Be trumpanzee

>be trumpanzee
>vote republican cause the wealth will trickle down
>still poor and on welfare
Why do trumpanzees fall for the billionaire's lies?

Didn't read. Get a new image. Saged.

Thats why you reject both parties since they are exactly the same and embrace the third way

what is the third way?

The redpill is realizing both American parties are the same flavour of shit.

>In politics, the Third Way is a position akin to centrism that tries to reconcile right-wing and left-wing politics by advocating a varying synthesis of right-wing economics and left-wing social policies

Maybe not so much on the left-wing social policies


Probably the guy the two main parties have been trying to undermine the entire time.



>people unironically think they can influence business and money without jew approval despite who is in power
>not voting on keeping up the illusion that suits your desires because Jews will play along

If I'm going to be fucked I'd rather enjoy it than be surrounded by loons and shitskins.

Stay cucked, OP.

>No quantitative label for the x or y axis

Sorry I can't read in All caps, can you translate for me


You're thinking of Third Position, not Third Way.

>no source

Sage. leftist are the real slaves here

A leaf
hows that free speech ahmed jr.

He said he would make america great again

here u go

Ok now where is the source for your claim?

why are you right wing retards so cucked that your entire ideology is cutting taxes for billionaires?

>In politics, the Third Way is a position akin to centrism that tries to reconcile right-wing and left-wing politics by advocating a varying synthesis of right-wing economics and left-wing social policies

But this is somewhat futile because social goals like "home ownership"(2008 crisis) and "universal healthcare"(increased taxes and skyrocketing premiums) have extreme effects on the economy.

More billionaires support democrats than republicans

Socialism - cut taxes for the poor and increasr it for the middle and upper class.
Less jobs and the middle class isn't able to spend much , ruining the economy. Also rewards lazy , dumb humans and let their shit genes reproduce more lazy bastard while the hard working middle class dies out because they can't afford more kids.

Saged for appealing to class warfare politics. Modern liberals are degenerate and peddle an incoherent ideology that's grounded in nihilism and jealousy


The bedrock of classical liberalism is property rights and the concept of negative liberty.

Modern liberals simply appeal to Marxism and the concept of moral relativism.

found the econ 101 drop out

If republicans are so good for rich people, why do they all vote democrat? Huh, dumbass?

Modern liberals view the world through the lens of post modernism. The entire modern liberal ideology is pseudo science hokum

Their ideological father, Derrida actually believes classical liberalism is flawed because it's logic-centric

As Truth is objective for these retards, they believe things like ethnic/gender/women studies are valid pursuits

The entire world are mocking modern liberals. Cousins of Marxists who saw everything as class struggle, these retards have created a leader of victim hood and ascribe values to people based on their immutable characteristics.

Wtf kind of an argument is that? Is this how u retards argue? Some rich people vote Dem, others vote GOP. The Koch brothers support Republicans.

Why don't you look at the actual policies? Hillary was going to raise taxes on the wealthy elites u right wing retards worship, serve and obey. That's why u were programmed to hate her

Instead of your stale bullshit copypasta, try discussing the matter at hand.

I dunno. It seems as if conservatism meaning work for a living seems awful to you?
It's better to have dem government gib me dats?
How's that welfare check working for you comrade?

>It's better to have dem government gib me dats?

by this u mean jobs?

Democrats create jobs. Republicans crash the economy

Sure instead though cut off all funding to schools that peddle worse than useless Marxist ideology.

That way, you can leave taxes on successful people alone and directly target the retards


Is basically anything you disagree with or don't like "Marxism"?

>be democrat
>vote democrat because welfare will save me
>still poor and on welfare

Lol. Your understanding of politics is laughable. Government does not control the market. There was a housing loan crisis that happened which affected the global job market. It's called a recession. Do you think somehow bush did that to the market? How the hell did he do that? It's wasn't just the US, many countries were affected.
But Obama fixed it all? Wow. I guess when he won his nobel peace prize the world was changed forever.
Plus if you look at the jobs we got back, the majority of the jobs that were gained were low paying jobs. The jobs that were lost during the recession didn't come back.
Why don't you show job growth since trump has taken office? Your little partisan sites not have a cool graph you can copy and paste?

That is a good point. Democrats are shills to buying into statistics without context. Just like Planned Parenthood.

Yes, manufacturing is being replaced by automation and will cease to exist at some point
Service jobs will always be around because people go out to eat and drink and always will.
GOPs seem to think that they can change the global job market, which is retarded

No retard. Post modernism as a social constructivist movement is a cousin of Marxism..

And Obama did nothing but legitimize the idea we are all on a ladder of victim hood.

He poisoned the well, essentially, by spreading this hokum

>Actually thinking this makes sense.
This trend of US manufacturing job's leaving America isn't anything new. It has nothing to do with Obama, nor is there anything he could have done to stop it.

>change the global job market.
No, just change the American job market which is what you Democrats can't seem to prioritize over global job market.

It's got more to do with the fact that manufacturing jobs are low/no skill jobs that anyone can fill. America cannot compete with other countries that have much cheaper labor costs as well as less regulations.
This is just a plain fact. Until someone makes the playing field level this will always be the case.

Hat depends on how you view ruining your life... if you mean not having loads of money sure. If you mean not getting mowed down in the streets or not getting your shit stolen then not so much.

Oh my god you fucking moron the Koch brothers own Hillary. Why do you think she wanted war with Russia so bad? They would have made some great revenue from that. Do you really think rich people vote democrat bc they want to pay more taxes? Where do you think all these loopholes in the tax code come from? The 70,000 page Obama code or the one paragraph conservative code? Are all Canadians this fucking dumb? Do you realize you aren't legally allowed to criticize Islam anymore? That your children are playing soccer without a ball so no one can lose? That people are unnecessarily harmed because of your fucked up healthcare?

Voting any major candidate gets you that outcome. :DD many dibbicult choices :DDDd

Want to save money?

Stop using tax payer dollars to fund gender/ethnic/women studies.

It's a win win. People will become more employable and pay taxes AND the government will save taxes on effective people can stay put.

First state considering bankruptcy is hardcore democratic.

Do you really wanna compete with China and India?
These countries can compete with America because they have workers at 0.06$ per hour, children working in factories, and borderline slavery hours. We won't ever be able to beat that.

Trump isn't or at least wasn't supposed to be George bush 2.0 he claimed to be a protectionist.


Right wing retards think all service jobs are waiter/bartender.

You morons really are fucking clueless. I mean it's no wonder. You get your information from ZeroBrain

Right wing retards don't realize that engineers, architects, computer programmers, IT, bankers, real estate agents, doctors, dentists, teachers, mortgage brokers, insurance brokers, truck drivers, plumbers, cops, actors, athletes, are all service jobs.

don't know but shillary wouldn't have been any better

There are tons of great paying jobs out there right now. The problem for right wing retard Trump voters is that they don't have the skills, education or work ethic to attain those jobs.

>hehe trumpanzee didn't run as your typical republican
>tax cuts for the rich

>Why don't you show job growth since trump has taken office?

When did I ever deny that Trump inherited an amazing economy from Obama?

Yes. Import tax on goods.
You don't have to circle the toilet in terms of labor costs, you just make it harder for globalists to make a killing in other countries.
Import taxes, tax incentives, negotiating with companies directly, etc.

>no nosedive after Trump takes office
leafnigger btfo

>be white cis male
>be told I am the cancer of the world
>be told I must be eliminated from existence and diversity must take over
>get angry at me when I don't vote for you

Trumpanzees honest to God believe Trump saved the economy. They believed that fake news graphic Fox news put out that listed the number of jobs presidents created in their first 100 days which off course showed Obama in the negative since he inherited dubyas mess.

Hillary didn't want war with Russia you fucking retard. Russia threatened World War 3 if she won. Russia is the warmonger. They seized Crimea, threatened NATO, invaded Syria, attacked eastern Ukraine, hacked the US election, hacked the French election, and all u right wing retard America haters do is suck Russian cock.

wait till those failed GOP policies actually kick in

Austrian, Suisse, Danish etc model BEFORE the mass immigration. Capitalism + unions + social welfare

Then are you denying that bush inherited a bombshell called repealing Glass–Steagall by Clinton which not only fucked the US economy but the world's economy?
I mean you make the claim that dems are good for jobs but history doesn't prove that at all.


Yeah I know which one you're talking about. These right wing retards are just fucking brain dead. They are America's greatest liability.

> wait
lol ok

>Be a cis white male
>Notice how nobody actually gives a shit that you are a cis white male
>Move on with life.

>an amazing economy from Obama
His failures out weigh his successes. Public debt rose. All the failed tax reforms under his 8 years. He's attributed for stopping the recession. He isn't attributed for high growth.

I can't wait to see how hard u right wing retards dindu the Trump economy 3 years from now. Just like u dindu how much u loved Bush

You god damn retard she wanted a no fly zone over Syria. She knew Russia wouldn't obey, and she knew we would have went to war with them and said "the nuclear option should not be left off the table." Fuck you you god damn idiot. Isn't it crazy that the most conservative nation in the west is the most powerful? Because we don't let leftists cuck the country. Take a look at sweden, the most liberal, and their GDP, and how they're the rape capital of the west after becoming culturally enriched. You're fucking wrong

Exactly. Modern liberals wonder why they lost? They think anyone (those in the Centre) are right wing if they disagree with their incoherent ideology . Most Americans are moderates

> wait

I didn't vote for Bush but you Democrats sure do fucking miss him now.

>Trump has been in office for 5 months
>right wing retards think it's an accomplishment that he hasn't crashed the economy yet

Saged because you're an envious, worthless leech.

miss him compared to trump

every time u right wing retards find a new bottom to the barrel

National Socialism is the only way.

> wait
> wait
> yet
you can stop acting stupid now

wat has blacks voting for their economic interest gotten them?


>Trump has been in office for 5 months
>right wing retards think it's an accomplishment that he hasn't crashed the economy yet

Something better than whatever steaming pile of shit the Republicans would hand to em.

The economy that has had the rates raised on it for the THIRD TIME IN 5 MONTHS. could be worse, we could have Canada's fast imploding economy. How those taxes fucking ya? Just as hard as Mohammed rapes your wife?

>Even though Trump says and does some dumb, Dubya is still the bottom of that barrel.

Blacks, like everyone do better under Democrats. When Republicans crash the economy, it hurts everyone.

>muh gunz
>muh abortion
>muh wall

When did blacks vote republicans?
Democrats only appeal to jobless blacks, tell them they're going to give them free stuff. Put more of them on welfare, etc.
Republican seem to be about jobs. Now the actual republican party is a bit splintered on this, but in general, conservatives don't want to give out free stuff, they want people to earn it.

> wait x2
> yet x2
anybody else noticing a pattern here

They missinterpret what free market means


Yeah Obama got the unemployment rate down, and then rates started rising. That's how it works retard.

>Be Liberal
>Hate Republicans
>Want them to vote in a way that helps republicans
>Fuck you for harming yourselves enemy!!

Liberal logic man

>Be trump voter.
>have job
>plenty of money
>good private insurance
>vote trump
>life stays good as opposed to a little shittier.
Feels goodman

>Trump has been in office for 5 months
>right wing retards think it's an accomplishment that he hasn't crashed the economy yet

Republican national security didn't even happen under Bush until September

Republicans fall for some stupid shit, but so do Dems. We live in an oligarchy. A divided population helps to keep it that way.

We're only on June

Lots of Democrats and leftists were in opposition to Trump's trade protectionism because they think it's racist to deny free trade to foreign brown people.

There's been a huge shift away from trade protectionism in the DNC; since they changed their strategy to trying to import as many third-worlders as possible instead of helping local manufacturing unions (white males).

>corporate income tax rate: no specific proposal
Kek. As for the rest, the elites you work for are unaffected by these illusions of change. They already have the capital and systems in place, and can easily withstand higher tax rates while small businesses cannot, which just helps the corporations monopolize and further stifles the ability for the little guy Democrats pretend to care about rise out of serfdom...but you already know this you worthless shill.

> leafnigger sincerely believes NS and economy are two exact same things