One in four American women are on psychiatric drugs.
One in four American women are on psychiatric drugs
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Yeah but they're sexually liberated and empowered.
Yeah but if they're white then it's okay because 14 words
One in four are also using hormonal birth control. You should be more worried about that.
What about women in the UK?
They should not be allowed to vote.
That means three on four aren't taking their meds.
Jewish women don't have this problem
>medication can fix the woman problem
Oh look, it's a genderswapped version of /r9k/
> Jewish women
> Not crazy
look pavel, I know old adolf did a number on the Jews in Poland but you really must never have met one to believe this
He still had time to have kids, she looks hot enough to find a decent guy but she probably waisted her younger years being a feminist when she had the best selection of the very best men
Get back to your cross burning, Cletus.
Go back to your cuckshed
That is kinda clever
I have never met a single jew in my entire life, and I consider jewish women attractive. Literally nothing wrong with this.
Nice comeback, how's 8th grade going?
Pretty good, how's a lifetime of student debt for a job that was already given to an Indian
Not true at all.
Little to eager to hit that response button are we? Nice to know you care so much about what I think of you.
Why do you hide your flag Pekka?
You know, as screwed up as the jews have made males, I think females may even be worse off. We have to learn how to functional adults again, after a lifetime of jewish bullshit. I'm watching Jordan B. Peterson videos and think he explains how to.
this is the results of equality and feminism in the west
When you do, you will know.
How does one know anything unless one experiences it?
one in two people are on psy drugs in murica
I did nazi this opinion coming.
Actually it likely is...
The other 3 should be too
One in four are white.
More like these
could be a couple reasons of a combination.
Either, we're not earing right or something's in our water
Women are wired naturally to have children and be mothers. Femenism has robbed women of their natural state and they're going fuckin nuts.
Stop the women careers, raise our children at home. No more voting for women so we can fix the west
Women probably won't go for the "no voting" thing, because they'd be insulted and it'd be bad for their self esteem and such. Instead, let them vote. Just don't vote them.
>Either, we're not earing right or something's in our water
We AREN'T eating right and there IS stuff in our water. Are you not aware of this?
They're the ones who should be medicated tbqh
"Don't vote them"
What means this?
I meant, just don't count them.
its probably like 3/4.
One in four American women is on her period right now.
theres no going back. theres millions of dudes that dont give a fuck anymore, good luck forcing them to take care of some entitled used up middle aged slut. they will spend the next 100 years working and being treated the same way as men.
Yeah all trash white women work in hospitals now. Easy money and impossible to get fired
Not sure the hospital mattered, user.
And she probably wasn't trash.
>Questionable decision-making, obviously...
post moar, this is getting me hard
She's absolutely hot.
I think something was mentally wrong with her, she could have easily found a great guy
What are the numbers for men?
So 75% of them are out there being batshit crazy? Fuck...
I thought that a woman who is self-aware enough to take anti-depressants is a good woman?
Are there any studies that say that being a homemaker/caregiver is so embedded in female DNA, that rejecting it causes mental issues?
You means 3/4 of these women are walking around untreated????
It's like 15% for men. We're not much better. Men just don't go to the doctor or seek help like women do.
Food for thought
This desu
Checked and kek'd.
Dat explains things.
Obviously the do not do well with privileges and rights and freedom.
my favorite post on this topic.
>1 in 4 on psychiatric drugs
>not 4 in 4
Fuck. No wonder psychotic women are on the streets.
This is quite sad t b h
I think America has somewhat of a problem when it comes to medication prescriptions
It's pretty weird in Britain to be on any medication other than antibiotics or maybe birth control for women who get bad periods
Old people sometimes have various drugs for heart problems and whatever but nothing near the scale of America
I would be more concerned about this more than anything else
Just to be clear to any burgers who seem to be seeing this as completely fine and unusual
>it's really weird and looks sinister as fuck from the outside
>piping a cake with one hand while it sits on an intricate doily wearing fine clothes
There's your answer. This photo makes me anxious. What if she gets herself or that nice table cover dirty?!!
Fuck there's another one I didn't even think of.
People just being halfway decent is a meme these days.
actully it's more like 40%. just google it for people asking
this is well known
That's just called "hitting the wall".
women are less likely to be homeless
women and men are sick fucks because they support this unjustice
without giving a negative income tax to the homeless
because muh taxes. i hate my fellow people i want it all for myself so i can fornicate and go on sex tourism
world is blowing up on sept 23
jesus is going to leave these people having sex right in their beds
and rapture out the righteous
aight my almonds are online, fix your shit burgers
No, you just wait for the gynocentric society to collapse before trying to fix things.
Females are far better off, in a society with freedom men become even more disposable while women can enhance their narcissism with social media.
Otto Weininger is litterally the greatest mind humanity has ever seen. His book is the ultimate black pill. Can't expect less from a man deemed the only good jew to have ever lived according to Eckart and Hitler.
>the west embraces an ideology founded around rejecting your own biological imperatives and dispositions
>westerners become mentally ill en masse
what a strange coincidence
being a woman is unironically hard. You have to fight your biological programing with the neomarxist drivel that the women society tells you to look up to keep pushing on you.
He killed himself because he couldn't stand being a kike. He hated everything they are and advocated their extermination.
What's the male rate? Part of the difference might be that women are more likely to run to the doctor for shit men ignore.
This, her dating problems and suicide likely had more going on than tfw no bf.
I think there's something up with the grain as well, but I never hear people talk about it.
>women maintain these standards years
>theses standards are impossible-to-attain
Besides that, the reason why people find this woman unsettling is her strong jaw line. If she had a softer or rounder face, she wouldn't look as creepy.
[spoiler]I think she's hot tho[/spoiler]
> More like these
Agreed. I can only get so erect, but we need as many as we can post. It's so fucking cool seeing these articles in the press.
I'm inclined to agree with you that women are far more advantaged, but I think they are unhappier than men despite this. Women aren't meant to be left to their own devices and deep down they prefer male dominated society.
Who cares. Let it burn. They chose this future, they can eat the shit sandwich as a result.
Too many KEKs watching this shitshow unfold.
Pass the popcorn.
>muh NHS drone kills herself when her soul recoils and realizes that the NHS can't fuck her pussy full of babies like she sees on her social media
His whole philosophy resolves around that, struggle to go further and defeat your weaknesses. He saw feminity and jewishness as ideal-types present in everyone that every individual needed to win over. When he realized that couldn't be done he killed himself. He also never avocated extermination of the jews hé was a pure kantian individualist, maybe even more than Kant himself.
The responses to these pics is a big part of what is wrong with cunts today. Deep down they are jealous by a beautiful woman who is happy in her proper place.
Women would be better off in the kitchen and home where they belong.
MFW I'm listening to the BBC and its yet another story documenting third-world women in egypt having problems with tampons.
the shit never stops.
Source? I don't believe that.
Holy fuck.
Sorry to have doubted you, user.
but there are more than 1 in 4 women are on birth control, though?
The only way to fix the west is to revoke women's right to vote until we can fix the damage done. Stop this women career experiment and re-establish the family by putting them back in the gome to raise our children. Whats happening is not working. The family is so fucked up with 60% divorce, its destroying us
1 in 7 in US
The unknown psychological effects of prolonged birth control pill usage, is the REAL, female red pill. I took birth control for 12 years, all different kinds to try and control hormonal migraines and one day, I just decided they weren't helping, so I just stopped taking them.
HOLY. SHIT. I had NEVER realized what a completely emotionless, affectionless, careless, empty fucking shell of a bitch, I had become, on birth control. It fucks with your hormones so much yet, so progressively slow, that you don't even realize what a zombie you've actually become. A month off of the pill, I felt like an person again. By 3 months later, I actually felt genuine love for my husband and proactively wanted to fuck him, not just because it felt like a "chore" or something I had to do. There's no "horny" feeling on the pill, the longer you take it, but you don't even REALIZE or think it's because of the pill's drastic and consistent manipulation of your hormones/levels, over such a long period of time. I really do think that birth control pills (all of them) are meant to alter the things that make women FEEL like feminine, caring, compassionate, loving and sexual women. I truly think this is why we've seen the decline of marriage over the last 40 years, why married men, end up cheating on their spouses more frequently, why women have been able to be so susceptible to this feminazi movement, etc. they do it because they don't any know better. They don't realize they've become a shell of what they should've been, had they never taken the pill. They lack the desire to be feminine, in traditionally feminine ways, simply because they don't feel like a wife man anymore.
When I really started digging into some research behind the pill, well... it proved my theories right. It's also unironic they start girls on the pill so young now and that girls get their periods, SO MUCH YOUNGER now, too. I also think it's EXACTLY WHY they take psychiatric drugs.
the "women problem" that you insufferable faggots refer to is a direct result of male emasculation.
you autists need to take the iron-pill and get your shit together
They prescribe you birth control practically from the day you hit your period. They claim it will help with all of the negative side effects of periods and women believe it haphazardly jump on the pill at 13 whether they're actually sexually active or not and now, they're all too pussy to deal (just like I was with my "migraines") with normal, natural, minor side effects in comparison to the REAL SHIT birth control causes over the long periods of time they know women will take it.
Good wives won't exist if we keep pushing birth control pills on kids because I assure you, everything that used to make a wife want to feel like and actually be, a "good wife", has been dulled and watered down by the time women should want to become wives and procreate kiddies. Because they're numb, they don't feel that biological clock ticking so hard. They work on their careers, like the feminazi's tell them to. They don't feel a sex drive, so they don't care about dating seriously, committing and marrying a good husband, etc.
I'm telling you, this birth control shit IS a 40+ year psy-op to not just destroy the "family", but to completely keep the feeling of "needing a family", from starting in the first place.
Tots or gtfo
Seriously. Show us the children.
Haha, any chick who'd actually post tits on Sup Forums, should honor kill themselves for fucks sake. I know... I know... "she has a point, though". Post your dick but only if you can see it without a mirror...
Watch Goodfellas, that bitch is crazy
>psychiatric drugs
>hormonal birth control
pretty much the same thing at the end of the day.