Miss me yet?

Miss me yet?

Unironically, yes


>we lost one of the best presidents in history so trumpanzee can suck Jewish dick in the white house all day every day


Well.. Are you the nigger who stole my TV?



i want obama to impeach DRUMPF

Why would I miss a globalist shill when there's one in office?


Is he /ourguy/ Sup Forums?

Who is this?

Fuck this cunt, I want him in jail!

That nigger amounted to more than you ever will friendo

Not fucking even. I can only pray Trump doesn't squander the majority he has as badly as he did.


Why in the fuck would I ever want to be a failed U.S. President? Fuck that shit!

Just watched a documentary on Libya. This guy has caused an unbelievable amount of suffering.



such a great legacy eh lads

>that source tho

But he's a well spoken black guy. There's no way he can do anything wrong.

No. I don't miss Kenyan born terroristic Muslims that marry a dude in woman's clothing.


no, because you stand for the ideas of social democracy while I stand for the ideas of Classical Liberalism. I want a free people, free market, and free society, while you want equal pay, and equal outcome of society and markets through government regulation and micromanagement. You are no worse than a communist!


Yes and next time the buckets defo going in your skull.

Nope; immigration were were not being enforced under him and he exceeded his Constitutional authority by doing DAPA and DACA.

Michelle obam is fucking ugly

You've aged terribly, tiger woods


Most people with some college and a little bit of sense miss him terribly.

Maybe so, but at least whatever legacy I leave won't be fucked in the ass by Trump


Just another puppet..


With every bullet so far

Not in the least you degenerate homosexual racist cunt. Fuck you and that dyke you married.