Mormons Inciting Civil War

This is the thread where you realized that Mormon Oligarchs are turning the Democratic Party into a terrorist organization. They are heavily involved in drug trafficking, and the shit hit the fan in Arkansas during the 1980's where they walked a thin line of blackmailing Bill Clinton until he gave them a free ride during the 90's as president. They are responsible for the Oklahoma City Bombing, the 9/11 terror attacks, are related to both Michelle and Barack Obama, and are funding riots and unrest and promoting and instigating civil war.

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this guy blackmailed and threatened Abraham Lincoln into declaring war against the south

Oh yeah the Mormons are so tight with the Democrats.

Fuck this place.

Lightning has struck the Angel Moroni, disintigrating him multiple times.

These cucks just keep coming back.

i never claimed they were tight, but you just did

Daily reminder Sup Forums is a mormon board.

since when? lol

y'all got sources for this?

Damn I didn't realize Mormons were so based

Mormon priesthood holder here. Don't disparage one the only religious organizations has continuously stood by it's morals and doctrines in spite of pressure from outside forces.

Health in the navel, marrow in the bones, strength in the loins and in the sinews, power in the Priesthood be upon me, and upon my posterity through all generations of time, and throughout all eternity

Confirmed spineless cuck.

There's nothing spineless about standing up for what you believe in.

>believe in.
You have heard the history of Joseph Smith, right?

Mormons are the ultimate cuckservatives.


You are heretics full of blasphemy. You are not children of God but of Satan. You have perverted the word of God and lead many astray just as the Edomite (((Jews))) did, which Christ called out directly. You will stand before God and the only thing you will have to cloth yourself will be the truth and you shall realize then that you stand before him naked in your lies as Adam and Eve did in the garden. Repent and find Christ, follow the true word of God, not the teachings of false prophets and graven idols. You will be wiped off the face of this earth but your suffering shall be eternal if you choose to continue in this evil.

Proverbs 30
5 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.

morals do not a religion make. every thieves guild that ever existed has had morals and doctrine.

someone's from san diego, I see that thing everyday off 5 north
don't really dislike it, Mormons are really good people

>They are responsible for the Oklahoma City Bombing, the 9/11 terror attacks
What in the ever-loving fuck am I reading. Good luck explaining the above in a way that makes sense.

Reminder: The only people pushing for civil war on this board are either globalist shills, kikes or indoctrinated retards who are unaware they are pushing a globalist kike agenda. Civil war and unrest in America is the wet dream of groups like ADL, AIPAC, The Hasbara, JIDF, Israel, Soros’ Open Society or some other filthy and dirty zionist organization that pays dumb niggers to shill here.

They are pushing for step 3 Crisis.

1. Demoralization
2. Destabilization
3. Crisis
4. Normalization

"redpilled" people screaming for RACE WAR NOW are just as dumb as socialistic liberal retards. Without Law & Order we would be crumbling into a war torn shit hole and vulnerable to regime shifts. If we actually had a civil war we could be attacked by foreign countries, we could lose many of our rights, and many people could die pointless deaths.

Nobody wants a civil war but people who seek to destroy America. Deescalation and diplomacy are what you should be supporting. The far left is pushing to shut down diplomacy, escalate the situation and create a conflict. A conflict without discussion and diplomacy will only lead to violence.

BLM, Antifa, BAMN, etc... are attempts at inciting a crisis. So far tension is building and people are becoming more and more radical and unreasonable. These are funded organized movements with the goal of growing into something that takes on a life of it's own.

Also to the people thinking leftists are scared of firearms, Antifa is training with guns and protesting with slung AR's and AK's. These people have been brainwashed into soros soldiers.

All right I'll bite, is there ANY evidence to back this up? Even some conspiracy blog or a few circumstantial events are probably enough to keep discussion going.
To be fair they did run McMuffin to try to sabotage Trump and almost all of the resistance to Trump within the Republican party was organized by Mormons.

it's been beyond evidence since the early 80's
it's in the realm of jurisdictional prerogative, which is why they are so desperate to control the political narrative. the clinton years made them feel immortal, and they pushed Obama into the DNC nomination because they pretty much own the Clintons, and the Obama's were basically their lawyers. Trump is their worst nightmare, because he isn't controlled by them and he doesn't give a fuck what they want. They operate on the assumption that if they control the president, they can become government contract dealers and just give all of their friends jurisdiction so they can run drugs and hookers freely.

Drugs and hookers?
Do you have ANY evidence at all? This is tinfoil hat tier unless you provide some sort of proofs

on top of that, the Youngs claim to be Irish, but they aren't. They are descended from the original Russian creators of Islam in Iran and the southern Caucasus mountains. They have used importing people from foreign lands to drive out opposition for over a thousand years.

>Don't disparage one the only religious organizations has continuously stood by it's morals and doctrines in spite of pressure from outside forces.

I don't remember you guys standing by polygamy or the whole "blacks are cursed and can't hold the priesthood" thing.

except now you'll know every time there is an organized riot, or fake news, who is behind it. it'll eat away at you and you'll look for proof on your own.

>Brigham Young had a huge beard
>BYU students have to be clean shaven


So the Mormons control the Jews? How did that happen?
If thats the case, why didn't Hitler eliminate the Mormons from Germany?

the mormons emulate the worst stereotype of the jews in their esoteric practices. The mormons were one of the main supporters of the nazi party in america. Mormons are also the main supporters of the Boy Scouts of America which was one of the primary methods of indoctrination.

[citation needed]

>The mormons were one of the main supporters of the nazi party in america.

So the subversion and rioting is caused by them in order to support National Socialist pursuits?
WTF I love Mormons now

holy autsim. I'm not gonna play MIDF today, but you need to take your meds.

General Mitt Romney

Mormons are fucking based and I will gladly surrender myself to their empire if the time does rise. I don't know if it is just a PR attempt on their end but every Mormon family I have seen has been both successful and has seemingly found true happiness. Be it a grandiose delusion or not, they are living the life that I want to and they have managed to do it in a way that doesn't fucking annoy everyone.

Also that whole Mexican drug cartel war is cool as shit.

yes, but their version of nationalism isn't yours.

I am nationalist in the sense that I support the flag of the United States and the U.S. constitution and I generally think positively of Americans.

Their version of nationalism is literally a millennia old mental disease that is unique to Russian Diaspora who have been fomenting wars in the middle east since before Christ. When the shit hits the fan for them they cause as much destruction as they can and then set up shop somewhere else. They create enclaves of pseudo-religion, then destroy everyone who doesn't fall in line. It's a Russian Diaspora club.

>look for proof
Literally nothing


No he didn't. He had Confederate sympathies and wanted to join the CSA but Lincoln told him if he did the Union Army would tear a new asshole into every Mormon and make their religion extinct so he stayed neutral.

The Mormons really bro you couldn't think of anyone else to blame

>Mormons are actually ancient Russian Jew Nazis that control the Obamas and sell hookers and drugs to destroy the world

Oh shit man, I think you need to tell every mormon missionary in your area about this.

Is that why DNA tests show Utah Mormons are mostly of English heritage?

>Don't worry about the Jews, it's the crypto-Russian Mormons who you really have to worry about
Who could make such a post?

WTF, the DC shooter wasn't mormon. This is nutty even for Sup Forums standards.

He may have had sympathies, but he also owned stock in the same railroad company as Abraham Lincoln who recieved as an inheritance from Mary Todd Lincoln's family. It was through arguments with Brigham Young and various lawyers that Abraham decided to declare war. The civil war literally stopped a federal investigation that would have meant the end of the mormon religion. Read up on the Mountain Meadows Massacre.


Could be.

with one stroke of the pen, Abraham could deal with Brigham Young later, and deal with the south now. Armies would already be mobilized, so it seemed strategically sound.

Aren't mormons conservative as fuck? I had an old Mormon boss that paid to have a Romney/Ryan billboard put up. Really nice people if you ask me.

>Mormon priesthood holder here.
About every fucking male in the church has that retard. It's your "I'm special card" so you keep giving your 10%.


Are Mormons evil? Do they hate America?

I am suspecting they do. It's really sad, I always thought they were cool but it turns out they're just pale Muslims.

No. At most in the past they hated the federal government for their failure to protect Mormons and not trying to stop the assassination of Joseph Smith but they weren't against the United States per say. Other than the author forgets to mention Young's pro-slavery sympathies and interest in the Confederacy this is a decent summary.

I really think they do hate America though, because they view non-Mormans as sub-human.

America is to be run by the Mormons or will be torn apart so Utah can be its own country.

Pic related
I'm peaking into Op's window and I just snapped this photo
