Woman inserts customer susage inside vag
White people
There is got to be a limit to the things people can do in real life. I never ever thought about the possibility of this happening.
>t.never worked in foodservice
How many white people lmao threads are you going to post today?
she doesn't look fat
I eat one of her pussydogs and also fuck her if she'll take me
Asian women love white men. Asian bois are creepy betas.
hot. would eat/10
how many would pay extra if they knew though
That cost extra at some places.
Shit tier breakfast diner
The problem was which hole did she shove into it.
Whenever you ask a woman why they won't douche their stinky pussy out at least once a year, it's always "because I'll get an infection, it upsets MUH pH BALANCE"
Yet they'll shove greasy sausages up there without a single thought
>chili dog
No thanks, I just ate.
This is an 18+ board, kid. Come back when you've actually put your face in some crotch.
This is obviously fake and staged you dumb niggers.
tin-can head, you people would not believe what I have seen happen in food prep areas in my youth. Needless to say, I was cured of fast food early on in life.
You're what, 22? 23?
Women stop taking care of their pussies after 35, dumb fuck
Im starting to understand agoraphobic people
this world is just a shit hole filled with morons and assholes
She used her special sauce. I bet it was wonderful.
This is a woman problem not a white problem.
You're half right, kiddo. 44.
Maybe you should stop dating conservative women who stop taking care of their pussies when they don't want to breed any more.
who doesn't like some mushroom taste to their sausage?
no one!
Does that cost extra?
>Says they are 44!
Got a fucking problem with that, infant?
I'm 55. nothing personal kid but you lose.
I got boner whatever
o yeah? i identify as 7000 years old!!!take that!!!!!lol jk, carry on with your old man pissing match
oh yeah? i'm 66 laddy, i'm still get the hook-punch thing
come at me bro
This is why I only eat at buffets.
Any interesting anecdotes?
Get lost fetuses, I'm celebrating my 98th birthday in a week. My granddaughter is typing this while I watch Dr. Oz and finish my jello and chicken soup.
fuck I'd still eat it
>only eat at buffets.
I'd give her a good tip after that