Post any stories of any encounters with liberal women, be it professional or personal. Also post experiences and advice on redpilling your current or ex gf
Post any stories of any encounters with liberal women, be it professional or personal. Also post experiences and advice on redpilling your current or ex gf
Other urls found in this thread:
>reposting same story every fucking time
fuck off we had enough, make other one or go fuck yourself
for new comers to get the gist of the thread, who cares.
Listen I get that my screenshots are funny but stop reposting them over and over again you nigger. Don't make me sue you for copyright infringement
In a sense she makes a point there that you overlook. You're gonna have a very tough time redpilling a girl without introducing a simpler sphere of thought, ie religion. You need religion to simplify why they shouldn't sleep around if you've started a family. Of course WE know why, but they get confused easily and tend to revert to promiscuity when no boundaries are set.
>be half Turk/half Scottish Canadian
>meet hot white qt gf back in highschool
>I was indoctrinated as a libtard because my mom was a hippy racemixer
>gf started out as conservative cuz of her dad
>10 years later I switched to the unholy Libertarian/Fascist combo
>she softened due to working in health industry
>slowly but surely redpilling her about Jews
She's super high IQ yet is easily convinced of a political viewpoint as long as you stand firm in your beliefs over a long period of time.
The Mother Nature-Father Culture dichotomy is truly real.
shit meant
Okay, what's the point in having a gf? Hanging with women is boring and expensive and you probably have intercourse once a month, if any.
It seems a waste of money and energy desu.
It is until you're looking to have a family
Okay, what's the point in having a gf?
Companionship, sex.
>Hanging with women is boring and expensive
Stop hanging out with basic whores, my girlfriend often pays for dates, she's no financial issue to me at all
>you probably have intercourse once a month, if any.
More like once a day, at least.
>Hanging with women is boring
Hanging out with boring women is boring.
Find one that you enjoy being with and care about what happens to her and like how she looks.
>and expensive
Find one who isn't a money-grubbing cunt. Or have the spine to go "do you really need that shit" when she wants you to buy her some worthless designer purse.
>and you probably have intercourse once a month, if any.
Find one who is actually into having sex with someone that she cares about (i.e. you).
Leave the rest of them to turn into librarians or whatever they do.
>hurr but how do I check all of these boxes
Be patient, keep looking, and throw back anything that doesn't meet the requirements.
You're asking "what's the point." So you don't seem to mind waiting and not having a gf in the meantime while you look.
>that pic
desu i'd rather date a 5 with a clean room. fucking disgusting. narcissistic, self-obsessed, unclean soul needs to be put to death. human trash.
>my girlfriend often pays for dates
Is that common in Canada?
In my workplace, all the women were gossiping and laughing at a guy because he went out with one of the coworkers and asked to split the bill.
Wasn't dating, but my female chink flatmate born and raised in London left the kitchen with an open mouth after hearing I was against Islam. Took all of a minute to be branded a racist and pitch heighten, "oh ma god I can't believe you are you serious?". She doesn't even know that Muslims follow Islam - and yes, she sent an obnoxious whatsapp message with "KEEP CALM AND VOTE CORBYN".
Met a right wing Catholic qt who I'm trying to start something with. She's half Asian though, but I don't really care anymore- id rather be dating her than 90% of these pure white aryan feminist assholes you guys post about.
>female chink flatmate born and raised in London
>time to study abroad
>come to an English Uni from the US
>so many fucking chinks here
>tons in my flat on campus
>they're all fucking savages
>zero consideration for others
>constantly leave horrible messes in the kitchen, never clean any dishes, just leave food out to rot
>take other people's shit without asking and manage to break or ruin it just by "borrowing" it once
>learned to pass everyone else on the left when I'm walking around campus, but know to just pass Chinese kids on the right because they make zero fucking effort to assimilate and won't pass anybody on the left
I had no idea. I wasn't even thinking about them as a potential issue before I came here.
Are they all this bad?
she is 5 tho lol...
>That isn't a truth. That is a fact.
you fucking retard.
>Material proof, not social proof. Facts are based on solid material proof. Truths are socially created from social proof.
what the fuck even. 'social proofs' are made with statistics and observation, just like 'material proofs.' People have been saying the same shit about psychology as a field for forever, it's a generally fucking useless distinction.
>second half
you do have some fair points here - society does change over time, etc. - but I believe what he was saying was:
>traditional families are necessary for the continuation of society [as it exists in modern western society]
They're honestly the worst in terms of being inconsiderate. What you wrote is an experience I share with my two chink flatmates and in the past. Hell, I'll never forget as a young teen at Islands of Adventure how incredibly rude they are. One American lady told a grown man off for spitting near her kid, and he just stood their like a lemming before walking off without apologizing.
I think a Chink/South-side-of-the-river hybrid is one of the worst things on God's green Earth though.
Let me tell you how I achieved a fashy gf
First step: Become moderately attractive, There is no sense telling her that we must be strong people with a work ethic whilst being unemployed and fat and ungroomed. Being a disgusting fatbody is only going to make it harder to convince her that whites are superior.
Second step: Find a girl who knows either a little or nothing about politics, A left wing girl will find slightly controversial views abhorrent let alone NatSoc or White Nationalism
Step Three: This is the most important step and possibly the hardest depending on your social awkwardness, Act like a decent human being. Go on a few dates like the movies and restaurants. Act somewhere between Alpha and Normal. She'll be somewhat curious about you given that most likely if she's at Uni the men around her will be bleeding heart Nu-Males
Step four: After securing her as a gf slowly reveal your power level. Don't do it too fast or she'll get out of there. Introduce mildy racist jokes into conversations as a start before increasing their offensiveness. Eventually she'll realise there's no harm in them and won't care
Step five: After slowly showing her more and more of your racism over the course of about a year casually reveal your power level with something like: When you look at it, The jews control all of the media, Isn't that wierd? She'll probably be uncomfortable with it at first but she's now fallen in love with you and will shape her views to suit yours if you've successfully made your relationship traditionalist, You will see her become more and more red pilled from there.
Tips: Never ever tell her you go on Sup Forums or troll on twitter and don't expect her to be 1488 within a week
cytu dot be slash r slash casualwhostream
Don't "red-pill" your woman. If you like her do things together and most importantly fuck her good.
I know I'm late as fuck, but w/e.
>Some dumb faggot claimed that the nuclear family was the "norm", and it isn't.
I claimed it was the norm for CIVILIZATION dumbass. Civilization is the result of man suppressing their nature for the great good of society. I never once claimed that in the past everyone was perfect moral virtues. However, it is almost certain that they were far, far more moral then than they are today. Just look at how views of things like sex outside of marriage, woman being equal to men, etc. all change over time.
Sounds like it could work, have you done it before?
>will old her views to yours
>spergs cant handle the relationship
>break up
>iplying not back to naive leftist wwithin a week
>Go on a few dates like the (((movies)))
haha, wasn't it great when the proud black man emasculated that white man in the latest shlomo productions capeshit feature, right? i love films!
>>None of it is based on consensus, all of it is determined by proof
>Material proof, not social proof. Facts are based on solid material proof. Truths are socially created from social proof.
Facts are things that are true. Truths are described by facts. Truths are just things that are true. I don't know how the fuck else to describe it to you.
>Truths are socially created from social proof.
You seem to be conflating the word "truths" with "things that are generally accepted as true by society." Again, I can only say what you "seem" to be doing because you seem pretty fucking reticent to actually describe your thinking.
>social proof
That's not a thing. Unless you mean something along the lines of "the consensus of society."
>>traditional families are necessary for the continuation of society,
>Now you've shifted to social proof.
>There are so many loaded words there. Let's take a moment to unpack.
By "traditional families," I meant a unit made up of a heterosexual mother and father raising their own biological children. That's all I meant by it; I was just trying to use shorthand. And this was just an example, an example I brought up just to try to get at what you were actually saying.
Holy fuck, a requisite precondition for something.
Humans. Any and all that are left, that have survived.
>Your unstated assumptions include: that society is somehow singular and immutable in any global sense,
I guess I did mean the entire human population. So that would be "singular" and "global."
>that traditional families have been equally unchanging since the beginning of "society",
This would get into shit like trying to draw a line between where the family ends and where the support structure from the rest of the community begins.
Also, the comma goes inside the quotation marks.
>that society cannot fundamentally transform over generations and still be deemed continuous.
I'm not interested in the shape that a society takes, what specific kinds of cities or villages or temples or trade or hunting or whatever they have. I'm interested in whether they survive. Whether there's fucking any of them left.
To that end, I am interested in the behaviors, practices, and structures that have (to the best of our understanding and ability to predict their future success) enabled people to survive and thrive. Because thriving is just better ensuring one's survival.
Survival is definite. Whether something is alive or dead is demonstrable.
The point about traditional families being better suited than other family structures or the lack of a family structure to ensure humanity's eventual survival wasn't even a point that I was trying to argue. I was just raising it to try to tease out what the fuck you were saying.
The only argument that I was actually trying to make is that we can have "functional knowledge," meaning that we can have something that we agree is pretty much true even if it's something that you can't know for certain, even if it predicts a future outcome that we fundamentally cannot know, because this acting upon this "knowledge" has proven useful and is likely to continue to be useful.
>All of which have been disproven by any look at history extending beyond the tip of your own nose.
I'll let you react (if you even want to) to the new shit I've said. But just know that this line is not a fucking argument.
>But, those, including that social truths are on par with physical facts, are the lies you, perhaps unconsciously but nonetheless, have chosen as the basis of your ideology.
I still don't know exactly what you mean by "lies," and I would be very interested to learn.
Hollywood is kiked to the max.
But if you red pill i guess she'll notice it anyways
Sorry m8 was stuck in the mountains where there was no signal, big accident.
Well, hoes will always be hoes regardless off nation but I would assume that kind of thing is more common here just based on the culture. My girlfriend loves me and wants to make me happy and treat me so she does. The attitude about it is along the lines of the following video :
>hiding your power level
If it's to get laid, power to you. But would you really want a liberal woman raising your children?
Hey guys, a few hours ago I made a thread about some white women going into a party of all black men, I was half heartedly joking about the burn the coal pay the toll meme but now i'm a little worried the prophecy came true.
I just heard screaming and then police sirens down the road.
>tfw while I was shitposting some woman might have been paying up.
My girlfriend sits beside me and laughs her ass off as I shitpost here. Why are you cucks afraid of letting your partner know who you are? You want to live the rest of your life as a character that you want her to think you are?
This is Canada. By law having a heterosexual relationship is illegal. Reported to Kathleen the Dyke Wynne's homosexual enforcement force you absolutely abhorrent individual.
>Couple on Sup Forums
>not fat
Thats cute though.
I hope y'all lose weight together
This is exactly what I did with my relationship except replace racism with deep state politics
Stop projecting
gets me mad everytime.
if she had read the culture of critique she would know that sigmund freud is a fraud.
It would get me mad if she weren't acting so cartoonish
My girlfriend is a liberal socialist.
However, she realises differences between men and women and i use this angle to slowly start redpilling her.
Shes changed from "we should help everyone!" (refugees) to "we should have extreme vetting because the ideology of Islam is a risk"
Give it a few months and il have her sieg heiling.
Make them love you lads and they change so easily.
>6 tits
Would you..?
>thanks for the help with the reply google!
It was actually my wife who redpilled me. I wasn't really interested in politics and was pretty bluepilled. I already had negative feelings about Islam and radical feminism, but she pushed it over the edge.
I remember one time where my dad and I went shopping in London
>walk into Tesco
>absolutely surrounded by Muslims
>smells and looks like shit, litter and graffiti everywhere
>he turns to me
>eyes shining with pride and says "we are the minority"
>felt nothing but shame and disgust
My wife hates spics, niggers, and lefties even more than I do.
She also helped me find God again, which is great.
what the fuck happened there?
>It was actually my wife who redpilled me
yup makes sense
Not sure except that there's a truck in the ditch, a semi is flipped and they're lucky they didn't go the other way and off the mountain down into the valley. Traffic was backed up like crazy, I only say the scene in passing
What fucking year is it m8
>women that are so hot that suicide really is the only option
That's just how it is. I was browsing /f/ while she was here.
Sup Forumspinion time please/
started somewhat talking to this girl, she has an aversion to non-white people on the grounds she's 'heavily' attracted to white people. She's going through a divorce, she raised this mans kids like her own for like 6 years, but dumped his ass. She has no kids of her own, but would like them. I'm 33, she's 30. Shes a solid 6-7/10 and I'm similar.
Shes completely okay with traditional gender roles in the family and works full time right now. Shes excited by a man who can take charge, I like being in control.
am I missing anything? everything seems good to go. The first night we hung out, she ended up staying the night, I put the moves on her, but got shut down. She kissed me on the cheek and told me to slow the fuck down.
Here is a reply
>woman hits the wall
>wants kids
She's in the early phases of looking for someone to father her children. If you want to be the guy you should go ahead and pull the trigger.
Don't rush into things though, prove that you're a capable provider and show fatherly qualities. If you just want to smash though, then you should find someone else.
I guess I don't understand. From what you said in this post, she sounds fine. Are there less desirable traits here? It's encouraging that she's not a dumb broad who wants to jump right into another sexual relationship; seems like she's looking for a husband.
>this triggers the beta nu-male
That chick looks too dark to be stacy
She's not ugly, but she's not the best looking girl I've dated either. Shes still going through the divorce. She's also the most submissive girl I've dated, in personality. I too thought it was nice to be shut down for sex on night one, it was really the turning point of interest between that night and a future together. She's also a little akward, quiet type, but we do have a lot of fun together. I guess my biggest issue is not being the rebound for her divorce, and I've never been in a relationship longer than a year. I've built that wall, and I'm pretty comfortable with it, not sure how or if I want to lower it.
2 days ago i was showing my gf pictures of Abos, and now she's sure they are not human.
Did i do a good deed, my fellow aussies?
Also, I redpilled her on refugees. All european should do this. If you don't, you are a cuck.
I feel genuinely sorry for all you people who do not live the South. Not only are our women the best looking they have the best values.
My current gf is a bigger trump supporter than I am ffs
My kneejerk reaction is that she's >the right one for you just because she wants to take it slow. If she was being genuine, of course, and not being manipulative. If you can take your time with each other, learn every detail about her, and still love her, then the wall will come down naturally. Somewhere along the line you'll decide whether or not you want to settle down with her, or settle down at all.
There are other things too, like whether or not you connect intellectually, whether or not she can "read" you emotionally, etc. All of that will help building a long-term relationship and remaining true. But again, a lot of that stuff will develop over time, and you'll have plenty of opportunities to disengage if things turn south.
>tl;dr - take it slow, and figure things out as you go along.
Is this considered attractive in Canada?
turks are one of the most subhuman races of this planet
How my gf and I got to where we are now:
>Show her Sup Forums
The rest worked itself out. Been together over 5 years now and we went to two Trump rallies together. We meme together and suppress our power levels in public. Our local ape hoop team is the Kings so we usually have a lot of fun IRL KANGSposting
It's bliss gentlemen
If she smokes she pokes my dude
Redpilling my current gf was pretty easy to be honest. She was pretty redpilled already, especially on races. We've been together for three years and I started slowly after one full year: In other words quite far into the relationship, but still when it was all lovey dovey.
Only recently took the Hitler-talk with her, so I'm far from finished
Fairly common. Lots of feminist types here but also quite a few women who 'arent like that' and do whatever they can to distance themselves from the crowd.
I spent a ton on dates and stuff for my gf during the first 5 years of our relationship, right now I'm not working and she is, so she pays for everything.
Not going to lie though, I had to go through quite a few horrible women to find this one.
>still super cute
>Thinking women are actually retarded enough to be redpilled without doing any research on their own.
That's literally how it is irl. A minority of people will ever research anything on their own, most operate purely on hearsay.
>Thinking women do any research on their own
>tfw qt ebony
Never pay more money on a woman then you could pay for an equally hot prostitute
And honestly unless she wants to be a traditional woman who works for you at home, you shouldn't be paying her shit until that point
Paying for sex is beta anyways
If she likes you she will fuck you and be your girlfriend anyways, then when she moves in and is willing to be a housewife you can start spending money on her
I've only paid thrice for any dates; and that was because I was stupid enough to say "I'll buy you dinner" or some shit long before. I've even had two dates paid for me. Split bill on rest of them
The last date I went on the girl payed cause I was a neet at the time with no money lel.
Discount Emilia Clarke
disgusting nigger
might as well chime in. caution, is long.
>be shithead 20 year old, in college
>meet pretty, pale brunette through female friend (her cousin)
>she's funny and intelligent, witty, kind of earthy sense of humor
>pretty redpilled, doesn't really like blacks, cracks racist jokes
>we go official after a month or so
>shes sick though, the school appointed doctor misdiagnosed her sleep apnea as chronic fatigue disorder.
>on 2 different antidepressants, birthcontrol, and some other shit
>fast forward 4 years, we've been through a lot together (car crash, her dropping out of college twice, fights, etc)
>she starts to get better, due to my suggestions. Goes back and gets re-evaluated, properly diagnosed with sleep apnea (totally treatable)
>goes off the meds one by one, until only the birth control is left (again my suggestions)
>still very redpilled, believer in traditional marriage, doesn't much like the gays, asks if I can see us getting married in the future not infrequently (I always say yes, but I wasn't even out of college at the time)
>starts to go to community college, starts doing pretty damn well. Starts getting friends for the first time I've known her.
>decides to major in engineering, shes good at math
>I'm stressed out, working a fucked schedule in I.T. while wrapping up my degree in Management Info Sys.
>we still see each other though, 1 or 2 times a week, whenever possible.
>I suggest finally going off the birth control, she supposedly does it. Dunno if she actually did.
>she starts getting bitchier and bitchier
>wtf woman
>eventually 4 1/2 years into the relationship she asks for an open relationship
>wtf NO
>Shes crying, anytime I try to ask why it's something to do with stress or school or something
>Eventually I suggest taking a break from seeing each other to let us concentrate on school, shit should be a lot better in a month when we're both done, right?
>1 week later she wants to meet up and we break up
Then came 6 months of her sending mixed signals, asking about my sex life, catching chlamydia and asking me to pay for her fuckbuddy's test (I didn't), going to a high flying engineering school "to be with her friends", and eventually joking about/rubbing it in my face how she's seeing someone.
Moral of the story? You cannot trust a goddamn one of them. I made this bitch. She wouldn't be where she is today without my advice and patience and morals towards working towards a relationship.
But deep down, all women are liberal skanks. 100%.
Never fucking forget that.
There's no way this is true. I can understand if you're just a naive teenager, but adults should know better. Not even a few articles, wikis, or anything? Cmon. That's just ridiculous.
I've read that women on birth control are different, less degenerate, less bitchy, more family-oriented. Maybe that's true?
>investing that much effort in a woman you haven't put a ring on
Stop doing that. Stop giving substandard women attention. Just disregard them and find one who's sorted out properly.
fuck off (((goodell)))