This is your average American Deli in 2017
Notice anything?
This is your average American Deli in 2017
Notice anything?
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>no cappicola
da gabagoo OOOH
gingers CAN'T be deliboyz
No Glocks?
10/10 would shop here
t. Famas cuck who will never embrace the power of Glock Perfection
Figures a frog wouldnt be into explosives
The cheese is so spoiled it turned into 100 guns.
I would fingerbang that ginger dyke until she begged for mommycream
Those pink grips are hella cute tho
Good one, Paco
Ginger shouldn't be dealing with guns as he has no soul and can do something horrible w/o knowing.
No hairnets or hand gloves. I bet the refrigeration in that case is shot to hell as well.
No grenade launchers wtf.
Is that a pink revolver
I would fuck his boi pucci :3
>tfw those are the people that post "you can't kill me eurofag with a bullet between your eyes."
Well memed friend
Niggers rob girls too y'know.
>notice anything
Yeah, you keep making this garbage fucking threads. Go back to Sup Forums or wherever so you can BRAP post you nigger.
>I would fuck his boi pucci
This is the ONLY solution.
There's a surprisingly large market for pink guns for women.
No AK-47's?! Tsk tsk
No trigger discipline
I went to a couple of American Delis today and held many different meats in my hand and even smoked a few hams.
>Godawful trigger that feels like pulling your finger through a bucket of shit and vomit
Your such a fagget
Ever single shotgun there is an AK47 made by Glock.
Meadow, where's the gabagool?!
They're out of pastrami.
I love Glocks overall, but their stupid "safe action" triggers are definitely a valid complaint.
>no bacon in sight
Reeeeee fucking halal deli
>this triggers the eurocuck
>No heavy weapons.
This is America, not Germany. This is what a real deli looks like
It's not like striker fired pistols can't have good triggers... My m&p came with one that is as crisp as a 1911. Glock is just resting on their laurels imho
They say you can't post pics like that on pol
>not eating a bullet
Obesity is all I notice.
Can I have an AR-15 sliced on rye?
At least with Glocks there is a significant variety of after market options to choose from to fix the issue.
Hello new friend
God FUCKING damn it I want to visit a gun store like this so bad.
What is wrong with the safe action trigger? I have a Glock 26. It has never jammed and is extremely accurate. You can check if your gun is ready to fire by feel vs by sight (because the trigger is not forward until the gun is cocked).
I also have a Springfield XSD .45. Also safe action.
Go to your nearest village and you'll probably find a war veteran with AK
I know people who bought AKs in Bosnia couple of years ago from local villagers for less than 50$
The trigger is pretty mushy. Most people prefer a crisp trigger break.
>It's not like striker fired pistols can't have good triggers
For sure, I've fired several striker fired pistols that feel really good.
>because the trigger is not forward until the gun is cocked
The problem is the pistol is never fully cocked until you pull the trigger partially, and that causes the trigger pull to feel a bit trashy. I'm not saying it's the worst thing ever (like I said I love Glocks), but I could certainly understand someone complaining about it. I've never fired a Springfield XSD (I think it's XDS?), so I can't comment on that one.