>a few hundred people gathered for the demonstration
>The country's biggest Islamic association had refused to take part in the march
>a few hundred people gathered for the demonstration
>The country's biggest Islamic association had refused to take part in the march
>mfw it's Ramadan and people expect muslims to march around for a pointless cause wasting their limited energy
They also wouldn't march if it was "March for a good Cause"-amadan.
Face it, they are the "Untermensch"
implying they are human in any way
I bet it was mostly white cucks and maybe 5 Muslims.
They probably use the same energy walking for their welfare collection
>I bet it was mostly white cucks and maybe 5 Muslims.
Exactly + some cringeworthy screeching women
Saw the demonstration on a live stream.
Pic related.
>yfw muzzies managed to turn a holy celebration of austerity and ascetism into an excuse to gorge themselves
>Muslims marching for peace has poor turnout, in other news Jews marching for generosity and charity's 50 euro entry fee puts people off
>a few hundred
>mostly journalists
who could have guessed after so many mosques denounced it nobody would show up?
>most of the atendees were native germans
Oh wow. I remember accidentally looking at Reddit's frontpage yesterday where an OP was claiming that 10.000 muslims would appear and everyone was circlejerking about how powerful this would be.
I expected this to be another one of these operations where they actually march against anti-mosque laws and their horrible slaughter methods but tell the media that it was a march against islamic violence, like they normally do.
Guess these are the numbers they're getting when they're actually doing what they're claiming...
Each Pro-Erdogan rally in cologne has 30 000 or something participants. And those are ALL muslims. This rally had a couple hundreds and most of them where german cucks anyway, kek.
This country here is a joke, i'm sooo fucking sick of existing in this godforsaken hellhole.
I think it's getting better. Almost everyone I know says incredibly dark-redpilled things nowadays.
A couple hundred good goy cucks are nothing. If anything, it shows how few of them there actually are.
Twitter and Reddit don't represent the typical person, but mostly leftist snowflakes who have no idea how the world actually works. People with conservative views or any opinion of these recent terrorist attacks other than "#PrayFor{}" and "#Nuffin2DoWithIslam" are getting banned constantly now.
Eventually, this façade will collapse and the smart muslims will leave the country before it's too late for them.
The leftists just need to keep playing their "you're a nazi!" and "Islamophobia!" cards until everyone has grown resilient to their kvetching.
>its always closeups
Fucking openly PRO ISIS demos in Netherlands had more Muslim participants
The whole point is to suffer for allah you fucking retard.
Why would we apologize for the actions of some cia/mossad agent terrorists who are not even actually muslim?
When will christians apologize for all the violence carried out in the name of "christianity" throughout history
>eat nothing all day
>stuff your fucking mouth like an animal at night
Such suffering, very wow.
Life is pain when you're a fucking moron, that's for sure.
They should have had some mohammed posters there, then they surely would show up to protest.
It's called solidarity. The thing you look for when someone burns your mosque down.
It's almost like Muslims do not condemn these Islamic terror attacks.
Makes you think huh?
We already did by letting you live.
>Mudslimes can't even fast correctly
What a bunch of fucking plebs.
>Have enough energy to shoot / blowup/ drive trucks into crowded streets
>Not enough energy to walk around for an hour or two
Here's a pic of the people who did show up. Like 90% ethnic Germans lol.
I read somewhere that a lot of muslims gain weight during Ramadan
Then why don't you try eating nothing all day and only eating at night? Should be easy right?
>Then why don't you try eating nothing all day and only eating at night?
Because i'm not fucking retarded.
I like how journalists are trying to meme a story into reality
... they need to be gassed
It's easy faggot. It's called intermittent fasting, lots of people (including me) do that all fucking year.
I did that for years, not for religion or anything, just because it was convenient to eat all at once.
I'm sure you do :^)
>Sup Forumstard
>not retarded