Did he doodle their zibbity-bops?
Now that the dust has settled
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Hard to say. MSM has poisoned the case for or against him. His aquittal was due to white privilege, and the fact his accusers waited soooooooooo long before trying to cash in
>His aquittal was due to white privilege
no it was entirely due to cis-male privilege
A sealed transcript was leqked from his testimony in one of the rape cases decades ago quotes him as saying he drugged women to have sex with them because "that's what guys did in the 80's"...
He's guilty as fuck, by his own admission.
But that evidence was not allowed to be used in court.
Of course he did. You don't invite chicks to your fancy summer home and not pop their pudding
That's just how it went back then
the issue dogging the case was that everyone in 1980s Hollywood was on coke and ludes
20 years later "he had sex with me while I was under the influence" yeah no kidding that was a typical weekend good time back then
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
They were well aware of the BBQ Sauce
anyone know what was the racial breakdown of the jury was?
The charges they're trying to prove are some of the most difficult of which to win a conviction. This is especially true because so many of the accusations are from decades ago. There's simply little to no physical evidence. A jury needs more than testimony of ALLEGED victims to pronounce a guilty verdict.
I need to know this too.
It wasn't "she took drugs and was high when we had sex".
It was "I slipped drugs into her drink without her knowing and had sex with her when she was incapacitated ".
He'll die in prison just like OJ.
Blacks are always rapists. The fact that Cosby is a self-hating coon doesn't mean you're safe to relax.
not on my watch, kike
this is ALL disinfo
No lizard was ever in contact with any gizzard.
Always archive it
>cnn com/2015/07/07/us/bill-cosby-quaaludes-sexual-assault-allegations/index.html
>nytimes com/2015/07/19/arts/bill-cosby-deposition-reveals-calculated-pursuit-of-young-women-using-fame-drugs-and-deceit.html?_r=0
Can't hearsay the Cosby.
you're my hero
I guess you believe anything MSM throws at you. Why are you here? Shouldnt you be watching cnn or maddcow?
CNN's greatest moments......
Iraq has WMD's
Cosby is a serial rapist
Hillry has a 99% chance of winning in 2017
Actually it was more like
>Cosby: this night's going well
>Woman: I'm stressed out desu senpai
>Cosby: have this, it'll help you relax
>Woman: this a herbal supplement or something?
>Cosby: Sure, why not
>three hours later, woman awakes after having fallen unconscious after taking that pill, finds Cosby zip zopping her doodly bop
>Woman: that wasn't a herbal supplement
And at the time they liked it.
But women all allowed to revoke thier consent at any time.
Here, take these pills.
Even 40 years later.
>black dude
>white women
He must have raped at least 1 of them. The rest are just old coal burners looking for reparations for Cosby making them untouchable to white men.
Some of these chicks asking for money never married, ended up alone. Wonder why? They took the black cock.
His acquittal was do to stubborn BLM people in the jury.
Vince Gallo says that Harmony Korine did the same thing.
Sure he did.
I'm just pissed off that this nog could still get ludes
They should have said something twenty years ago. Why the fuck they waited this long is beyond me. No telling how many woman he has raped in those 20+ years.
Sure looked like a bear shitting in the woods..
Gotta' wonder if Dr Huxtable banged Denise Huxtable? Lisa bonet was attractive back then
Out of his own mouth. He said he is a sick person and has a problem!!!
A lot of the accusers have said that, when these things first happened, they talked about it with close relatives (eg. parents) and they advised against pursuing chatges because of the difficulty of meeting the evidence threshold and the difficulty of facing down the world's most popular, most well-lawyered black guy in court.
Eventually, one of them had the nads to sue Cosby, and Cosby settled for an undisclosed sum and an agreement to not talk about the incident to minimise publicity (and also an agreement to not pursue criminal charges).
10 years after that suit, some comedian reminded people this lawsuit happened. Cosby took to the air to defend himself. This breached the agreement, and a media firestorm ensued. A lot of people who were allegedly assaulted by Cosby came forward at that point because they felt the media storm would give them more believability (even if the statute of limitations had expired for most of them).
>sealed transcript was leqked
no...they were not leaked...they were released by a judge...the fact they were released legally means by definition they were not sealed
>decades ago
no...it was the deposition from a civil case lead by the current accuser from 2005/2006
>saying he drugged women to have sex with them
no..."drugged" and "to have sex" implies taking the pills and intercourse were both against their will...he only admitted that he acquired drugs to give to women he wanted to have sex with and has maintained his innocence
>"that's what guys did in the 80's"
no...google turns up zero sources for this "quote"
>evidence was not allowed to be used in court
no...there is nothing in your sources to support this claim
>I slipped drugs into her drink without her knowing
no...according to the "victims" testimony cosby offered her pills and she took them...after she told her mother they talked to him in an attempt to find out what the pills were that she knowingly took
i am currently gathering my sources...which include your own by the way
I'm pissed I never got the chance to try them. Anything like benzos?
Even if he was still guilty as a sin, the logic of women on how they react makes me want to see him walk.
If you can't decide something is rape at the time, well then maybe it isn't rape, alot of these victims sound more like some teen girl playing the "does he love me or does he not love me?" game.
Well I don't get confused if some nig cracks me over the face and steals my car, i'm not going to identify with him or make excuses, i'm going to immediately put his face in the lineup and say he did it!
Giving victims the opportunity to come forward decades later only leaves room open for chicks who had regretful sex to suddenly holler rape years later.
>I got drugs to use on women I wanted to fuck. I never actually used them tho lol
This explanation is so bad I want to believe him.
Are you saying that if someone gave you "aspirin" for a headache and it was actually horse tranquilizers you wouldn't be upset?
Not him but I'd be delighted.
think harder
hes not saying he didnt use them
he dindu nuffun
when you go back 4 times is it still raep?
>Thejury was made upof four white women, six white men, one black woman and one black man
White privilege