>To help resolve their budget shortfalls, the state of Illinois will simply stop giving money to lottery winners after June 30th
Win the lottery, get nothing
>First World superpower
>This happening
Lmaoing @ your life
It always astounds me when states can't balance their budget. My state manages to do it. How incompetent can you be?
Wrong fool. Do you know how to read?
What a preternaturally perfect illustration of socialism.
god i hate my state so fucking much
just nuke us pls
illinois is fucked. the state is not only filled with welfare queens, but corrupt cunts.
let me give you an example with property taxes. illinois has the highest or second highest property taxes in the nation, it depends on the year as sometimes new jersey beats us. now, you have the choice of appealing your taxes in hopes that they are lowered a bit, but the fact is that it's almost guaranteed that you will be denied. you also have the option of appealing through a lawyer. the lawyers' pay is based on how much they lower your taxes. these lawyers are connected, so they get your taxes lowered so that they can get paid. these lawyers, and owners of law firms that appeal taxes, are also the ones that lobby and support property tax increases.
yes, that's how fucked things are in illinois. probably the best thing that can happen is for this state to go bankrupt so much needed financial reforms can take place.
Very wealthy ChiFag here. The biggest issue is shitty teachers in the Chicago Teacher's Union. They are literally 20% of the budget's issues.
Teachers in Chicago and the surrounding areas were promised great pensions, great pay, and a good union benefit for that. This all set up for a very successful schooling system for a while. Especially in rich areas where I grew up.
The issue started when people started retiring from their cushy tenured pension filled position. They're getting something like 80% of what they earned when they were teaching for the rest of their life. A friend of mine's grandma is actually still earning a whopping 98% of what she made as a teacher as a 92 year old. She doesn't use it. She doesn't need it. It's a drain on the state.
So because of the state mandate on how the pension system worked, as well as a good union scene, every single time the city and state try to change things and make their state viable financially, things go haywire due to the teacher's union simply protesting until it cripples the city and they get their way.
Rahm "I'm so retarded I potato" Emmanuel, instead of playing hard ball, also takes out ridiculous loans just to get the Chicago school districts by all while making charter schools more and more of a thing versus focusing on neighborhood schools and what not.
The second issue comes from Speaker Madigan and Bruce Rauner. Both of them are hot headed and like winning. This means that it's been about 720 days since we've had a state budget. They refuse to budge or compromise. This drains us of even more money.
Overall the governing system and commie teacher union is draining our non-existant coffers.
Move the pensions to 401Ks and kick out Rauner and Madigan and Illinois will stop being a failed piece of shit.
The 401K idea is great IMO because it's on them to invest their money versus the state having to give gibs to trash teachers that can't get fired.
Fuck all of this.
move to indiana or michigan before it's too late.
This is why were so opinionated about Europe's refugees.
We have a WEALTH of skill-less people who want to just steal and sit on their ass all day doing nothing.
Look at what happens here, DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU.
>t. finance student
May I suggest you stfu about finance until you've actually had a 401(k), understand that it's not just an allowance at E*trade and you only get to pick broad asset classes, you pay "management fees" on all of that, and can spell the name of the law correctly.
>yfw niggers will still be buying lottery tickets
Most players won't be able o tell the difference.
Police and Fire pensions will be unpaid. Gibs are cut.
Civil unrest recipe
>mfw people don't know this is actually a lottery ad
>kick out
you realize he owns illinois, right?
Obama did this.
Indiana is full and Red fuck off. Michigan is open for business tho
maybe the liberal dumbasses should stop paying elementary school teachers $138,000 annually with a guaranteed pension of $75k for life with free health care and pedicures
Lottery is a tax on the stupid anyway.
For 32 of the past 34 years, Michael Madigan has been speaker of the house in Illinois. Unlike any other state, he holds more power than any like official anywhere else.
For decades (at least since the '69 constitution) politicians have curried favor with the public employee unions by promising them unsustainable pensions.
It is nearly impossible to run against the Madigan/public-employee-union machine.
And now the math has caught up to their Ponzi scheme. Half of our tax dollars go to supporting the pensions and the debt servicing. The wealthy are fleeing in droves. Homes in the south suburbs, from the city limits to I-80, are severely under water -- people cannot afford to pay their taxes and their mortgage -- and it's turning into a massive ghetto. Homes at $100k face a $6k annual property tax bill. Schools receive most of their funding from local sources, so a wide disparity is opening up between the wealthier areas and the poorer.
not going to happen. the main voter base of chimpcago are retarded """white""" women and teaching is their profession of choice. mind you those whore constantly complain about being underpaid and overworked while only working 9 months out of the year.
go to downtown chimpcago and you'll see more """white""" whores holding onto buck niggers than you will see negresses.