Wtf I love Putin now...?
And if this interview didn't destroy whatever modicum of credibility Colbert still possessed...
Wtf I love Putin now...?
And if this interview didn't destroy whatever modicum of credibility Colbert still possessed...
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why Liberals hate Putin?
dude seems like a nice polite guy
maybe because he's a dictator
He's actually an incredibly cunning and ruthless powermonger who's very good at looking like a lead that you can depend on.
Liberals hate him because he has an incredible talent for getting away with almost whatever he wants to and they are currently one of the groups in his crosshairs.
but Russia is no Dictatorship
according to wikipedia its a "Federal semi-presidential constitutional republic"
also what or who decides who is dictator and who isn't?
>He's actually an incredibly cunning and ruthless powermonger who's very good at looking like a lead that you can depend on.
isn't this the job of a president?
I'm not saying that's wrong. I'm just saying that the nice polite guy is just the charming interview mode persona.
An elected dictator with an approval rating above 70 percent? Go back to r/politics you fucking stooge.
>obama hides his negatives
>good guy
>putin doesn't care
Putin is pretty good at ad hominem arguments and brainwashing normies. That's the sole reason he's been at power for so long. He's a dictator, if you support dictatorship then you might as well KYS IRL.
Another libtard with his head up his ass. Shareblue working overtime today. You yankees wish you had a leader of the calibre of Putin.
>Elected by his people 2 times
>Germans cancellor isn't even electable by the people, continues to government for 12+ years
One is a dictator the other leader of the free world
Hmm m.
Really boils my barnacles
Jews. If you fight ISIS, the U.S/Israeli proxy army, in earnest, then you're a dictator. If you want to do business which the U.S doesn't get a cut of, you're a dictator. If you don;t have a Rothschild owned central bank, you're a dictator.
>"You're a Hollywood director, why aren't you towing the liberal narrative and calling Putin a Satanhitler like the Jews told you to? REEEEEEE!"
Slavs are subhumans and subhumans can't function without a totalitarian dictator.
See: Putin, Assad, Hussein, Gaddafi, Trudeau etc.
>implying there's democracy in the West
They kicked you Kraut ass in WW2 though Adolf. Still bitter about that I see...
Also implying that democracy isn't a retarded system of government - but that is a conversation for another thread.
>its a "Federal semi-presidential constitutional republic"...
...where the opposition leader gets gunned down just outside the kremlin
ra ra ras putin
>0.02 has been deposited into your account
dude should have gotten bodyguards then
Slavs are whites. And know how to deal with mudslimes.
We will not be divided.
Leafs want their CUBAN easy target back fgt.
US House Majority Whip gunned down during baseball game...
So why are you still alive?
You voted Obama.
Com'on tough guy, follow your own advice an off yourself right fucking now.
He has big mouth. But can you actually say he achieved anything in foreign policy? I'm not even going to mention domestic one.
slayer of the Democrat's evil queen
>implying his bodyguards won't just be conveniently out of the way
I see that you do not know how this shit works
Reunited with crimea ?
Opposed nato and their isis pawn quite successfully ?
Building a powerful alliance with china ?
Rebuilding russia military ?
Increasing russians life expectancy of many years ?
Reversing the depopulation ?
Keep that faggot flag. Suits you. Too bad there is not one for retards.
You forgot that Putin has also done a good job keeping these Sodomites in the closet...
You're the one that is brainwashed to a point where it is better if you stopped breathing, ignorant piece of shit.
if you do not understand the difference than all the pity to you, I for one had enough of his bullshit, and I am happy we got rid of his retarded puppet here in ukraine.
Yeah, so much wins, my head going to spin.
Don't forget that internet became 10 times faster when he has been president.
Hell yeah.
No sexual predators in russian schools.
The list of his successes is quite long.
Still lot of work. But definitly in the right direction.
The cuck said
Colbert is such a fucking cunt.
Colbert is losing his mind. His failure to help meme Clinton into the presidency has made him impotent and crazy.
Hey look I don't really care about how it runs his country. I just find it laughable how the US media is so fucking desperate to paint Putin as basically Hitler as if their own government is truthfully any better in this day and age.
I mean the shit that the Dems got away with? The crap that Obama pulled in his term and they go off on Putin like he's any worse.
The only difference between Putin and Obama is that Putin has the fucking skill to pull his shit off for so long.
I fucking loathe the lack of honesty and awareness in western media. It's fucking disgusting.
Anyone know where I can watch the interviews?
You tried an answer... Cute.
Here is your Pink triangle. Now, in camp, where you belong untermensch.
>elected president
>approval rating above 70%
Kim Jong-Un pls
this isn't how you elect a president
>baseless claims
Sure, elected on a nearly 99% majority with a near perfect approval rating. Seems totally legit...
These interviews make me want to learn Russian. Is Russian a good language to learn?
but Voter Fraud is happening in every "Democracy" even here in Germany.
>if I write "Jews" everybody will like me.
Literally kys
But he was elected?
>inb4 so was Hitler
No, Hitler was not elected
he brought back chistraitny in communist russia
>Reunited with crimea
*Invaded and occupied
>Opposed nato and their isis pawn quite successfully
Apparently a crippled economy is considered success.
Friendly reminder: California has a bigger economy that Russia
>Rebuilding russia military ?
USSR had a military
>Increasing russians life expectancy of many years ?
Wow Putin himself did this?
>Reversing the depopulation ?
slavs breeding is a bad thing, and Putin didn't do this
why does he higher approval ratings than any president from the last 50 years?
>also what or who decides who is dictator and who isn't?
the jews
Provide proofs
>love Putin
European Russian GeNOcide Yay! No hanguns woah! Fuck free speech yep! Million of Jews and millions Asiatics too!
Stupid animal. You'd be taken on bottle the second you showed anyone your cool swastikas, oh nazi boy. Not that you would have had courage anyway.
Hitler's party was put into control of the Reichstag by democracy, they then used that control to place Hitler as the Supreme Chancellor.
>Putin is pretty good at ad hominem arguments and brainwashing normies.
that's every leader ever, retard
All 4 parts of Oliver Stone's, Putin interviews
>conflating the two
how can one be this oblivious?
>turns out the afd gets a seat more because somebody wasn't counting correctly (a group of Liberal students)
Any retards here seriously like Putin? Ask any ethnic Russian - people hate him
No, most people do like him. I for one do and will vote for him in the next elections. i'm a small IT-related business owner,
Hitler lost the election to Hindenburg, he just got into power because Hindenburg appointed him as the chancellor and died one year later, leaving Hitler will full control
Is Sup Forums just Putin's trolls trolling each other? Posting here is still equivalent to pissing in a stream of piss.
By the look of the comments, even average normies arevgetting disillusioned
difficult af, adapting is very hard, especially as an anglo, people from the slavic language tree have it easier
>muh dicktater
Statistics don't lie
I liked Putin before it was cool.
no I'm saying we can't preach about fair elections when our own are rigged.
isn't this hypocrisy?
where is the moral highground?
What do you nean by 'good'? Useful? Maybe, if you wanna visit eastern and some parts of south europe. Easy? Lel, good luck with that. For reading russian classics? Definitely.
Ethnic Russians are very racist and Putin flood the country.this is a prime example of a state payed PR shill from Savishkino
>No sexual predators in russian schools.
>The list of his successes is quite long.
Come on dude, it's like your only source of information from Russia is RT, get some credibility you pleb
>opposition leader
Lmao that shitter wasn't relevant for more than a decade before he got killed.
oh and this just in:
Putin bantz: 10/10
Butthurt belters and Merilards can't conpete
Are you trying to answer ?
He achieved lot of stuff and you play on words.
Wait, are you mr faggot flag ? Take it back plz. It is perfect.
For a reminder. Economy is not fake sheckels and gdp.
It is ressources, manpower, technology and a clever and durable use of them.
To build lasting things.
The opposite of America.
Half of your country is a mess, a tenth a warzone. Your future is faggots and fat whale.
20% of the population on food stamps. KEK.
Good job !
And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Oh wait, you have sheckels so everything is OK....
Like what , CNN?
Lmao you normie cucks are insufferable
The entire western mainstream media is basic fake news and have proved themselves to be literally yellow press.
RT fucks them sideways
Is that you Pussy Riot?
Some do. Others realize that there is no better alternative and dread the day when he dies/resigns. It's gonna be free for fucking all, just like in the 90s
I already did untermensch.
Niggers and leftists attack the weak. Since i became NatSoc, learned to fight, lifted weights,... i am safe faggot.
>Believing a word that Putin has to say
Don't be a useful idiot
>why Liberals hate Putin?
Loaded question. I am a conservative and I don't like Putin either.
>dude seems like a nice polite guy
He is a criminal, murderer, great manipulator, and a thief.
>Pussy Riot
>caring about ethnic Russians
Even Demushkin would do. Had he not systematically jailed or exiled articulate educated nationalists, there wouldn't be a problem of opposition
>He is a criminal, murderer, great manipulator, and a thief.
isn't this the job description of a President?
Statistics don't lie.
Shill. Or lying to yourself.
Nice try.
He's literally an adulterous racemixer: his mistress is a Tatar
>being this delusional
Only selfhating (((liberal))) cucks and rebelious teens hate him.
there is a difference between systematic rigging and individual voter fraud.
watch the video, notice how many people do not give a shit, not all of those people even purport to be in the same party.
something so blatant would not happen in the west.
also know that conflation is not a sign of intellectual superiority but of intellectual laziness.
>Putler reeeeeeeeeee you idiot
Buttpain is Not an argument liberashka
Not having One reason to oppose.
Go back to your basement stuffing your ass with gmo burgers.
Nice straw man
Gallup and Pew Research Center are very reliable pollsters you brainless autist
>muh extremes
>heh, got you good
Slow down, retard, what makes you think that a state-run shill media in Russia is one bit more credible than jew-run media in the states?
It's mind boggling, really is, the fact that despite all your skepticism when it comes to western media, taking anything with a boatload of salt, as it should be, you fall to the easiest baits by the Russian media (and frankly no one reads chink news and there's no other opposing power left), you eat up virtually anything
Just to name one
>Putin is anti-muslim
Whilst he opens mosques and they flood Russia (yes, of course not the arab muslims you'd think, everyone knows that)