What's wrong with illegal immigration exactly? The immigrants get to have a better life and America gets more labor...

What's wrong with illegal immigration exactly? The immigrants get to have a better life and America gets more labor. Who is exactly losing out in this?

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More mexicans like you on Sup Forums start posting with American flags.

To be honest user I'm on your side kinda. If someone said "Hey user, you need to let in either a bunch of Mexicans or a bunch of people from the other side of the ocean" I'm letting in the Mexicans.

>worst senshi as thread pic

Shit taste OP. Pic related is the best one.

>Who is exactly losing out in this?

Your children who get to live in a third-world country populated by immigrants who already fucked up their own homeland enough to leave.

We don't need r-strategists in our country.

Typical 4pol shills.

Fucking hell you kikes are such cancer

>Worst senshi
Someone forgot about Mercury kek. Anyway pic related is the best senshi
Illegal immigration is wrong because it's illegal, Pedro José

Its illegal

>more labor
>a good thing
Oh honey, oh sweeite

Their home country

When you get turned down for jobs in your own country because you can't speak a foreign language, you'll start to understand what the problem is.

ITT: shit taste

>more labor

>Who is exactly losing out in this?
Legal immigrants and citizens.

It's not about labor. It's about the gangs, (MS 13, etc) and the drugs coming along with all the farm workers. To solve then you get them ALL out regardless. Americans are lazy and they need to be put to work anyways.

Explain why these illegals didn't come legally.

I agree with you that Chibi-Usa might be best girl one day when she upgrades to being Sailor Moon, but at the moment she's just an infuriating little bitch with legs that don't belong on a preteen.

They dont have to pay taxes from the money they make.

They and their offspring burden the government systems put in place for regular citizens to use. Such as education, health care and other social services.

The fact that it is illegal and arrogant to think just because you hop a fence you have a right to live there. Illegal immigrants are the worst because they take advantage of things like welfare while not contributing and being a real citizen.
Not to mention how they are fucking over some actual legal immigrant who's had to do the paperwork and has taken the time and effort to get ready to assimilate in their new homeland, just because Jose snuck past the border and is now sending all his money he makes at his illegal job home to his dozen children and relatives.

Venus is a whore. Jupiter best senshi.

Ghost yourself my dude

tax payers, law enforcement, people who dont want to get murdered

Btw do you like it when first class evade taxes using loopholes you can't?

Certainly most talented senshi

>Jupiter best senshi
She also has the best taste in waifus.

legal immigrants and citizens, especially those who work low wage/labor jobs

Wow, I just read through all this stuff. I'm going to sleep. There's nothing substantial to read here. Go to sleep guys, it's nothing. I don't think we should be reading this, maybe we should sleep. We all must be so tired. It's time to rest. Aren't we here for keks and laughs not this serious mumbo jumbo, time to sleep guys. It's nothing. Please, let's rest. We are all so tired. Drink some liquor and take some sleeping medicine, we are so tired. It's time to sleep. So boring, let's sleep. I'm going to sleep guys.

The immigrants are not guaranteed to have the best interest of the country they're moving into in mind.
They are people from a different country with a different culture, with a different motive, with a different mindset, with a different language, with a different attitude.
It's not that there shouldn't be immigration at all.
It's that there has to be rules and regulations for something so volatile.

Murder rate says it all:

>Driving down the cost of labor is a good thing goy
>You won't pick strawberries for $3 a day so we need to import violent foreigners instead of paying what the market will bear for the labor required goy
>Saddling foreign immigrants with debt is good for the economy goy

Nobody. Right wingers don't have an argument so they rather just take about your image.

Fact: Sailor Mars has the most fuckable footpussy.

yeah, why have laws at all?

I think the name of the show is "Sailor Moon" user

kekked but you're probably serious

America doesn't need more labour. They have enough unemployed as is

Legal immigrants learn English and either have money or desirable skills. Illegal immigrants frequently lack these things and don't integrate into our society very well. America has 5% of the world population and 25% of the resources, we won't continue to enjoy our current living standards if we let in everyone who wants some of our treasure. That is why we should be selective about who gets in.

If you think people who pass for "poor" in America have it bad now, imagine if they had half their current wealth, dramatically more competition for low-skill labor jobs, and being unable to talk to half the people they encounter.


10/10 waifu taste my dude

Your children's children's children's children, because they have to live in a society with a polluted gene pool and lower IQ.