How would have the 20th century turned out if the Axis won WW2?

How would have the 20th century turned out if the Axis won WW2?

>pic related

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It would have been great

If you're talking about the geopolitics, I think it depends on the extent of the victory. The UK's occupation or its absorption into some kind of Nazi continental system (or the partition of its colonies to Japan) would be predicated upon a successful Sea Lion, for example, rather than a conditional surrender following the capitulation of France. Over time you'd probably see the different Reichskommissariats absorbed into the Third Reich itself and made actual "Gaus" but the extent of their territory would also be predicated upon how far the advance would be into Soviet Russia. I think the map you posted is an okay-ish analysis with the exception of South American states being absorbed into the German sphere of influence.

It couldv'e happended if FDR got shot instead of Anton Cermak in 1932

>Presdent Nance Garner in 1933
>no lend lease
>no embargo on the axis
>no US entry
>America First Republican ticket in 1944

interesting take

>exception of South American states being absorbed into the German sphere of influence.

it seems alot of Right-wing movements naturally occurred between 30's and 60's in South America. Maybe it would some other form of alliance? just figured they would be friendly to Germany.

what would you do different?

also figured that a Soviet loss would result in a coup against Stalin

Well, I suppose it depends to what extent the American state is weakened. Even though several of the Platinean states were sympathetic toward fascist regimes in Europe, Washington exercised a terrific amount of influence over them that would be very hard to break (as evidenced by their entry into the war in 1945), even more so if we suspected that Germany was gaining influence in the region. The thing that makes me suspect is that the U.S. would fight tooth and nail if it suspected a victorious Germany meddling in foreign affairs in what it considered as its backyard, but then again the Soviets did it in Cuba, Nicaragua, etc., so I suppose this isn't too egregious of a scenario.

Yes, Stalin actually expected it; during the first week of Barbarossa there are records which essentially indicate that he thought he'd be killed and that the government would effectively collapse.

I built this one based on the US never entering the war and remaining trade partners with with both sides.

Based around a 1932 assassination of FDR

This would be real, and I would live there.

good insights

I think without FDR ther would be no Henry Wallace on a goodwill tour in South America. A more conservative US government may have not been too concerned in 1944

pretty awesome series desu

needs a 3rd season

What is white supposed to be?

non-alligned states

Giving allies and satellites the same colour is a bit strange.

Britain wouldn't have been incorporated into Germany, the (rest of the ) Germanic nations would have however. Britain would be its main ally, as per Hitler's ideals.
In fact, Germany would've turned into a Germanic Empire, as Hitler and Himmler wanted. Sweden and Iceland would possibly be incorporated which was something Himmler really aimed for and would be in line with Hitler's ideal, but that's not certain.

The fate of the Slavic and Baltic countries to the East would probably remain protectorates, how many of it would be Lebensraum can't be known but the Baltics surely wouldn't.
Poland and Czechia would be incorporated protectorates, though.

This is based on the memoirs of Hitler's inner circle and from the information at the time.

Maybe a 3-way Cold War? Or by the 1960s a Cold War that pits Japan vs. Germany with each vying for influence with the U.S.?

>Giving allies and satellites the same colour is a bit strange.

yea i should change that

> a Cold War that pits Japan vs. Germany with each vying for influence with the U.S.?

thats sounds pretty interesting. very possible.

Not like that. That's a lot of bollocks.

Are saying without the US, Great Britain could hold off?

Would add that Britain would likely keep its entire empire with the exception of the colonies it got from Germany after WW1 and maybe one or two bordering colonies to those.

Hitler saw a duality of Germany and Britain as essential for balance in world power, and for that Britain needed to remain a major power.
If Germany conquered the UK they'd have set up a puppet fascist government that over time would become independent again.
Who knows, might've even been Mosley.

I think it depends on how far relations deteriorate between Japan and Germany after the war (if at all). Hitler explicitly says in his Table Talks that in the future he anticipates a climactic showdown between the European West and the Asian East.

No, I'm saying that that map is a lot of bollocks. I don't even know where to start. Everything's wrong.

>US president in Axis World is not George Lincoln Rockwell

You had one job.

Pretty sure Colombia and Mexico would silt had bend for that Yakee cock tho.

Better than now

>cold war with japan and germany
That's already been done.

not saying the US would have lost, just never fought and may have been slightly pro-nazi due to business interests.

He may have been a Senator at some point.

The Bund might be a major part of an alt-GOP

>climactic showdown between the European West and the Asian East.

this would be pretty crazy if they had nukes too.

>Such hypothetical questions offer nothing but pure speculation and a 'circlejerk' like composure among wannabes. Move on already, what does dwelling on the past events that can't be changed do for anybody?

nice map

>what does dwelling on the past events that can't be changed do for anybody?

AH is fun and it gives an opportunity to do historical research.

Pretty sure OP's map is based on Fatherland.

I will agree with the idea that things can be learned from past mistakes, but realistically hypothesizing what world powers in WW2 could have achieved serves no higher purpose other than appeasing some peoples weird desires and aspirations.

I mean, writing or reading fiction then (by this logic) is essentially the same thing. Stop channeling your anti-intellectualism into this thread, no one gives a fuck.

You're probably right actually. I figure it's about time for a wank after all of this pseudo-intellectual mumbo jumbo.


Thanks by the way,(non-ironically) for at least reasonably pointing it out the flaw in my thinking.

No problem, but alternate history is a pretty credible pursuit. It's a pretty oversimplistic critique to pretend that hypothesizing what a Nazi German victory looks like is done merely to appease some kind of strange ideological fetish. The amount of energy that has to be expended to read source texts and to get underneath what actually motivated people like Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich, etc. is the basis of honest academic inquiry.

Even more interesting is what the world would look like if the US joined the axis in WW1


axis in WW1

you mean the central powers?

>pic related

Here, I made you this.


also wasnt there a plan to resettle jews to madagascar?

Yes but it was scrapped after losing the Battle of Britain because they needed the channel. If enacted most would've died on the boats down there. Had they won the war post Wannsee Conference though, I reckon they would've encouraged Jewish settlement in Palestine again or otherwise have shipped them off over the Urals, or just killed them.

German settlement in Belgium/Netherlands was zero

I was more talking about the Burgundy region rather than the already Germanic Netherlands/Flanders.

That's basically straight on Belgium, but sure.

I think they saw Wallonia as romanticised Germanics iirc, so they'd just force them to speak German or Dutch.
Not sure if they included northern France in that, but following that logic they probably should.