Muslim Feminist Rap Music

Female muslim rapper says its empowering to wear a hijab now. Discuss.

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It sounds nice, I guess people got different ways of feeling " empowered " as women and not being oppressed. In this case I guess women cover their head and feel empowered? Different cultures I guess.

IsnĀ“t music haram.

good music to get stoned to

LOL @ this song playing while you smoke weed and wave a confederate flag during a rally. antifa would b confuse.

yes. yes it is.

Muslim women wear hijab in the west because they know it scares infidels, and that excites them, because even though they deny it, the hijab is intrinsically linked with terrorism, isis, beheading, bombs, etc.

It can be. If it's your choice, and your doing it to be in line with your beliefs, it's empowerment.
Being who you want to be is empowerment.
HOWEVER, if they consider it empowering because they're sticking it to the man, that is not empowerment. That's a slave revolt.
By doing it for that reasons you're still letting other dictate your behavior or in this case, counter behavior.
And Oh God all rap makes me sick.

what is it about a Muslim woman that make me rage? like look at all those faces, so subtly smug and cuntish.

The West Is Over

not that kinda stoned
the kind where you get buried up to your neck and bricks are thrown at your face kinda stoned

Lyrics are wrong, they're suppose to be. " I still wrap my noose, wrap my noose, wrap my noose around my neck. "

>Wearing a hijab
>Caked in makeup
What's the fucking point?

>Female muslim rapper says its empowering to wear a hijab now.
>has already forgotten

oh damn im weed stoned
ur joke is way funnier now

>look at all those faces, so subtly smug and cuntish.


fucking muslim , heil

lol so obviously soros produced

I love these videos. I love yt commenting about sexy they look in the hijab. How they will get so bleached when they move to the west. Because these muslim girls crave white, blond hair, blue eyed boyz cocks. The muslim male responders to my comments seem to get really butthurt about it. It's almost like it makes them not want to migrate to the west when their sisters and cousins will all crave our cocks. Hmm. It would be a shame if others did the same thing I do.

>another badly informed nutty celeb
>doesnt know shit about the true role of women in islam

But yeah, we should let them decide how they want to be opressed. They should be able to wear idiotic clothing in hot summers and collapse due to heat stroke. Let them. And let them be dominated by muslim dick. Then they will maybe understand that this is not just another "Trend" they can exploit, but a dangerous ideology and cult of violence.

fuck thats a brilliant idea. scare all the muslim men away from wanting to move to the west because they think their sisters will get bleached. someone should've thought of this sooner.

everyone should do this on any article/video promoting the hijab. it will piss off so many people.

wow they look so fucking jovial and excited to be wearing hijabs


All these whores would be stoned to death for making music and wearing makeup

Apparently there is more of this.

Here is 'Inshallah' by the DEEN SQUAD.

Now if only they allowed this type of song in their culture


Ummi gud moy bran es maltng

Let them rap while they can.
When Islam is the supreme law, they'll be disbanded and thrown back into their homes faster than a westerner can say "We will not be divided".

"Muslim women"


Worst shoop I've seen all day.

Obviously western propaganda, I shot my computer monitor the second I heard the word feminist, I know what these unholy cows are upto , absolutely haram , and that concubine was rubbing her pregnant belly in a mediocre fashion relative to the instrumental that did not truly express the desired fertility of our faith and people - PRAISE ALLAH !

when will russia take over for fuck's sake

someone either save us or kill us

>shouts out pagan gods

bitch you'd get stoned talking that shit anywhere your bastard religion rules.

I actually know the people who produced this. I should do some digging and find out where they got the money. My guess is that it's Dearborn money.

>"Getting STONED with the gurrrlllz~"

I am 100% against what this video stands for but that beat is fucking tight.


I wish hip hop was still really offensive and spooky to normies and leftists.

Indeed western bros, we here at ISIS enjoyed the beat, and we've been discussing how to use hip hop beats for our new propaganda as music videos , blowing shit up in Syria and making our slave concubines dance around for us , just you all wait


let that sing them in a full on islamic country and see how proud of their hijab they should be.

Hook it up with Busta Rhymes. He's your people.


this shits the bomb



Got an Antifas number at a rally. troll this asshole.


I have no argument about the fact that it might feel empowering for a woman to wear a hijab, that's not my problem with it. The problem with that piece of clothing is that it's sexist towards men seeing as it is meant to stop women from suffering from the lusts of men. As such it's a clear statement that men are beasts who can't control their sexual lusts.
Can you even think of the outrage that would occur if I started promoting the wearing of a particular garment with the argument that without it women can't be trusted around men.

Cringed hard

>1 million views
Just wait, this shit is gonna blow up


Daily reminder ISIS will bomb the west to "I know what you want" by busta rhyrmes on a day that ends in a double digit, infidels - doom to the west !

it makes sense when those "men" are sandniggers and trueniggers. Would you trust a dog alone with your dinner on the table??

>tfw you probably could even trust the dog over the sandnigger..

Sup Forums officially btfo

>Muslim Feminist Rap Music


There is so much wrong with this, i literally can't even

Is this satire on a new level? I can't tell anymore.

This is good music to get stoned to.


Degenerate Rap culture is fucking with Islam now? Yesss


Gee.. i can't wait to be slaved by an arab muslim master and suck his big dick.
