Your turn
He said his peace
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw you realise the earth is Noahs ark
>tfw you realize you are an idiot with no real evidence wearing a tin-foil hat in his mums basement thinking that the Illuminati or whatever the fuck your schizophrenic mind thinks of controls the world.
Can't find the pic right now, but Indiana Joneses found pieces of chariots where Exodus take place
I mean Mose and this water split
How do you even believe everything in the bible is true... Doesn't it contradict itself a few times?
I never said anyone controls the world. Only that everything that exists on the earth existed somewhere else and some catastrophic event happened that required it to be preserved.
Religion refers to this event as a flood and it required a vessel to preserve one of each kind but the only vessel i have ever seen that fits the description is the planet we live on.
So.... they tried to preserve the dinosaurs and it failed horribly?
This girl I met and trying to wife up genuinely believes in aliens and reptilians and shit.
He's right, you know.
>Inb4 Jews are evil
>Inb4 Jesus said the Jews are evil
>Jews force multiculturalism and claim to be gods ''chosen people" while whities actually are
>Jews are hated since Jesus and throughout history got expelled almost over 400 times
Schizophrenia is a hell of a drug
A good man
Dinosaurs are from here, and we came after and used the empty vessel after they went extinct.
That is the logical conclusion of his statement, not my beliefs, just appalled at your lack of logical deduction.
Hey fascitaly - how many nigros attacked your journalists?
I believe OP is real, I've shot at him.
He's terrifying and makes me scared to post on Sup Forums alone.
What about the small mammals that lived alongside dinosaurs that all modern day mammals appear to be descended from then?
I said my piece Chrissy.
Time to buy ARK
Sure, why not? Perhaps they reduced all life in the universe into some sort of primordial gloop that all life springs from.
JESUS CHRIST, the only son of GOD, checkmated the devil, by literally throwing the board away.
Ever heard of stem cells? You know, those things that literally stop aging.
Where would you get a bunch of FRESH stem cells? Children.
Ever heard of Blood Libel? You know how old the term blood libel is? old.
Why would you want to stop aging?
Wouldn't you do anything to stop aging if the moment your body dies, you burn forever...
Now let me ask you a question... How long could you live, if you stopped aging?
Understand why pizzagate is the biggest scandal is human history now?
>primordial gloop
>Sure, why not?
Because ad-hoc hypotheses are gay.
50/50, but continue
All I know is that I attended a sort of 'open evening' at a freemason's loge once when I considered joining them. I freaked out when I noticed they all looked 10-20 years younger than they actually claimed to be.
Every. Single. One.
Got the fuck out and limited myself to the profane after that.
Funny story, i used to go to a masonic pub. It even had all the stonework above the doorway and near the roof. I was playing pool and one day this guy comes in, wide eyed, introduces himself and shakes my hand and starts talking about it and i was just like oh yeah there's a few more like this, if you go up the road you can see it around the top of the roof, near the gutter. Then he asks me what i do and i say i'm a plasterer and he just stares at me and walks off lol
My family has a long history related to the Freemason's Lodge. A ton of members have partaken in it, the only active member left standing is my uncle who's a devout member, even has the ring and all.
He says it's merely community-based. If we're being realistic, he's looked the same ever since I met him with the white thinning hair that makes you assume he's balding yet he never does, not to mention a surprising lack of serious wrinkles for a man in his 60s.
If we wanna dig even back, one of my ancestors used to be a vital member of the New York City Council as a Democrat.
I always wanted to join, seems cool 'n comfy desu. (The lodge, that is.)
That's what I mean, my brother told me he had a conversation with a friend about said friend's grandfather.
>muh grandfather looks really young
>kek, is he a freemason or something?
>yeah, how did you know?
I mean, wtf? This cannot be a coincidence.
Post her feet.
>tfw the Mormons are redpilled on all this but Sup Forums won't listen
also skinwalkers are real.
>skinwalkers are real
What are they, and why are they a problem?
Mengele was attempting to unlock the psychic abilities of humans.
His fascination with identical twins (particularly siamese) is based on the strong psychic link present in all identical siblings.
He was attemtping to find out what was causing the link and how to augment and recreate it in normal people.
The reason why nobody has found letters between Mengele (living in Brazil) and his Family in Italy was because he discovered how to create psychic links between people.
However Mossad uncovered his discovery in their 1960 investigation of Mengele. During the 1970s Mossad had begun testing Mengeles own psychic augmentation technology and testing it on Mengele. This eventually lead to him suffering a "stroke" in 1979 and dying.
Now Mossad runs free, actively swaying the opinions of the worlds decision makers.
And we are powerless to stop them.
If you're a believer of the occult stuff, I suppose your answer would be some form of blood ritual of some degree. Maybe it's some (quite literally) eternal brotherhood bond to serve underneath the fatherhood of God.
Of course, the real question is whether or not they're aware of the Jewish question or are merely servants to ZOG.
Regardless, I'd be willing to join them if it meant saving my ass instead of becoming fucking cattle for whatever lurks below or above.
Why? if you aren't in a trade it's pointless, it's literally the only benefit to it and you're supposed to give money to charity.
>psychich link
Aren't they just underestemating the degree to which genetics influence thoughts/ behaviours?
I lived in North East Arizona for a few months, and there are lots of Navajo up there. Their version of skinwalkers is basically a animal/human hybrid that is incredibly strong and fast. You gain these powers by a literal deal with the devil, and then series of murders of people who are close to you. The natives take it super seriously, but I even heard stories from old white people about seeing them, or having one try to chase down their truck.
The humanity "started" with Adam and Eve, one of each kind.
>mind blown
That's pretty fucked up. Are there a lot of unexplained deaths/disappearances/animal attacks up there, or are the skinwalkers just really bad at skinwalking?
What's the basic gestalt of skinwalkers?
I mean non-human skinwalkers. No deal with devil.
The reservations are crime ridden and crazy shit happens up there all the time. Its just one of those things that's not even reported on because its expected. But I don't think there are a lot of actual skinwalkers, so its hard to say. in my opinion, that kind of evil only has the power that people give it by believing in it. Not to say its not real, but you have to be pretty fucked up to actually believe you can and should do it and make it work. That's why that kind of freaky shit is more common among natives and not so much on the streets of Pheonix.
not sure. I know skinwalker can mean something completely different, but I don't know about that version.
depends on who you ask.
/x/ type skinwalkers are basically some sort of animal that can take over a persons or animals body and try and immitate them but when they do vocals they a hard time doing humans voices and they just repeat whatever the last person said because they dont know the language so say your friend got taken over by a skinwalker you go to see him and he would be really quiet but might say an awkward out of place thing here or there, postue might be a little off etc. It sort of tries to imitate its preys behaviour in a way to gain its trust but fails spectaculairly in a really creepy way, for instance it might take over a deers body and when it sees humans it might approach them on its hind legs and say out of place sentences to gain trust.
for some natives skinwalker just means a shapeshifter like a druid from wow.
Are our institutions hiding the fact that dinosaurs existed with man?
If so why?
What are the political ramifications of this?
>As western pioneers colonized tribal lands around the world, reports of dragons continued to come back to Europe. It became standard practice for cartographers to identify unexplored regions at the periphery of their maps with the cryptic words: “Here be dragons!”
>Author Charles Gould sought to dispel supernatural notions and give a sober account of the dragon. “The dragon is nothing more than a serpent of enormous size; and they formerly distinguished three sorts of them in the Indies. Viz. such as were in the mountains, such as were bred in the caves or in the flat country, and such as were found in fens and marshes.The first is the largest of all, and are covered with scales as resplendent as polished gold.
>These have a kind of beard hanging from their lower jaw, their eyebrows large, and very exactly arched; their aspect the most frightful that can be imagined, and their cry loud and shrill… their crests of a bright yellow, and a protuberance on their heads of the colour of a burning coal. Those of the flat country differ from the former in nothing but in having their scales of a silver colour, and in their frequenting rivers, to which the former never come.” (Gould, Charles,Mythical Monsters,W.H. Allen & Co., London, 1886, p. 140.)
Pic related is a dracorex hogwartsia, a dino fossil discovered in 2004. It bears a strong resemblance to historical accounts of dragons in European mythology.
I find it hard to believe that we just dreamed up the idea of a dinosaur out of pure imagination, across various cultures, and then thousands of years later, by coincidence discovered that not only have creatures similar to these existed, but some of them are EXACTLY like the dragons in ancient "mythology"
More info.
>The Anglo Saxon Chronicle gives a dire entry for the year 793. (In those days it was common to take glowing, flying dragon activity as an omen of evil to come.) “This year came dreadful fore-warnings over the land of the Northumbrians, terrifying the people most woefully: these were immense sheets of light rushing through the air, and whirlwinds, and fiery, dragons flying across the firmament.”Reliable witness reports of “flying dragons” (pterosaur-like creatures) in Europe are recorded around 1649. (Thorpe, B. Ed.,The Anglo Saxon Chronicle, 1861, p.48.) This remarkable book also describes an encounter with a dragon in 1405: “Close to the town of Bures, near Sudbury, there has lately appeared, to the great hurt of the countryside, a dragon, vast in body, with a crested head, teeth like a saw, and a tail extending to an enormous length. Having slaughtered the shepherd of the flock, it devoured many sheep….In order to destroy him, all the country people around were summoned. But when the dragon saw that he was again to be assailed with arrows, he fled into a marsh or mere and there hid himself among the long reeds, and was no more seen” (p. 60).
Isn't that just monks trolling though? Trying to make people flip their shit like when War of the Worlds first aired on the radio.
Doubtful. Way too many independent accounts.
>Ulysses Aldrovandus is considered by many to be the father of modern natural history. He traveled extensively, collected thousands of animals and plants, and created the first ever natural history museum. His impressive collections are still on display at the Bologna University (the world’s oldest university) where they attest to his scholarship. His credentials give credence to an incident that Aldrovandus personally reported concerning a dragon. The dragon was first seen on May 13, 1572, hissing like a snake. It had been hiding on the small estate of Master Petronius. At 5:00 PM, the dragon was caught on a public roadway by a herdsman named Baptista, near the hedge of a private farm, a mile from the remote city outskirts of Bologna. Baptista was following his ox cart home when he noticed the oxen suddenly come to a stop. Hekicked them and shouted at them, but they refused to move and went down on their knees rather than move forward. At thispoint, the herdsman noticed a hissing sound and was startled to see this strange little dragon ahead of him.Trembling he struck it on the head with his rod and killed it. (Aldrovandus, Ulysses, The Natural History of Serpents and Dragons, 1640, p.402.)
Pic related is an ancient Buddhist temple btw
Fair enough, but seperate cultures dreaming up images of big snakes isn't impossible. I just don't get why the existence of dragons would be a secret, and why they would have gone extinct in the last 500 years.
Kikes hide everything that contains truth or lie about it calling it mythology n shiet
You have more shit about this and other topics such as?
Pretty interesting
*Breaths in*
Humans killed them
>Kikes hide everything that contains truth or lie about it calling it mythology n shiet
'cause kikes and Jesus already told us they are the children of satan and lie
So Jews are just Jewing for the fun of it? Why aren't they trying to cover up the existence of mammoths or sabretoothed tigers then? What do they gain from people not believing in dragons?
But... they aren't just big snakes.
Pic related is a classical European dragon...
And pic related is a dracorex hogwartsia, discovered in 2004.
Am I supposed to believe these people all independently dreamed up this idea of a dragon and then literally hundreds of years later found out beings existed LITERALLY just like it?
For what? A couple cheap giggles?
If news would tell you now dragons ever existed would you believe it? How fast would this to be shut down just for mentioning it? *cough* *cough* Seth Rich as a example
Forgot pic
Tfw damsel in distress was reality hundreds of years ago Kek
>pineal gland
Yes mate, it's real. Gubmint doesn't want you using your third eye.
Dude, slow down. It seems like you're saying Seth Rich tried to expose the existence of dragons and was killed for it. And I still don't understand what Jews gain by pretending dragons don't exist. Is it so we're caught off guard when their dragon riders attack Khaleesi style to establish Greater Israel?
Cuckmasons detected
What could I actively do if I somehow activated my third eye? Reading mind?
Christians, explain evolution. What's your stance on it?
I mean Seth Rich tried to tell or expose little truth, doesn't matter what it is, and got killed
They just don't like that
Well, if you wanna understand them, you have to be one of them
They are nuts
Just look at Rothschild: Incest over 200 years bruh
People all over the world built pyramids, turns out that's just the easiest way to stack stones really high without them falling down for a long time. Also, people are hard-wired to be afraid of snakes.
Big flying snakes would be a very powerful image to them.
We have differing opinions on it. I personally believe in creationism. Evolution makes sense only when you cut out God entirely from the equation, so if you're entirely atheist it's almost impossible to argue with you over it as we don't even agree on the same worldview which our ideologies hinge on
Please explain this.
This isn't a large snake. Most of the pictures I've been posting haven't been
>Mormons ARE masons
>Not the same thing as being "red pilled or "based"
Satanic Pedos know all about satanic pedophilia....dude they're so based
>drops the microphone
To me that looks like a big snake wrapped around a Stegosaurus. Big crocodiles, salamanders or whatever could also be concieved. Don't get me wrong, I want to believe. Dragons existing just doesn't make sense to me. Something that big wouldn't even be able to fly because the weight of a creature increases faster than the surface of its wings when you make it larger.
Why don't you believe in evolution though? What about the evidence have you disagreed with?
Inb4 Bees can't fly 'cause they are fat americans
I think you lads might enjoy this.
Fair point, but for something the size of a dragon to fly its wings would have to move about as fast as a humminbird's. That would either look retarded or terrifying, depends on the person witnessing it I guess. How come this was not mentioned in any of these records?
>its wings would have to move about as fast as a humminbird's. That would either look retarded or terrifying, depends on the person witnessing it I guess
I kek'd way too hard
It presumes a God doesn't exist. People like to mock this a lot (god in the gaps, etc) but when you come to the conclusion that a Deity is out there it entirely changes your worldview.
Okay, assume evolution is a component of some god's creation. Why don't you believe in it then?
I think you miss my point. I'm not necessarily saying flying dragons exactly like the pics you posted existed, I'm saying dragons are an interpretation of dinosaurs, which man lived and walked with, hence why I showed this pic. from hundreds of years before the first dinosaur fossil was discovered
reality contradicts itself too, are you still (you)phoric?
I did miss your point, that's probably the beer. I have actually read some pretty compelling stuff about humans and dinosaurs coexisting. I'm not sure how we would have invented fire when we were busy constantly shitting ourselves in fear though.
And when ya take a look at now
>Sandrats and Niggers invading us
etc. it's fucking scary
31To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
33They answered him, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?”
34Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. 35Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. 37I know that you are Abraham’s descendants. Yet you are looking for a way to kill me, because you have no room for my word. 38I am telling you what I have seen in the Father’s presence, and you are doing what you have heard from your father.b ”
39“Abraham is our father,” they answered.
“If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you wouldc do what Abraham did. 40As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. 41You are doing the works of your own father.”
“We are not illegitimate children,” they protested. “The only Father we have is God himself.”
Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”
Because the God of the King James Bible doesn't present evolution, but rather a creation story.
It could be true but I'm not inclined to bet on it.
I believe in the God of the Bible because the entire religion of Christianity would have died if the resurrection of Jesus never happened. So atheists give outlandish theories like he didn't really die, the apostles stole his body, etc. because the religion spreading makes no sense unless people who were physically there when Jesus was alive witnessed him ressurect and others believed their testimony.
Almost every reputable scientist agrees Jesus existed and had a following, they just think the apostles were deceived into thinking he never died.
So... religion starts to make sense when you believe in it? I have struggled with this in the past. I genuinely believe I would be happier if I believed in a god, any god. But it just seems so damn unlikely for any of that to exist.
You can just read the new testament and decide wether you want to believe it or not
I believed in God since school, religious education and after the redpill I knew the Bible was right
NT talks about Jesus n shit and how he warned us that the jews are evil and that he will come back one day
I believe we really live now in the end times, just look at what happens right now: Rapes, Terror, Killings etc.
I believe and I never struggle, but it just hurts from time to time when you look at the very evil right now in this moment
There's a lot of evidence for it once you start looking into it!
If you are genuinely curious google some Christian essays on the probability of the ressurection of Christ and Biblical prophecies.
Then read the kjv every day.
Those three things will REALLY make you think. Trust me
>Dragons existing just doesn't make sense to me
>Big fucking birds on big fucking trees
>Something kindles a wildfire
>Flora so thicc the fire spreads over the whole continent
>sky darkens, trees are gone, ice and ash covers large parts of the earth
>few giant birds managed to survive on the ground by retreating and living of the root systems left behind by giant trees
>other giant birds adapt to the scarce recources by shrinking
>some generations go by, ressources becoming scarcer and scarcer
>big cave dwelling birds now have a preying advantage and start going carnivore on the smaller birds and mammals.
>mammals get sick of their shit and start going on a genocidal rampage to purge any remaining cave dwelling bird.
>other mammals say "NOT ALL GIANT BIRDS" and start to oppose the bird purgers.
>decide wether you want to believe it or not
That's what I don't understand. It doesn't work like that for me. Maybe it's because I'm mildly autistic.
So I know from school, and teachers told us, the roman empire fell blah blah blah
And the Bible talk about that they were included in Jesus crucifixion, inb4 Pontius Pilatus
If you would ask now as a atheist: Why would a real existing empire be included in something that never happened 'cause you don't believe it?
Spoopy ain't?
Big birds cannot fly because when you enlarge something, the surface increases by the second power, but mass by the third power. Weight increases faster than the surface of the wings. This is why insects have relatively small wings compared to birds, and why insects can walk around on such thin legs without collapsing. All big birds are flightless, which should make you think.
Please go down the ressurection of Jesus rabbit hole. It will change your worldview for the better
Watch this video and listen to but don't follow the man who's arguing for the ressurection. He makes great points here and I highly recommend it, but he's a heretic on his other videos and debates.
Mathhew 14
31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
Old testament doesnt count, thing that counts are the ten commandments, the rest is a guideline to a better life. Its why the jews hate it, everything in the old testament is about how degenerate e jews were.
I ever wondered and I adk you if you allow me too
But what happens when the christians got in the rapture? Do we come back to save our loved ones and fight with Jesus or ...?
'cause two of my friends are non-christians: One is a muslims and the other a atheist and I don't wanna go to heaven without them
I'll give it another try then. My family were Jehova's witnesses (I was kind of rebellious though, or maybe too young to understand) untill I was about six, and then we were atheists all of a sudden. Maybe that has skewed my views on religion a bit.
I believe that after the rapture your friends may repent and turn to Christ.
But to me God wouldn't be just if He let everyone in on a whim without being redeemed with Christ blood. We all deserve hell, so who am I to question God if he lets me in but doesn't let my unbelieving friends in. God is the ultimate standard for good and it's silly to question His judgment on who goes to hell or not, imo. Because without him I wouldn't even exist.
Having said that read the Bible with an open mind, pray for wisdom, and come to your own conclusion. That's the best advice I can give, and it's advice I had to learn the hard way.
Free will is a lie,
God cast Lucifer from heaven to hell along with 1/3 of all demons.
We are the exiles of a rebellion on a different planet and living here without direct guidance has condemned us to constant war and hatred amongst ourselves.
The "Hell Fire" is because at the time, Fire was the WMD to end all WMDs.
Were a forsaken bunch, but God (the old empire) will collect slaves at the end of the world to return on probabtion to the Home Planet
As a christian I say ' cause Jehovas witnesses was a made up religion to gain money like Scientology ... or they were really that crazy
I can understand your point
>was in religious group
>went atheist
>faith destroyed
A good read - towards end kind of scary
Inb4 Jews are evil
So our offspring will be slaves because our ancestors were rebels?
I'm serious. you better take the time out of your day to read the Bible and read and watch the ressurection sources I gave you if you truly care.
You asked why I believe in Christianity, those are why.
Study them and you'll get the reason I believe in God, specifically Christianity.
In twice the atmospheric density, lift of a given wing would be doubled at a given speed, so it would exceed the requirements (of the unchanged weight in unchanged gravity).
One way could be to take off and fly at a slower speed - slower by square root of two times would give the same lift.
Jehovah's are batshit crazy. Not as bad as the Christian Scientists, but still crazy in their own right since they think literally everything, even your own birthday, is the devil.
The King James Bible. Also look up the probability of Biblical prophecies coming true. It will really get that noggin joggin
I wonder what kind of atmosphere a gigantic forest would create