it's how we talk. I wouldn't attack people for how they talk ese
What do you make of people like me who have green/blue eyes but have a parent with brown eyes.
You can't be this dumb.
I believe it is called helping them find 'agency'- studies have shown men in conqured countries drink a lot more and have a lot less confidence and feel generally shitty - their manhood has been diminished - can you imagine only having - oh well my great great great grandparensts were slaves along with every other black american's grandparents,- if you actually try to put yourself in their place it is kinda a heavy trip - I mean Africans whose ancestry are not slaves despise american blacks because of it
They are the lowest rung of Aryanism, and will be the future slaves but treated kindly.
Sorry but you must be gassed brown eyed mutt.
W-was Hitler going to kill Uncle Goebbels if the won the war?
My apologies Islandfriend.
No, Hitler knew that he had created a monster by letting Brown Eyed Degenerates (BEGgers) into the Nazi party, but didn't have the support to gas them. He didn;t want to live in a world where beggers existed, so he destroyed everything to save us.
I can't pass on brown eyes though.
Every person in this thread is a mutt. But the internet is a tricky bitch. You can be whatever you want to be.
>Joseph Goebbels
You would be the one being gassed.
Africans are literally superior to African Americans.
Prove me wrong
>white bois still haven't come to term that blacks had the most technological advances in history
Top right is some kind of abbo isn't it ? bottom right is photoshop, other two, contact lenses.
Not really "brah" (topkek)
Anyways, it's a little bit sad that when you say Mexican a shitskin plumber comes to most American's minds... specially when the creolle Mexico is GOAT.
But then again, it's also hilarious that your country is basically the dumpster for those kinds of people so laugh all you want brah, soon New Mexico won't be just the name of one of your States. ;)
it's something to keep their hopes up and keep them going.
slaves sung hymns while picking cotton in the fields, now they have kanye and this egyptian royal lineage fantasy.
99% of them would commit suicide or go out and commit even more crime if they accepted the reality that their race is literally responsible for nothing but the famine and degradation of human civilization for the last 5 thousand years. Can you imagine how hopeless that would make most people? only a truly powerful individual can have the self-belief to propel himself to the top from being in a background like that. To make it easier for the rest, they've created this myth to give themselves some confidence.
Thanks for this powerful may may Sup Forums. You're basically supplying us with ammo to beat yo white asses.
We Ballin' CRACK-A-ASS
>brown eyes and brown hair
Kek, you fucking wish, negroid scum.
Another idiot.
Because they have nothing. They don't even take the time to know their own history. Blacks are lazy, mentally deficient, violent, and easily distracted. Their only response these days is a mob response.
Blacks will never go anywhere. Especially the violent, deficient, black male.
I have brown hair and eyes and I guarantee I'm whiter than 90% of this shit board lmao. Probably whiter than 90% of white people in the world even
I'm trying hard not to laugh.
They need something to believe in because if reality hit them they would noose themselves once they realised they were worthless. Hence why religion is important.
Me too. I'm half english quarter german quarter swede. These retard neckbeards don't care. Watch the retards attack me fer muh aryan. These guys, ironically, are all blonde hair blue eyed aryans. Imagine that.
You are as dumb as it gets and I would gladly sodomize you to assert my dominance.
>shitskins killing shitskins
>in competition of the American market
Man, getting a little bit desperate here.
Also, I didn't want to point it out because it was painfully obvious but 90% of the thread is basically Americans saying exactly the same shit, but you had to deflect the argument with "muh Mexico lmao look they inferior too!!!"
Sad, sad, monkey.
Ok but ancient Egyptians were whites from eastern Ukraine. not half arab or the niggers from libya or kush.
We can say it because we aren't shit
>protip: ditch the geographic flag.
Because Niggers have nothing of their own so they have they have to try to appropriate White/Asian/Native American history, etc.
Only 15% of the world is white... so if you're whiter than 90% of the world, then that means your only whiter than 33% of white people. That's not good at all.
>Probably whiter than 90% of white people in the world even
He didn't say 90% of the world. He said 90% of white people.
m8 the US is filled with blacks, liberalism and rampant degeneracy, why the fuck would you ever want to annex their southern states?
The only good southern state is Texas lol
Top right is abo kid they are different breed altogether
Yea... Honestly, it's rough enough being a dirty irishmen who's ancestors could no longer farm in their own country anymore and had to sail off and abandon their homeland.
It's absolutely true.
Only the moron blacks got captured and sold as slaves. Natural selection dictates that the worst of the crop were sent overseas, leaving behind only the superior blacks.
Why do liberals love to pretend that if anybody on earth has something, that it's now normal. I could just as easily say that white people have red eyes, 20 inch dicks, and tails and i can guarantee that I could find somebody on the internet that does have those things in order to "prove my point"
you said it doll -
>If only there was another race with multiple hair, eye colors and skin carnations
You're the one that made the thread retard
"muh eyes" said the larping niggers
Ever known of anything a nigger wouldn't steal?
It's a defense mechanism. They are the lowliest, dumbest race that every other race hates with a passion. Those few with self awareness must know this and be terribly ashamed
Pls no, we don't want those chicanos, they are all yours
Ahh fuck, that's my old primary school. Fuggg :-DDDDD
Obviously they would rather judge blacks by the exceptions rather than the average
This is actually true because both Caucasoid and Negroids inhabit Africa. However, it doesn't make them have blue eyes, or blond hair which they don't. It means they have a different skeletal structure.
Isn't the blue eyes thing due to malnutrition?
Don't know about blonde hair with black roots