Police vs Niggers

I used to be an anti police faggot libertarian...until niggers started organized nigging (Black Lives Matter burning everything down, ambushing human beings, etc). Now I truly understand the value of the police as a barrier between civilization and mongrel savages.

Policebros, I am truly sorry for my ignorance and thank you for what you do.

>not modern mercenary bands

If I could get away with plugging them myself, I would.



That's probably the biggest thing separating me from other libertarians, I don't mind the police being heavily armed and using force considering all that they have to deal with in the country. Sure, they're more aggressive, but they also have to deal with way more shit than the British police have to deal with.

what time is the next riot?

Soon, since the recent acquittal.

Let me guess, you're between 18-30 years old. Any older and you would remember the LA riots, and the other smaller chimpouts in the 90s. Oakland and Cleveland had a few.

What you saw in Ferguson and Baltimore is nothing new. Rap/Hip-Hop traces it's roots to the NYC blackout of 1977. When the power went out nogs couldn't help but loot everything not locked down. They stole enough music equipment that they literally created a music genre.

Pretty on point, 29

Dude that truck is basically a mobile platform.

Police serve many useful and needed functions including greatly reducing the need for private renege or vigilantism, as well as keeping or discouraging groups from going at eachother. Even if only by fear of later arrest and prosecution. Even the most ideal society we can realistically imagine would need police in some form.

I too abandoned lolbertardianism for the harsh red pill of race realism; we can only have liberty and laissez-faire capitalism when the niggers and parasites are physically removed.

Embrace auth-right as a temporary measure for now.

More shit than the British police? Where the fuck have you been all year?

The US police are REGULARLY dealing with more shit than all the European police. Where the fuck have you been all your life?

this desu, Yeah UK will suffer an attack that has SAS and armored Police Forces but the Police in the US will always deal with the ghetto and drug runners

Yep. The common American Negro is way more prevalent and violent than his more docile European cousin.


>some nigger actually believes this is true

What the fuck are you even memeing? Police in this country are in shootouts with niggers nearly every day. They're responding to scores of shootings every day, but usually show up after the shooting already happened. But nearly every day there's at least one shootout between a number of cops and one nig who they chased after responding to a shooting and the nig turns around with his gun to shoot them and gets shot down.

Way to be a faggot. They're both r-selected degenerate thugs, don't play favorites about it. They both should be gassed chambered.

Why does America have aesthetic military police?

if your local police fails you try forming your own police with your buddies
