Democrats are licking toilets to piss off Trump?
Oh God this makes me so fucking wet
Oh fu-fu-fu-fu-fu-fu-FUCK AAAAHHHHH oh-oh-oh-oh my God
is Sup Forums behind this?
Their degeneracy knows no low.
this is the first thing that came to my mind kek
Bloody hell. And this is why we need a parliamentary system. If we had it, then we wouldn't have to deal with any of this bullshit.
Also, why? How does this work!?
And here I thought I had seen it all.
What is their (dare I say) "rationale" behind this?
what statement are they attempting to make?
>there is no limit the the shit and piss we will lick and suck as long as it is anti trump we will do it.
do they have AIDS?
Sup Forums be licking toilets themselves.
But yes. We should encourage this
I see no problem with this. Hopefully they contract some sort of disease and die. We should be encouraging this.
>I am convinced that the r-strategist suite of instincts, at some point, picked up programming designed to expose themselves to illness, and engage in behaviors designed to spread such disease to people around them. A part of me wonders if some early r-strategists which did this enjoyed particular advantage as they migrated into new populations that were already high in resources, and then spread a pandemic that would wipe out most of the population, leaving them in a freshly depopulated region laden with free resources.
>Think about it. Criminals, terrorists, migrant savages, man-eating sharks, jogger-eating cougars, venomous snakes, alligators, and on and on. The same people who support aborting Down’s syndrome babies will leap to the defense of all of the above, and engage in weird, disgusting behaviors that are almost guaranteed to spread disease. What do all of those things have in common? They are behaviors which will thin out populations, and they are being exhibited by individuals whose general psychology is similar to, if not identical to, the reproductive strategy which requires a high mortality to thrive.
"I hate Trump so fucking much that I'm going to lick a dirty public toilet, that'll show him"
The cover is actually pretty nice.
(i do have a thing for felines so yeah)
we should support this as hard as we can, really piss off the muzzies, theyll target furries, its win-win.
I bet Sup Forums is behind this
I think it's a psyop to get really dumb liberals infected with disease and die.
Get purged.
How will the /poltard ever recover?
We could share this as a way to "protest" for neutral gender bathrooms.
Or even for transgender women who prefer pee standing to attract more attention.
This could be an epic troll.
Sup Forums is a furry board.
and their side is done.
GG, was fun liberals, better luck next time.
They can eat shit too.
this has to be /b
please be real....
You will never fuck this Aussie
Oh my G-d that's sick! It's like they think by being even more degenerate, they can fight Trump.
The crazy thing is it's working!!
im serious this could be biological terrorism
Whoever can get a famous Trump hating liberal to do this wins the internets for a whole year
Your autism is physically harming me
I only use the gender-neutral bathrooms at my uni. They're spacious as fuck and used to be reserved for cripples, I'll be damned if I don't get something out of this SJW bullshit.
So they like taste of hilary mouth ?
This is so hilarious I just heard a bird laugh outside my fucking window.
So, these educated people voted for Hillary...
well, who's winning now, republicans ;)??
Such are the consequences of falling for the porcelain jew
This makes me feel like the left are actually just the sub in a sub/dom relationship.
We are the dom of course.
Sup Forums is alive?
Audibly giggled at this post. Well done, Ranjit.
That's a pretty good idea actually.
Sides in orbit and my girlfriend thinks I'm actually retarded now. Thanks Pajeet.
Licking a toilet actually is straight out of the marquis de Sade's handbook.
Digits and "Toilet licker" gets memed into modern vocab as a synonym for mentally-ill liberal faggots.
This one made me laugh. You're ok, Pajeet, but no I will not shake your hand.
fucking showed them lads
I remember some dudes from revleft did something like that, they licked toilets that niggers had used to piss off Nazis. They wanted to paint an image of white men licking niggers toilets to hurt the Aryan Master Race image. I assume these people are trying to do the same thing, probably licking toliets illegals and muslims use, to paint an anti nationalist image. Americans licking the toilets of illegals and muslims. But then again I might be going to much into it.
>mentally ill
pick two
t. expert at dodging toilets
>Sup Forumstards unironically licked a toilet to try and create the most pathetic of false flags in recent history
>there are people right now itt who have licked a toilet bowl
Remember when we made feminists post pictures of themselves pissing their pants to protest rape?
This is a great way to resist Trump. DO IT lefties.
This is a great way to resist Trump. DO IT lefties. Show us your anger
And it was pretty hot tbqh desu senpai, but this is just ass backwards.
Sup Forums died a long time ago but it's bloated corpse twitches every once in awhile and sprays a big zombie fart on normies. They just can't be stopped.
Whomever did this is a genius. Thank you.
Gosh, as a right-winger I am SO OFFENDED by the message this is sending. Nothing rustles my jimmies more than this! They need to be stopped! I sure hope they'll stop this disgusting display immedia- oh fuck me, I can't keep a straight face.
Trump BTFO.
>still using the porcelin jew
why haven't you started pissing/shitting on the floor in public bathrooms?
This needs to get published somewhere
Good one
You gotta be fucking broke and desperate for the money to actually do this. Only thing worse than this is being a human toilet.
This is progress?
Sup Forums only slumbers
What's this doing on your hard drive, leaf?
She's so relatable.
I'm a #shill4hill now
that was hilarious.
have your ever seen a leaf drive?
>falling for the porcelain jew
>falling in love
I see what you did there, Pajeet.
Yeah, but I liked that because I have a thing for chicks who piss themselves.
>Democrats are licking toilets
What else is new?
>still using the porcelin jew
damn right, alt-right is diapers
lick this pappi
I have... fucking Canadians always come to metro Detroit.
You fucks are the worst traffic impeding assholes.
I intentionally go out of my way to cut you off, tailgate, and brake check you fucking leafs every chance I get!
It is absolutely hilarious to watch you get so scared by is Americans. I have yet to see one of you pussies have some courage and even flip me off. But you know us Detroiters will get out of the car and stomp the shit out of you at a red light.
Stay in Canada, America doesn't want or need you maple syrup drinking faggots here.
That's a really great explanation actually, I always wondered if they were being influenced by some kind of parasite, but that kind of takes out the middleman.
>bathroom at Toronto call-center
You lying, disgusting stree-shitters need to leave North America. Now.
Damn they really got us this time. I bet they are laughing at us right now. What can we do to recover?
t. Grosse Pointe call boy
I don't know, but if they could slick a toilet brush, I'll be doubly BTFO.
O tempora, o mores.
94 and 8mile area. I'm sure you see fucking Ontario plates daily going 55 in the left lane on the freeway.
She is for the people who spent their study hall period with the English teacher.
>have your ever seen a leaf drive?
>leaf drive?
what is a hard drive tyrone for 500
but speaking of driving, you haven't met a real leaf because we're pretty insane, well i am. once had some arab fuck cut me off, i took his license plate, got his address through some social engineering and torched his van outside his house in the middle of the night
you can literally feed ANYTHING to these bottom feeding mouthbreathers and they'll eat it up.
just like that thread yesterday i saw talking about antifa putting nails in dogfood.
talking about pol, by the way.
>maple syrup drinking faggots