Economic collapse has BEGUN
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Since when is Illinois not broke?
Why don't you tell us something we don't know, poofta
Who cares?
The USA are third world.
>yearly shemitah thread
fuck off
Not one person in Illinois cares. Everyone who was in Illinois who realized this is a problem already moved
Hopefully all the individual states go broke. The plurality of every state's budget goes to public "education", which is really just indoctrination
If they lose money perhaps DeVos can dismantle the liberal conversion factories
no the Feds will just bail out the states. Bet
And yet, they still bring in thousands of welfare-draining mudslime "refugees" and are a sanctuary state for millions of illegal mexicunts. They let niggers run buck wild all across their cities and small towns. And they keep giving all of the above free housing, free money, free food, free medical care, free education, and much much more! And what few jobs still exist in the rural areas are being handed over to immigrants, while lowering the wages and standard of living for everyone around.
How can you not be broken at this rate?
lol, Obama's state. kek
They were hoping Hillary would win.
Now... what can Trump get out of this?
- end Russia hoax
- repeal Obamacare
- full deportation of illegals
- all of the above
I'm guessing Illinois will want some help. Bwahahaha!
Trump should exploit the left.
Should Illinois be punished and made an example for the Hodkingson's attempted assassination, Antifa, and the Russia hoax?
Trump has to make the left bend over for help or punish them... pile drive Chicago, Illinois for their defiance.
Illinois is shit tier anyways. Who cares, Chicago is a literal nigger shithole
Economic porn is porn for the gentleman.
It's pretty sad. 80 years ago, before WWII, Chicago was almost 100% white. The jews took the opportunity during the war to start importing niggers to take the factory jobs of all the enlisted servicemen.
He won't do shit. Trump is cucked by his son-in-law. Kushner will facilitate a bailout of all bankrupt liberal states
It's a nigger shithole now. No self respecting white lives in IL
They're to the point where the court is ordering the pay for shit that they don't have the money for, their bonds have taken a shit and are probably about to get downgraded to junk status, they have $15 billion in unpaid bills, and they're about to get hit with more lawsuits from vendors and employees wanting to get paid. All roadwork stops on July 1st if they don't have a budget by then.
Let it burn
Not one IL resident cares or talks about this. IL is the most cucked state in the US
>Should Illinois be punished and made an example for the Hodkingson's attempted assassination, Antifa, and the Russia hoax?
Yes. Now.
They'll care when the gibs stop.
Yes but the average IL voter is so dumb they think the state can continue to issue bonds to pay for gibs even if IL goes to junk
mad Michael Madigan doesn't give a shit. He will force the state into default.
That's their problem;) Can you imagine the south side of chicongo if the state gibs stop? It would be at least a Category 8 Chimpout, with the Rodney King riots being a Category 5.
All this projection
>Economic collapse has BEGUN
Have lived in Illinois all my life suburb of chicago. Most of Illinois is like indiana. The problem is Chicago and surrounding burbs which are spic and niggers.
Liberal governors and Manuel and daily in Chicago ruined this state 20 years ago
Huh. That must be why they're actually working on fixing the roads around here. They know the gravy train is ending and are hoping to cash in.
Yeah all the local police have militarized because state officials know the state will descend into anarchy after the gibs stop. You also have to understand IL has the largest middle class gib class too via govt jobs and excessive pensions which partially caused this crisis in the first place. It will be a mix of John Hodgkin types who had their pensions impaired and Chicongo gangsters who had gibs cut off
Listen yo this..
go fuck yourself
Life's story..
Chicago has sapped them
Not just Illinois, also California and Puerto Rico, and that says nothing of the USA debt. They just bumped up 1.5 Trillion in hidden Obama debt, sounds like Greece or Brazil!!
If that really does come to pass and there isn't a bailout or some shit, hopefully cell service stays on so I can get comfy.
Who gives a shit? This only affects poor people.
Explain how this does not happen? The writing is on the wall. Like you I pray for cell service. It's an underrated happening atm. It could lead to collateral damage because I am sure IL bonds are widely held across the nation
>Liberal shithole
Either a federal bailout or some retarded quantitative easing shit from the Fed on the sly.
I think a bailout is possible but if that happens all states will declare bankruptcy in order to get bailouts. The reason this may not happen is the senate
Yay bring it on, let me Bitcoins go to $1 million a piece
That's what happens when your state is the most corrupt in the country and your city has the highest rates of crime in the country.
>having no money for state institutions and work only affects poor people
>i have never driven on a road
pick two
Duh. The state is overrun with libtards, unions and corruption. Doesn't take a fucking genius to figure out why.
Illinois fag here
>fuck, what ever will i do when my state goes broke
Inb4 Illinois is and always has been broke as shit
They talk about it here on investment talkshows to warn away investment in certain states doomed to failure due to heavy pensions and debt where projected income has no hope of catching up to the debt. CT is the next state to fail, and Dallas is so in debt they could go bankrupt too.
NY is also screwed, likely to start stealing from the $4b reserves for retiree benefits and federal money set aside for storm relief.
Never live in a liberal state with heavy pension debt
ofc the niggers are poor who cares
What's life like in Illinois? I just keep seeing bad articles about the place
If you're not in the few blue cities that turns a FUCKING RED STATE BLUE, then it's good. Not a lot of jobs, but there's only one black family in my cities getto.
I still want to move out of this hell hole, but I can't afford it.
Also I would miss my senpai who are the only reason my crippling depression hasn't killed me.
A new world awaits us after the shitstorm
nah, kangaroobro. bankruptcy is welcome in this case. forced restructuring and limited government will be the result.
This Sup Forums has never been right about economic, not even a single time
They think if they autistically screech about financial collapse enough it will happen
The powers that be would never allow a true life changing financial collapse to happen at this point because that would be the end of their empire
Expect a collapse when whites become minoritys. That way their commie minions can put their plans into action in appoused
Leafs were correct
It was going to happen in 2008 and they should have let it. We would have completely recovered already by now and would have been in a much stronger position than we are now. Bailouts were a huge mistake.
>What's life like in Illinois? I just keep seeing bad articles about the place
read it here..
Build a Wall so the filth can't come to Texas
Oy vey goyim, sounds like someone hasn't taken the (((diversity))) pill yet
Good. Burn it all chiraq has to go.
Sage advice, my friend...but what's the inescapable problem?
After liberals run a state into the ground, they flee the wreckage and move to red states...only to demand the exact same policies be instituted that caused them to flee in the first place.
Liberalism literally behaves like a virus, and California is a perfect example. It's a tumor bleeding cancerous cells as liberal dipshits flee their collapsing economy and hordes of illegal beaners in order to move to Texas, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington.
Once there, they immediately begin attacking the local and state governments demanding the exact same policies be implemented. As a resident of one of the "lucky states" that's receiving massive numbers of Californians, I'm fucking tired of it.
Correct use and spelling of Aussie colloquialism "poofta". Bravo
Next is Connecticut, the absolute incompetent Democrat Governor Dannel Malloy shifted pension costs from the state to local governments to be stuck paying after him and his party were the one's who implemented and shilled the pension plan.
CT faces a budget deficit of around $1.7 billion, that's not including the gigantic pension debt he is offloading that's just his own careless spending.
This maneuver would force local governments to raise property and sales taxes to fund $400 million annual teacher pension costs, while also reducing pension benefits causing likely strikes and all kinds of social unrest in every city as cost of living grows sky high in CT while benefits get slashed, all because his shit party of clowns engineered this mess.
Anybody living in CT get out there asap. Limit exposure to government debt as much as possible. Instead, purchase high-quality blue-chip stocks on market weakness/Vanguard Index funds.
This is happening because Democrat governors underfund pensions so they can blow money on gibs in order to keep getting reelected. They are purposely destroying the future of their state for short term gain they should be in prison.
Junk bond status for Illinois kek, Somalia has a better credit rating.
Trump will be blamed. Cant wait.
>Trump will be blamed. Cant wait.
>> california's failing economy
8th largest in the world? Yeah I ain't leaving. Enjoy living in the apartment above the party.
Trump is off the hook because a bailout will not save Illinois. The Illinois constitution says that pension promises can’t be cut for services already rendered, so it's illegal to cut expenses. Next year they will need another bailout. And again. Forever. They can never make enough money to pay for all the pensions promised.
The only solution is to either change the IL constitution (unlikely), let the state go bankrupt and reset with everybody losing everything, or magically invest so much in IL that they can afford the debt payments in the future.
>the nigs are going to flee to Missouri for gibs
It was nice knowing you gentlemen
Same problem there, The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CALPERS) is woefully underfunded and just racking up massive amounts of debt.
All those university professors in California who retire at age 50 are costing millions per year in pension costs to taxpayers. Then you have the city workers, police, fire, ambulance, teachers union, government and all their cronies.. that adds up real quick just CA has been lucky enough to find new sources of income to pay for it all (dude weed). They will hit a wall one day and then the gibs will dry up like illinois