>weed is digenerate
>weed is bad for the society
Uh think again sweetie ;-)
Weed is digenerate
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Apart from being relatively harmless it can be used for various products. Why won't (((they))) let consenting adults use t?
Whoever started this "sweetie" thing needs to be deported.
You can use the plant to make plastic without smoking the shit.
>Oil-based plastics are destroying the environment
Prove it.
Didn't some bacteria evolve specifically to eat it?
>gets deported
>only income is working for cartel
They could stay and grow/sell legal weed and schools could be updated?
Kek wills it
Just need to make sure we deport into the sun
Did you not see the picture? Plastics that don't diodegrade csn kill animals by getting stuck or by the animals ingesting the plastics. Even now the smaller, broken tiny pieces of plastic are being ingested by fish and other small animals and it ends up killing them
That panel on the bottom of the pic, that's your brain on weed. Tell tale signs include inability to deal with grammar when writing, and kindergarten tier spelling errors.
Sorry I can't spell :/
>implying your leaf opinion matters
wait so how would we survive if a disaster happens, the bottles wont even fucking last more then 80 days, supplies would be cut down
how 'bout don't fucking litter
>this coke has a 1 and a half year shelf life
>bottle is fucked within a month
Would be good for the (already unnessecery vegetable and fruit packaging though due to a short shelf life.
>he wants to deport Hermione
oh honey, I've got bad news for you my dear
>He thinks you can smoke the of hemp used for making thinks?
If it decomposes in less than a month there's no way I'm going to drink something out of it
Who knows what kind of shit leeches out of that and into your drink
What is boiling/purifying water?
>implying the weak and poor dying from lack of supplies is bad
So what?
>I want my goods to rot on the shelves
>I want to eat food with plastic dissolved into it
I don't but people are fucking stupid and don't care
>>weed is digenerate
>>weed is bad for the society
I never said that, sir. I am not against weed.
I think men are genetically disposed to hate bitches and women being annoying. It taps into the primitive part of our brain for sure.
Why are potheads so fucking retarded that they can't figure out that Hemp is not the shit they are smoking. Hemp can do a lot, but it can’t get you “high.”
God damn people.
There are many different varieties of the cannabis plant. Hemp — also called industrial hemp — refers to the non-psychoactive (less than 1% THC) varieties of Cannabis sativa L. Both hemp and marijuana come from the same cannabis species, but are genetically distinct and are further distinguished by use, chemical makeup, and cultivation methods.
If they legalize weed then they're be less restrictions on hemp and then more material is available
Why would I want a bottle that disintegrates within 80 days? All the drinks in my cupboard would melt into dust before I could ever consume them!
Canabis, or Canadis?
>next image shows bottle has crumbled apart in less than a month.
I wonder when the first leak appeared? Day 14? Day 7? Day 3?
Congrats, hippies. Even your own propaganda shows that your solutions don't work.
Oh no I guess we'll have to donate all of this food and water so it doesn't go bad
Thanks m8
I always thought it was fucking annoying because it's taking a motherly sort of tone without actually being my mother. Exactly three people can take that tone without me getting angry, and they are all grandmother or mom.
I dunno, I just find it especially funny when they take that tone whilst being a carpet muncher or some other hates children type of creature.
In 1937, the Marijuana Tax Act strictly regulated the cultivation and sale of all cannabis varieties. The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 classified all forms of cannabis — including hemp — as a Schedule I drug, making it illegal to grow it in the United States (which is why we’re forced to import hemp from other countries as long as it contains scant levels of THC — 0.3% is the regulation for hemp cultivation in the European Union and Canada). As a result of this long-term prohibition, most people have forgotten the industrial uses of the plant and continue to misidentify hemp with its cannabis cousin, marijuana.
lol guys OP knows the difference but if it's all legal then more people can make the industrial hemp
My favorite is when they spout the whole "dude the founding fathers grew hemp man" as if they think Thomas Jefferson lit up a blunt and passed it to his bros when he was writing the Declaration. Fucking retards.
We're violating the animals' NAP.
This guys gets it
I read a book (forgot the name) but the goverment officials pushing for it's prohibition basically used the law to advance their political careers and indirectly start the war on drugs
Never knew that you could make plastic out of hemp, though. I've drank hemp tea and eat hemp seeds pretty often since they're great. If the plastic can hold for longer on the shelf than in that picture I see no downsides to using it (aside from near instant increased demand for hemp and having to grow a fuckton of it, which may be bad for the environment.)
How cheap are hemp plastics compared to oil based plastics? Not allowing hemp products is stupid and again shows the extreme inefficiencies of big, corruptible government.
Ironically my captcha was "hash road".
Turtles are cunts. We're doing the world a favor. All other sea life that is affected is collateral damage.
>biodegradable plastic
>because what I REALLY want in a storage container is for it to fucking rot
Are you fucking retarded? Businesses just throw things away, not donate them. Wal-mart, for example, shreds thousands of shirts a year.
I am assuming it was lab conditions meant to make it degrade faster, not shelf life conditions.
>legalize it
>resesrch on hemp becomes legal
>skip forward 10 years
>advances in material engineering cause longer lasting plastics that last more than a week
Also where does this meme about hemp come from? Why is Hemp fibers *allegedly* so much better than any other plant?
I think the sweetie thing began as an unimpressive attempt at belittling sarcasm on the part of SJW feminists toward anyone who disagrees. They failed and continue to fail as they fail at everything else. I believe the correct response to "sweetie" is...
>cutie pie
>honey squirt
>plain old "cunt"
Nothing wrong with hemp
It's been used by humans since forever for many different purposes other than getting a buzz
Example: old china
Animals don't have Security Teams© to enforce the NAP
Actually no I'm not mentally challenged. But I see your point and agree that businesses are wasteful. I'm implying that with a shorter shelf life there would be more trash and eventually a shift in the way of thinking. Public backlash from tons of food being destroyed because they go bad (but imagine a larger, short time framed scale) would result in some businesses to start donating. Donating= good PR
Fuck turtles
I'm with the hippy. I take a very Adam Carola-ish view of the environment and climate. If there's a better way of doing things then why not pursue those better alternatives? It's about efficiency and improvement, not saving the world (although it's not a bad idea.)
And what's wrong with smoking 'the shit'?
Disintegration after 28 days is a little too fast for most purposes.
>plastic bottle that falls apart and literally rots away within not even a month
GREAT idea. Can't wait until it hits the shelves (and spills all its contents)
Haha you couldn't store anything for more than a few days at best
uh you do know that in one part of the ocean their is basically a huge island of plastic right and since fish/whales/etc are stupid they eat it and die
depends completely on it's degradation process, if strong UV radiation causes it to degrade that shouldnt be a major problem
Fuck all my liveral friends who can't think of arguments and use these terms just to piss people off
Didn't he, user didn't he
Fuck all my liberal friends who can't think of arguments and use these terms just to piss people off
Alters your conscience. You need a sober mind to operate the bolt action of a rifle when the racewar starts. You smoke that shit, you're liable to get bopped by a nigger with a scope while you're lighting up the joint.
you dont know what kind of shit leeches out of the plastic lining cans and bottles and yet you drink that... why would a plant based plastic be more dangerous than a petroleum based plastic
Another great one is when they push the "marijuana is illegal because the lumber companies wanted to drive out competition from hemp farmers in paper manufacturing" story, as if:
A). Industrial hemp was never banned or made illegal
B).Why the fuck would hemp farmers try and compete with fucking wood pulp in the paper industry, when they're already the sole supplier for the rope manufacturing industry.?
Weed raises Estrogen levels:
Weed decreases testosterone and growth hormone, tobacco increases them (but also raises cortisol which is a catabolic hormone):
Weed Smokers Have More Violent Convictions:
Weed Causes Cancer:
Weed Reduces Volume Of Various Regions Of The Brain And Negatively Effects Motivation :
Weed Is Addictive:
Weed Causes Long Term Cognitive Damage:
Weed Causes Depression And Anxiety Disorders:
You refuse to drink alcohol or caffeine or smoke tobacco for the same reasons I assume?
The point of the picture is it started to decompose between 1 day to 28 days. Will all hemp made plastics decompose after a month. So I but a soda in a hemp bottle I can't keep it on the shelf for 2 weeks.
It's just some week ass pothead argument for legalization of their recreational drug of choice.
I would like to take Hemp of Schedule I drug list so, all these dumb fucking potheads will buy plastic hemp bongs.
The thing is fucking massive, take a look
Be realistic. Those substances aren't anywhere near as psychoactive as marijuana.
Pros: way cheaper, usually stronger (rope), biodegradable, grows easy (like weed duh) etc
Cons: Hard to tax because it's a weed and it can grow practically anywhere and also outgrow its limits
This is for hemp, not the drug that is weed
Thank that simpering thirsty cunt Bess. Her sweetieposting at the President turned it into a meme, which expanded when she took offense to being sweetieposted at, and broke all laws of nature when she got pissy that the President blocked her bot account and screeched that the 1st Amendment protects her right to shitpost and sexually harass the President.
Weed Causes Psychotic Disorders:
Children of Fathers that Smoke Weed More Likely To Suffer Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:
Weed Legalisation Results In More Frequent Use:
Weed Causes Lung Damage:
Secondhand Weed Smoke Impairs Psychomotor Function And Working Memory:
Weed Worsens Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder:
Weed Causes Deficits In Dopamine Release:
That one kike bitch responded to one of donald trump's tweet saying something like "uh, sorry sweetie..."
So why not ban alcohol, tobacco and burn down forests with psychedelic mushrooms?
Banning fun will get you no where, waste money and make another authoritarian shithole.
I once heard of a theory in psychology known as projection where you see your own faults in others. It's more complicated of course and it's only a theory but it's really intriguing. That's what these feminists are accidentally doing...projecting. They're offended by terms like sweetie or cutie pie and they think that men are too. FAIL.
Is that you, Greekbro? You're always in the pro-weed threads making the potheads look like retards. Dropping redpills on them like pelicans drop shit on decks.
It's the same plant nigger. It used to all be a psychoactive and, yes, it was smoked. Usually in a blend.
Not exactly the same as today's weed smoking but they did enjoy the psychoactive components even putting it in alcohol to alter the effects.
Fake news
Kek. Your science is way more correct than the consumption of cannabis by humans for all of known human history. Fuck off pharma kike.
Okay cool but what if a consenting adult knows this and doesn't care and still wants to spark it bro
>caffeine lowers a soldier's ability to function in the field
Fuck off druggie.
Hemp isn't weed, retard. I get what that picture is showing, but is it lab conditions simulating a forests that's perfect for degradation or just a metal table with nothing on it?
Alcohol and tobacco are already wide spread, easier to prevent cancer in the first place than it is to remove a tumour. So it's not the same thing, although I am pro tobaco and alcohol regulation.
Weed Legalisation Results In More Frequent Use:
Haha I made the list, I'm in ireland though, not greece. Some greek guy probably copied my list
This is the dumbest argument I've ever heard. Maybe buy a canteen you fucking moron.
>It used to all be a psychoactive
Wait you're telling me that if a drug is legal more people will use it? No way
Are you kidding? Alcohol can cause full-blown visual and auditory hallucinations and heavy consumption can lead to something called delirium tremons, where you slip in and out of a psychotic state.
Because everything people do is good and nobody ever does bad things ever.
>being anti-white makes you pro-pharmaceuitcal
As a chemical engineer in the plastics industry this image is beyond misleading.
Please do research and don't believe every pic collage you see.
You're fucking stupid, user. Alcohol is way stronger than pot.
>You need a sober mind to operate the bolt action of a rifle
Good God man you don't know anything about anything, do you? Are you sure you understand how to operate one when sober?
Yeah ok that kind of make sense.
Yeah I know, shocking.
Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2017
This bill amends the Controlled Substances Act to provide that the Act's regulatory controls and administrative, civil, and criminal penalties do not apply to with respect to marijuana.
It removes marijuana and tetrahydrocannabinols from schedule I. (A schedule I controlled substance is a drug, substance, or chemical that: has a high potential for abuse; has no currently accepted medical value; and is subject to regulatory controls and administrative, civil, and criminal penalties under the Controlled Substances Act.)
Additionally, it eliminates criminal penalties for an individual who imports, exports, manufactures, distributes, or possesses with intent to distribute marijuana.
The bill does, however, make it a crime to knowingly ship or transport marijuana into a state where its receipt, possession, or sale is prohibited. A violator is subject to criminal penalties—a fine, a prison term of up to one year, or both.
For most if not all of those, you can say the same thing for alcohol
>yfw your canteen is made from pothead plastic too
Next thing I bet you're gonna tell me is that Hitler smoked weed too so it's totally rad and right wing, man.
>prove it retard
Overall they increase rates of cancer. Certain types of cancer can be reduced by weed is more likely to give you cancer than it is to cure it (mainly gives you testicular cancer lmao)
You should read what you post, some of those say there's higher brain connectivity and so on.
Not shilling for weed, smoked for 10 years, had a break for a magnificent year but now that I've lost everything and everyone I'm back to smoking cause it doesn't matter for me anyways.
Don't start smoking weed, it does make your mind slower. If you have a medial job and lots of free time without responsibilities then by all means do what you want.
Maybe we could use the biodegradable plastic for shit like disposable food and drink containers and use normal plastic for more long term storage.
Also I assume it doesn't biodegrade like that when it's sitting on a shelf in a cooled environment like a store or refrigerator. I might be wrong though.