Reminder that the early Romans had blond hair

Reminder that the early Romans had blond hair.

And no, that doesn't mean that they were "nordics", just that they weren't fucking Turkmen and Berbers.

The Nordics vs Meds shit is retarded.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Yo look Sven I painted this statues head yellow lol

The romans were meds with *GASP* brown hair

> Being so fat that your fingers can't even muster the energy to press the source.


Why did they treat Europeans as subhumans then and colonized their shit up?
They had to have different phenotype to have such antipathy to northern barbarians.

Low quality bait


They did look different, Meds having different noses and facial structure.

The point is that pigments were, in the beginning, quite similar in the Roman upper classes and with the Germanic and Slavic tribes.

That's hair dye, they used to dye their hair A LOT. Put it like this, why did the early Ancient Greco-Romans associate blonde/red hair with tribes to the North, if they themselves were supposedly blonde/red haired?

That being said, it's true that (at least for Ancient Greece) there used to be A LOT less pigmentation, most people would probably have had hair colour like this, with the next biggest minority being black:

I know, and probably what they thought as "blonde" was in fact light brown.
as noted in
The point of this post being putting an end to the retarded we wuz nordics and sandnigger meds.

Slavic tribeswerent around back then.
End yourself

This mosaic of Polyphemus is a great piece of evidence that Romans most likely had citizens with light pigmentation.

Link for bigger res:

"According to eastern homeland theory, prior to becoming known to the Roman world, Slavic-speaking tribes were part of the many multi-ethnic confederacies of Eurasia – such as the Sarmatian, Hun and Gothic empires. "

Just because The Romans didn't know about them doesn't mean that they didn't exist.

that's green my love

My grandfather was Sicilian (originally from rome i think) and he had blond hair. My brother and two of my cousins are also blond.

What country are you from?


About 30 % of Prussian ancestry
and 70 % Norwegian

now the blond people are the "WE" niggers.
living in a mediterranean climate now means that you had pale skin and blonde hair?
blonde people are literally dying when it's 5 degrees above what they are used to.

>And no, that doesn't mean that they were "nordics", just that they weren't fucking Turkmen and Berbers.
>only turks and berbers are dark skinned and dark haired
don't turn into WE WUZ faggots niggers.

That is literary what I am saying. They were NOT Nordic, in any way, shape or form. But some DID have features such as hair ranging from light brown to blond.

Nice concern trolling shlomo, this is reaching new levels of shilling

>hair ranging from light brown to blond
You mean like modern Italians? Give me a break

Did you even CLICK the source?
> Comparing modern Italians and ancient Romans

Furthermore, Celts, Germanic and Italics arrived to Europe about the same time.

Them sharing similar features are inevitable.

well, duh.

>early romans had blonde hair
sure there were 2 or 3 of them, but how many blondes have you seen with curly, wavy hair and strong facial features, blonde people usually have soft facial features and straight thin hair.
also, the little bit of blonde that you imagine people had is literally bleached from the sun.
i have green eyes, strong facial features, and wavy brown hair and when i spend my summer non stop in the sun it turns lighter, not blonde but lighter like from dark chocolate to milk chocolate. i know a few people that get literal blonde strains but nothing to obvious, that is what the sun does to dead cells.

i bet you are some blonde softy that is so insecure that he needs to become a WE WUZ nigger.

Damn that's crazy almost like Greece and Italy are in Europe wow

What's next you're gonna tell me some had brown skin and dark? That's crazy that's like if Europe was connected to asia wow mind blown

>Reminder that modern Italians have the same exact shaped faces as the statues

I know plenty of blonde southern itals.

I actually have dark brown hair and blue eyes.

It is almost like this thread was for the retards that doesn't understand this simple concept

First was directed to

just reply with your country flag so i can just post
>burger education
instead of being bothered to continue this thread.


Berbers are white. And I'm pretty sure they're where that term barbarians came from. Did romans think they could destroy Carthage and get away with that? Karma is just.

No and No

even worse...

Do you think they destroyed their cities, salted their soils, cushioned their culture (unique writing system included) and smeared the name of their king, only to announce berbers' glorious revenge on Rome?
If that etymology didn't feel cheesy or fishy for you, you're not very perceptive.

>european civilisation
>most likely had citizens of light pigmentation

do you think so do you?

nice cherry picking

>Berbers are white.

haha no sweetie

Let's cross the Alps with elephants.

Are you sure Hannibal-Sama?

The first berber I met in Paris looked even more white than this one. If he told me he was russian, I wouldn't even doubt it. You bet I was surprised by that discovery of mine.

Why does he look so russian?