Communism vs. Fascism
Which one and why?
Communism vs. Fascism
Which one and why?
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Both are shit. Classical liberalism is the only way to go.
Am I in hell?
Communism, because Fascism is racist as shit.
Jeez man, know your ideologies, even I know that fascism ain't racist, Mussolini didn't show prejudice based on race, heck, Mussolini didn't even believe in race.
If I had to choose
Fascism because it's not in denial of what it is while communism claims to be stateless utopia of the workers but is instead a prison for a countries own people in practice
Communism. Its the fairer ideology. It treats men as equals. Although both shit and dangerous
There is nothing equal about human beings, individually or collectively speaking. Why pursue an ideology that contradicts biological realities?
>individual freedom vs total obedience to the state
hmmmm real difficult question
>individual freedom
That's a good one
>Although both shit and dangerous
If you think Communism is shit and dangerous why do you have a commie flag?
Both are complete shit. Authoritarianism is fucker cancer.
Mussolini is a bad example of fascism.
Transhumanism is better
The founder of fascism is a bad example of a fascist?
Well yeah I guess. Speaking from the point of view of what they promise communism is the fairer system. Fascism only promises good for a select race or nationality
>If you think Communism is shit and dangerous why do you have a commie flag?
for the (you)s of course
>treats as equals
Communism is the dictatorship of proletariat.
Mussolini is THE fascist, the original creator of fascism, he is the prime example of it (although he was strategically retarded, like Hitler).
communism is literally the apex example of individual freedom. by definition there is no hierarchy
>that flag
oh I'm sorry, I forgot that you probably define communism as "the government exists" while you're busy jacking off to the idea that it killed 10^1001 people. FOAD
Yes I know. The point is to eliminate class, each according to his ability, to each according to his need etc.
Well yeah, of course fascism would hold the interests of a nations own people above that of foreign elements. That's commen sense, just like in your own home you hold yourself in higher value than someone who doesn't pay the bills.
Fairer is a spook. Equality and egalitarianism are spooks. You can equate opportunity all you want but the results amongst different peoples will never be the same.
The shitty military the king had put together was a big part of their military failures as well. Officers were chosen based on royal ties rather than competence. Mussolini's biggest mistake was nothing removing the king.
You're conflating hierarchy and freedom. If 51% of the population democratically votes to force you to do whatever they say, how can you call that freedom just because you are all equal?
Fascism because the idea of a society without leadership or hierarchy is absolutely disgusting.
Why not both?
>communism is literally the apex example of individual freedom. by definition there is no hierarchy
>no hierarchy
>individual freedom
Yeah, when the majority imposes 5 year plan it's called freedom in communism.
Well, that and going to war at the same time Hitler did. He needed about 5 years or so to properly industrialize his nation first, he was far too impatient.
Because no real nationalist would put that symbol on their flag
well, commuism has failed everywhere it's been tried, and fascism has succeeded everywhere it's been tried until the jews bombed the fuck out of it
Fascism is inherently warlike though
I think Fascism because all the Niggas will be gone
said the commie
Most communists deny racial realism and believe that we can all hold hands and dance under the sun if there were no ebil capitalists, meaning they're as fucking gullible as libshits.
which ever one kills more antifa
In other words, kill them all and steal their shit.
Didn't we already do this in the 1940s? Communism won.
It is though, disregard my flag for a second
The ideological roots of fascism go decades before Mussolini. And by being a shill for international kikes, he's not the best example.
>Communism has failed everywhere it's been tried
maybe it's because tankies always co-op the revolution and immediately start fucking shit up
>Ukrainian Free Territory
>t. civic nationalism cuck from reddit
atleast swallow your basic redpills before posting user
A national bolshevik would.
What about Peron? Franco? Salazar? These men kept their nations peaceful during most of their reign.
Had they waited that long the soviets and friends would be much more organized and better armed. It was just a shitty situation all together, Italy really should have focused on Africa and fucking the allies over there before trying to conquer European territories. Albania was a good choice though as it was a net positive for both the Italian government and the Albanian people.
Based jews. :)
Fascism isn't a concrete ideology, it differs greatly amongst whatever country it sprouts up in. The war like tendency you described has more to do with German and Italian territorial claims than the ideology itself.
Fascist movements are more than capable of being isolationist as well, hence the American fascist movements in the 30s and non racial as well like the Brazilian integralists
Both sides lost. Jews took control of both contries.
I did, the problem is Nazis never swallow the redpill that Hitler was a fucking retard.
(((libertarianism))) is sooo based xD
Most NatSocs have no problem with communist economics, but they would rather die than call it communism.
Le Pen @ example wants literally the same things as the Commie Melenchon
>Anti EU
>Kill the Kikes
>Support the working class
Shut up you kike kunt go back into your basement and jerk off your dad
>Ukrainian Free Territory
You mean the military rule of black army?
How long did that last?
They weren't fascists and refused to call themselves such. Spain's actual fascist was Primo De Rivera
Well the national Bolshevik should research who lead and financed the Bolsheviks in their revolution and see if he still feels like a nationalist
>Fascist means right wing
It's funny. The more you purposely make this error, the more the reader will realive they've been lied to by google.
>tried to save Europe and western civilisation for the international jew and marxism
pick one
You know, unlike some people —such as yourself— we have arguments that aren't 'hurr fucking niggers gas the kikes race war xDDD'
>what is private property and enterprise
>what is the right to bear arms
>what is class solidarity instead of class war
Yeah the left go on about "the 1%" , the right generally has the same feelings they just call them the jews
> Communism vs. Fascism
> Posts a picture of two socialist ideologies
National Socialism is not Fascism. It's socialism that's national, in contrast to communism, that's international.
That being said: Fascism is better than communism, because at least there is a somewhat functioning price system at work, not immediately destroying everything due to the economic calculation problem.
>there is no hierarchy
There is ALWAYS hierarchy.
Even your faggy little riot groups have leaders and medics and frontline soldiers.
Getting rid of money/property is not going to make people equal, it just gives "leaders" a monopoly of power. This is why EVERY SINGLE communist attempt in history has ended in dictatorship and most of them add in a sprinkle of purges/genocide.
>the Redpill
>that Hitler was a retard
Hitler was acting in self defense against decades of Jewish corruption in Germany's media.
>How long did [Catalonia] last
exactly my point
the Soviets sent a bunch of ideologues over there and look what happened
there were anarchist communities in China and it was an active political movement. that is, until Mao became popular and started purging them and generally fucking things up
because fuck you i wont do what ya tell me
He declared war on the USA even though he had no meaningful way of striking at us and it only furthered our involvement against him.
Whichever one has the best aesthetics
Take the AnCap pill
Daily /lrg/ is up now
Both are satanic plots.
What really furthered our involvement was Pearl Harbor.
Hitler is literally Israels father
>Be Hitler
>Being at war with UK
>Attack USSR without any reason
>Getting screwed
>Making Jews more powerful than they ever have been
> Muh superior system of governance
> if not everybody participates in the way I think is the correct way, it collapses killing millions
please kill yourself.
Fuck off you damm city folk... The blacks are the ones that rape our kids and rip our convience stores... They need to be wiped out.
Well to be fair the Jew esse really deserved to be bombed
>ancuck pill
Redpilled Leftists say: "Zionist"
Why not use the Moozelims against the kikes?
We certainly would have taken out Japan, but Hitler could have left us alone to do that. He didn't need to declare war right after Pearl Harbor, but he did, thus giving us an excuse to take him down first.
But like that's the point with socialist revolutions, they all go to shit every time. The so-called vanguard is so chaotic that eventually it brings tyranny.
Sold me
IF you like being a slave communism if you like being empowered and soceriegn with truth raise the swastika banner.
In reality the guy in the top hat financed another guy with a top hat who wears a hammer and sickle pin on his suit while his country men eat dirt
The Capitalist bourgeoise and communist elite have always been intertwined
Fascism is bourgeois cancer.
The biggest enemies to communism are communists.
This guy is responsible for Hitlers economic miracles. Hitler should have expanded his influence like merkel does with the eu instead of militarily
Communism was founded by Karl Marx, who is related by blood to the Rothschild bankers
The Bourgeoisie wanted a system of complete control, so that the masses gave them 100% of their wealth and property voluntarily (this is why private property doesn't exist under Communism, it's all owned by the state while they tell stupid goyim it's actually all theirs, and it's also why Marx talked about "seizing the means of production")
So they got this Jew, Marx, to indoctrinate the poor fools into giving all their wealth and property to the "state". Not only that, but he also indoctrinated them with ideas such as national borders being bad to push the same globalist agenda
The problem was who runs the state?
The Jews. Via the Central Banking system usually owned by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and all these powerful Jews, and in the USSR, the Soviet government (Kaganovich, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Lenin...). This is why the "Russian" Revolution in 1917 was funded by rich Jewish bankers like Jacob Schiff, the Rothschilds, the Warburgs...
You only have to look at Venezuela, it has a Central Banking System. This is why people never become rich in Communist nations, only poor, and why so many people starved in the USSR. The solution is to end the Central Banking Systems
Anyone who still follows communism, an ideology that never worked, has killed over 100M people, is retarded in terms of social policies (let's destroy national borders and the family unit because of "capitalism"?) and was only ever created by Jews to benefit Jews if you look at it objectively, is retarded. The original communism is Jewish supremacism.The fact that they've convinced so many college students to think it's any good shows how far the ideological subversion has come
Marx advocated genocide, so did Trotsky and Lenin
>Karl Marx planned genocide for Europe's "Racial Trash
Communism, because racism is disgusting.
Fascism because it's superior to communism in every way. You can have property, free enterprise, inheritance, is nationalistic, encourages individualism, does not nationalize many things, can own guns, the state is actually for the citizen. Also only thing that can combat jewish and communist subversion.
Racism doesnt exist.
Adolf Shekelgruber also was a Jew, whats the matter.
hitler was an impatient retard, he should of never had attacked britain or russia
no, but if you got your ANCAP way you would be
Fascism, I don't like either too much, but I still support a supranationalist, militaristic society.
The USA was sending supplies to the Britcucks and the Soviets before Pearl Harbor. They had already picked a side before officially joining.
Hitler should have stopped after taking Austria and the Sudetenland. The Soviets likely would have declared war on Poland at some point, but then then Hitler would have been seen as a defender of Europe instead of a warmonger, and he might have even had the UK and USA supplying him or perhaps even fighting directly alongside him as allies. Japan likely would have declared war on the USA only to be beaten back and bombed to oblivion, Italy would have continued to expand but whether they get destroyed, successfully expand but stay neutral, or help Hitler is up in the air.
The allies declared war on Germany laddy, also the soviets were obviously coming right at him, it was only a matter of time before all of Europe was going be flooded over by the red menace.
>the most productive nation is sending supplies to my enemies
>you know what would really improve my situation? Getting them to send supplies AND troops to invade me.
He was the saviour of our people. Literally /ourguy/, the only one who ever was and the only one who will ever be.