Prove to me that Trump isn't in bed with the russians.
Prove to me that Trump isn't in bed with the russians
Because you would need an enormous bed to fit that many people - such a bed doesn't exist.
burden of proof is on the accuser, retard
I wish he was, Russia is whiter and more Christian than we are. Being on the side of Evil is pretty shitty tbqh.
So nobody has any evidence disproving this right? That's what I'm seeing here.
>asks stupid question
>doesn't get serious answers
Colour me surprised.
>burden of proof is on the accuser, retard
>So nobody has any evidence disproving this right? That's what I'm seeing here.
obviously you're beyond retarded
Still not seeing anything here? No infographics or Alex Jones? You guys really are living in a fantasy world aren't you?
>living in a fantasy world
This perfectly describes any idiots that believe that shit about muh russia
Still not seeing anything. No infographics or Alex Jones? You guys really must live in a fantasy world don't you?
show your evidence, or any
>So nobody has any evidence disproving this right?
Ask the guy who fell for the Sup Forums pissgate story
Holy shit this shill bot is defective, literally repeating itself to get a response.
The USA is dying, who gives a shit anymore?
>Still not seeing anything.
you need to know where to look first
Prove to me that he is, retard.
must be newfags forgetting to put sage in options for these shit threads
Stop stirring the pot. Either make a point or kys. Nobody cares.
>has to post an article to enforce his views
Shows what a talking-point-oriented faggot you are. Try to justify your own views.
>Prove to me that he is, retard.
he won't he cant' also.............
>must be newfags forgetting to put sage in options for these shit threads
Prove to me that you don't lick an Aardvarks ass every morning. Come on. Prove it.
>somebody he knew appeared on Russian news network
>somebody he knew worked with successful large Russian corporations
Most of those businessmen and associates probably worked with BBC and BP too, doesn't mean they're being manipulated by Theresa May.
God I wish this was true. I'd vote for him like 20 times
Because infographics that some autist made and Alex Jones are talking points?
>must be newfags forgetting to put sage in options for these shit threads
Prove to me that you do not fuck children, from all the evidence i see it undoubtedly proves you fuck kids. Burden of proof is on you or this thread will greet you as "Sir Childfucker the faggot"
This kike is always playing semantics. Anyone know of any times he's been wrong?
That's about as sound as anything you guys come up with. What's with that? Just enforces that you guys live in a fantasy world.
he's never even met putin you fucking moron
>must be newfags forgetting to put sage in options for these shit threads
>assuming I use either of those things
Strawman retard.
>you guys come up with
and you've come up with NO proof or evidence at all like the investigations that has been going on 10 months
>implying Sup Forums is one person
You're a retard.
Dont engage with Childfuckers and sage this shit bait thread
>Nobody is disproving this
Provide evidence you retard, you are making a claim.
>Politicians and businessmen vaguely know other politicians and businessmen
I would only see these relationships as a problem if there was suspicious correspondence between them or something along those lines.
>Owning shares in Russian companies now means you are in bed with the Russians according to politico.