Why did he do it Sup Forums?

Why did he do it Sup Forums?
he could have started lifting and made it

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No he was extremely fucked in the head

We needed an example of how not to be.

If he just worked out didn't talk like a retard he would have been A CHAD

His personality is so spergy he makes Sup Forumstards look like chads

I can't even imagine how creepy he must had been to be around. I don't think he could ever make it.

scapegoated by spoiled valley girls

should have assassinated the proper targets

He was a fucked up combination of narcissism, beta loser, and hapa. Add those three together and you get a supreme gentleman killer.

Butthurt. Read his manifesto, he was still assruined over stuff that happened in kindergarten.


he could have got a gf, he wasn't that bad looking and he had money. But he was really fucked in the head

he was hung like a hamster and the penis pump failed him

What he needed was anime, something like Eromanga Sensei.

He was delusional and a narcissist with low self esteem(yes there is such a thing, and it makes people fucked) and probably had a severe lack of empathy which came across when he spoke to women.
As others have said, he was crazy fucked.

Was he right?

I guess he was. He didn't get laid so we won't have to deal with his autistic children.


faggot psychology cult with a new word for their scapegoat
dehumanize the "other" with nigger jew spic narcissist then you can attack it

he was raised by shit parents and NEVER shown empathy

kys roasty enablers
its a fuckign user board and you still self cuck

Being a rational man of intelligence, I think it is entirely rational and intelligent for me to decree that all the women in the world can only have sex with me.

Sorry guys, they're now all taken.

which one is the real dad

Who the fuck is that

>if i mock daddy he will give me attention

Are you off your meds or something?

>asian male

no, he would never make it

Instead he played WoW for 15 hours a day

no I clearly explained my position and you are trolling
daddy still doesn't love you

Seems like it.
Either that or he's a Scientologist.

Someone update me on this guy and what he did.

He got so little pussy he actually thinks women choose who they fuck, and not that they're being manipulated by smarter and more dominant men. Elliot could of learned a lot from peterson, but now he'll remain forever unsorted.

>decree that all the women in the world can only have sex with me

when did he say this?

He fucked your mum

If he had a waifu, he would have been just like Tranny Phantom who wanted to join the waifu ghost squad and shot up a store.

Faganon here, in my opinion he was so far in the closet that he didn't have a clue that he needed a big non-Asian dicks up his butt.

Kys u fag

The son of a liberal Hollywood director was in the closet?

The closet doesn't exist for those people. He could've come out whenever the fuck he wanted, nobody would have judged him.

Does Peterson say anything about women?

A guy with that much class has no need for lifting

Yes. A lot. Not that though. Peterson will agree with him that women do choose who to mate with.

Elliot should have risen up some reasonable dominance hierarchy. He gave in to the chaos and remained at the bottom.

The idea that he had to self improve to get sex was part of the problem. How come he would have to make a conscious effort to be attractive to girls while other men get desired by beautiful women without trying?

He killed himself because he couldn't bear to live in such an unfair world as we do

child sex abuse.

Haplas have too much self hate.

Like jews on steroids.

Good. If you can't cope with reality you're better off checking out.

>He killed himself because he couldn't bear to live in such an unfair world as we do

He chose the easiest way out. He should have carried his cross.
And it's stupid to think there's a problem with improving yourself to attract a mate. Natural selection will be your judge if you don't learn to play the game of Life.

It's a very unfair game

>could of

It's a shame he didn't kill enough people before turning the gun on himself..

>muh reality
it didn't use to be reality back when we had arranged marriages n shit

I could probably live 200 years as a foreveralone. Why are you normies so needy for companionship?

The murders were him carrying his cross. He thought killing people who won the genetic lottery would demonstrate life's unfairness to other people, and to punish them for having such good luck.

That was his conclusion yes.

>tfw you have more of a fem jaw than the supreme gentleman
>tfw you aren't a virgin though

I'm not sure who's the real winner anymore.

lifting wouldn't do anything for his weird offputting personality. he was already pretty rich, drove a nice car, and had a dad who worked in the movies. most people, especially social nonautists, can pick up on creepiness.

how come he pussied out of shooting up a sorority house because no one came to the door when he knocked
couldn't even leave his car, most beta killing spree in history

>beta loser

this meme needs to die, there's no such thing

if chads didnt get pussy their confidence would drop and they'd consider themselves beta losers

the greater question is: why make pussy decide what your status is in life?

He'd just stabbed his roommates hundreds of times. Elliot wasn't born a killer and took every excuse he could to not kill people, it was only his autism that was driving him on at all

His parents didn't love him enough. That's the root of all creepy neediness

The kid was a weak fucktard. I'm way older and kissless than he was and I had no friends as a kid.

People need to just stop caring like I have. Also I lift and look like a model.

Well good luck with your time travel, the rest of us will live in the world we have.

What I never got is how he managed to stay a virgin. Santa Barbera is FULL of faggots, it's in California for fuck's sake. And the guy had no ability to assert himself in social situations. Some alpha faggot would have finished cumming in his ass and telling him he ought to get a check for HIV before it even occurred to him to say he wasn't gay.

>if chads weren't chads they wouldn't be chads

Truly one of the greatest philosophical minds of our era.

if you believe the official narrative...

>Why did he do it Sup Forums?
Wait 10 years. You'll have first person experience on why he did it.
Will you be the next supreme gentleman?

Elliot did nothing wrong. Roasties had it coming.
Also nice doubles brothers.

>He'd just stabbed his roommates hundreds of times

Did he? I thought he just went full sperg GTA style.

This desu senpai.

it's also reality everywhere outside the west

you missed my point senpai

Before he was even able to set out on taking revenge on the Chads and Stacies he killed himself three times

>very attractive and very rich
>still died a virgin
You have to think, he had two HUGE advantages and he was still too autistic to get a gf. The guy was fucked up mentally, he's not exactly what anybody on Sup Forums should strive to be- but this is Sup Forums so I don't expect better

He was a closet fag. He needed a tranny therapist.

>he killed himself three times

Too many redpills

Hilarious you think he thought of himself as 'Asian' as it was the opposite as the primary motivator for his killing spree was seeing Asian- guys-with-White-girls everything on campus

He thought a women would solve all of his problems. He was a fool.

>Very attractive
I don't know about that, but he was rich. And if he couldn't capitalize on THAT, then yeah, he was beyond omega-level.
What was your point though? Most in Sup Forums are neither attractive nor rich. Are you saying Sup Forumsacks shouldn't strive to be "attractive" or rich?
Not sure I get your point.

>Asian- guys-with-White-girls everywhere on campus

"I came across this Asian guy who was talking to a white girl. The sight of that filled me with rage. I never had that kind of attention from a white girl! And white girls are the only girls I’m attracted to, especially the blondes.How could an ugly Asian attract the attention of a white girl, while a beautiful Eurasian like myself never had any attention from them? I thought with rage. I glared at them for a bit, and then decided I had been insulted enough. I angrily walked toward them and bumped the Asian guy aside, trying to act cocky and arrogant to both the boy and the girl. My drunken state got the better of me, and I almost fell over to the floor after a few minutes of this. They said something along the lines that I was very drunk and that I needed to get some water, so I angrily left them and went out to the front yard, where the main partying happened. Rage fumed inside me as I realized that I just walked away from that confrontation, so I rushed back into the house and spitefully insulted the Asian before walking outside again"

His manifesto was full of keks.


man this guy was fucked in the head

> this guy was fucked in the head
> check flag

You think sane people go on suicidal shooting sprees?

>Eurasian tiger
He can't keep getting away with it!

yes but he was still half Asian himself, and to many people would have just been an Asian nerd like the room mates he killed, especially when he was younger

when Elliot did killing spree in 2014 I thought that it was horrible, before i started lurking Sup Forums last year

3 years later and 99+ shit that happened in my life...

now I can even justify his frustration with rotten society. sometimes I even think about buying a gun.

>Considered himself white
>Killed Chinks because he knew deep down that's what he was

Makes sense. It's like when cucks lash out at white males because they'll never achieve what they're ancestors did so they pretend race is a social construct.
The funny thing with his narcissism is that the 2/10 hamplanets who think they deserve Chad Chaddington who's 6'4'', six figure starting and 9" on the slack are literally no different to him except for the fact they'll begrudgingly fuck some 4/10 to boost their confidence and kid themselves into believing they're desirable. If he was a woman he would have been fine.


I love this misinformation about him being rich. At most he lived upper middle class but he definitely wasnt "very rich". His dad made some shitty investments and they ended up being quite poor for high class schmucks

I could have phrased it better, I suppose. I mean that he had life on easy mode and still couldn't get pussy, the guy was a massive sperg so he's not somebody who's ideas are worth listening to. Natural selection.

>yes but he was still half Asian himsel

Why do you ignore that he was half-White himself? And nothing thought of him as 'Asian', from the official police report from the incident here He was "White"

>Why did he do it Sup Forums?

You posted the answer. That's the face of mental illness. If it wasn't for that I am sure he could have fucked random club sluts, or at least hot hookers since he had money. But he was mentally ill.

>Sane people don't kill people
>Agree with the death penalty because it acts as a deterrent
>But insane people don't see it as a deterrent because they aren't sane
>But sane people condemn insane people to death
>But sane people don't kill people

This is a slippery slope we're heading down.

goos are not humans

Ah, well I didn't know that, my mistake. The guy still wasn't broke though

Page 2 of the police report. Here are the facts of ER :

1. He got in rage whenever he saw Asian men with White girls (see , etc)
2. His online postings (see ) showed he got angry whenever he saw White girls with Asian men.
3. His first victims were his Chinese room-mates whon he ambushed and stabbed.

Stop, please.

You don't understand how genetics work.

White + asian = 90% asian

Black + asian = 100% black

thank god I live in the uk where I can't really buy a gun, or else you know....

Police officer describes ER as "white". Robert Isoda - the Asian guy who ER got angry at for talking to blonde White girls - describes him as white. Everybody at the party described ER as 'White".

You do know actual real facts matter?

American white
In America anyone can larp as white as long as they embrace the flag and work instead of being a useless peice of shit

Insane people kill INOCENT people
sane people kill insane peolple

>describing everyone as white

big news

You need to take into account these are burger police reports. Even so you can't act like his resentment of asian men with white women has nothing to do with his own heritage


seriously, why this happens? Even in southern Portugal they would be considered mixed race

I agree. He coulda been a Chad but seemed to have a screw loose and not quite make it to Chadhood.