Considering this map how to people in France and Britain think they have the right to bitch about the number of Arabs in their countries?
Considering this map how to people in France and Britain think they have the right to bitch about the number of Arabs...
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I think some of the blacks complained as well lol
the mistake from the beginning was to not show tem how much better it became with them than without
dont see a problem here
>inb4 good old times!
with the colonists in Africa, not the nogs in Europe
We went there and built civilisation.
They came here and destroyed it.
>"oh no I made a booboo in Africa 200 years ago"
>"man they must be really hate me lol better let them into my country"
Colonisation was a merited backlash.
We gave them the gift of civilization and abolished slavery for them
because we conquered them... they could have fought back if they knew how to make steel...
>We went there and built civilisation.
Oh fuck off. You went there to plunder the natural resources and exploit the locals. You wanted them, now you get to keep'em, chav scum.
The people of Northern Africa are mostly Arabs.
Compare Australia before and after whites.
Compare Rhodesia before, during, and after whites.
Kill yourself, cuck.
>abolished slavery for them
Too bad they went right back to enslaving each other
>because we conquered them...
Yeah, and now they get to stay with you. So why are you bitching about it? It's what you wanted.
Or is it that they aren't useful anymore and like the gold diggers you are, you're now trying to dump them.
What's wrong with that?
>Compare Australia before and after whites.
The natives of Australia were better off before the degenerate British exiles were shipped there.
>the gift of civilization
The average people of Britain lack civilization till today. How should they give it to anyone else?
>Northern Africa
Go fuck yourself.
They ain't Arabs. They are Maghrebis and Egyptians.
Arabs are in Arabian Peninsula and some higher genetic relationship with Arabian tribes.
>They are Maghrebis and Egyptians.
Which are Arabs.
>Arabs are in Arabian Peninsula and some higher genetic relationship with Arabian tribes
Sven or leaf, fuck Nasser and Arab League definition of Arab and made-up concept of (((pan-arabism))). Next - a Somali is na Arab because it speaks Arabic. Learn the difference. I've already said the correct and ethnic/geneological definition.
>fuck Nasser and Arab League definition of Arab and made-up concept of (((pan-arabism)))
You apparently are one of them.
Anyone it's irrelevant to the point. France and Britain made those territories part of their empires and now the people who lived there are staying with them.
the most retarded thing about that map is how the random border colonial powers made there (like Gambia or Togo) are still there. They completely fucked up the decolonization. They should never gave them full independence anyway.
we cannot have BBCs without havign niggers leeching our welfare. We simply can't, and we must make a choice
Yeah, just like the Czech should have kept the Slovaks their bitch.
>Lets play africa the all encompassing colonization video game with actual colonization and displacement of natives of the continent
>France and Britain made those territories part of their empires and now the people who lived there are staying with them.
They expelled France and Britain settlers from there. They wanted Independence. I don't get your point. So Turkey must import Maghrebis, Egyptians, etc because they captured their territories and defined the borders and shiet. Ottoman Empire was also present at Berlin conference. Or Syria and Iraq has to get Maghrebis because of their Caliphates?
>Implying the British Empire wasn't the best thing to grace God's green earth.
>I don't get your point.
That's ok. Maybe if you think long and hard about it you might get there...
You're either deliberately disingenuous or a complete fucking idiot.
I was wrong. You're almost certainly just a fucking idiot.
Go die in a ditch mudskin scum
We are superior to those apes, that's why
All races invaded and oppressed one another. More whites were enslaved by Muslim Arabs than blacks enslaved by whites. If anything, we should be flooding Turkey and North Africa with migration because they oppressed us more than we oppressed anybody else.
See? With your eye-for-an-eye cuck bullshit almost every ethnicity would be replaced at this point, including the faggy native Americans.
Except for South Africa, Rhodesia and Algeria there was no white colonization of Africa. And in those three cases you could argue that the countries were "empty" before YT showed up.
>You went there to plunder the natural resources
Even if this were true, do you honestly believe they would ever make use of those resources? Africans have had thousands of years to build civilizations and all they have to show for it is Egypt which is arguably a white civilization.
Remember how they left?
Euros gave niggers three thousand years of technology. What exactly are niggers giving back to the british and french?
Whites improved Africa.
Arabs degrade Europe.
>We are superior to those apes
No, you are not.
Btw, if you superiority would run in your family, you wouldn't have had to leave Europe.
I wish we could turn back time, to the good old daysss
Isn't cannibalism legal in Germany?
>Whites improved Africa.
No they did not. They fucked it up and left.
>Arabs degrade Europe.
Then we should send them to the US. They would certainly be an improvement there. After all you have no culture.
OP watch this and you might just learn something.
>Isn't cannibalism legal in Germany?
It's desecration of a dead body. So no, it's not.
Are you the Cao Cao poster from /twg/?
So because we conquered them, it's ok for them to do the same to us.
Uh, it does not work that way sweetie.
>Euros gave niggers three thousand years of technology.
But they gave no education to America apparently. No wonder the majority of students and scholars at your elite Universities are foreigners.
I don't know what board that is.
idec South Africa is rightful anglo clay
More, please.
It's being autistic and not letting me post anymore
Yeah we shouldn't have done it. Literally just saved millions of niggers by giving them infrastructure. It's not the fault of white people that everything we touch becomes amazing.
00:39 top kek
if arabs came to build railroads roads schools and other such things probably people would not complain that much i believe
They don't make anglos like that anymore
the abos have invented 3 things in their whole civilization.
1) Didgeridoo (a hollow stick)
2) Boomerang (bent stick)
3) Spear (pointy stick)
I am glad my grandfather fought against frogs if france had won we would've been living with cultural marxism,cuckoldery and opening borders so that niggers and terrorists can rape us
Hello Germany, why don't you use your flag?
What the fuck is wrong with France? It seems to have just become a complete hive of degeneracy since the late 19th century. Used to have one of the greatest militaries in the world and now they can't even control a bunch of girls in their 20s.
Oh my God, I kek'd.
> if france had won we would've been living with cultural marxism,cuckoldery and opening borders
France started the ideological pathwaywith the French Revolution to the current cuckening.
Sorry for building infrastructure that is still used today, looking at you poo in loos
It was all ours and we let the whole world slip away.
Which country are you from anyway, the change in flags was a stupid idea
OP you are so full of shit.
"Hey why shouldn't Rome be taking in more refugees? They had all this shit conquered in 117AD? Sounds like a good plan right!?"
so you supported the Intervention against the nationalization of the Suez Canal
you supported Israel against the UAR?
"Used to have one of the greatest militaries in the world"
Don't make me laugh. Please.
Angola (Portugal), Mozambique (Portugal), Namibia (German), Congo (Belgium), Kenya (British), Zambia (British), Nyassaland (British)
etc etc
he's Czech
Romans became pussies after a few centuries and couldn't fight anymore, then they had to take Germanics in as soldiers who started fucking their women.
Basically the same thing happens now with sorta reserved roles (except for Italians are getting overrun again)
>An Arab is a person whose language is Arabic, who lives in an Arab country, and who is in sympathy with the aspirations of the Arab peoples.
Ethnical / geneological
>someone who can trace his or her ancestry to the original inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula and the Syrian Desert (tribes of Arabia). This was the definition used until medieval times, for example by Ibn Khaldun, but has decreased in importance over time, as a portion of those of Arab ancestry lost their links with their ancestors' motherland. In the modern era, however, DNA tests have at times proved reliable in identifying those of Arab genealogical descent.
>using that german flag
Colonial Germany used this flag, use it.
i'm pretty sure we could make some parts of south africa great again, as long as we could implement structure there. Same goes for Suriname and other south american countries. Colonialism 2.0, we need it. Overpopulation will lead to both environmental and humanitarian crisis anyway, we need a strong arm in these countries so they won't come over here.
Using any German flag, Fritz got cucked hard down here.
hmm no sweetie, we did reasonably well for a country that started way later then the rest (due to being united so late which shouldn't have happened either way but thats for another time), even got to commit a little genocide (which was just a reaction of them attacking peaceful settlers but whatever), also unlike in your country or Zimbabwe whites are still somewhat safe in Namibia so in the longrun we also did a much better job than the Brits and Dutch down there for the few people we have there
>savages from a third world land come to my country and cause problems
>European explorers arrive at a land with no civilization, exploit its land and people but in return, build cities, schools, hospitals and teach thier language