Can someone explain why American blacks specifically are degenerate? Not even the African purebreed is this raunchy.
How isnt the white blood in the American breed making them any better?
Can someone explain why American blacks specifically are degenerate? Not even the African purebreed is this raunchy.
How isnt the white blood in the American breed making them any better?
a German in Kiev stays a German, but a German in America becomes a degenerate
>who was Reichskanzelar?
She's not American black. I believe she's from the west-indies somewhere.
Niggy Minaj is an MK Ultra mind control victim who's job it is to seed brainwashing programs into the public mind.
Sexuality is always used to deceive and manipulate the goyim
Are all carribbean girls
this perfect?
broken families, single moms
Their culture.
They aren't because purebred niggers just act like animals. American niggers act like animals after they discovered they don't have to fear from food shortage anymore.
Its probably a combination of being niggers and encouraged to act as such.
exposure to jewish influence
>Rihanna has white skin
>WE WUZ tattoo
Never more truer things havre been said on this site
>American niggers act like animals
>American niggers are animals
>How isnt the white blood in the American breed making them any better?
It's probably making them worse. Common Filth did nothing wrong.
I don't want to put them on the same level as my pets.
is this that nicky minaj girl?
pop music is raunchier than the porn that was around when i was growing up. i cant believe this sort of stuff is allowed on the TV
the poor young girls growing up to idolise this whorish behaviour are going to have it tough to keep good.
we are living in wicked times
I believe the user not is not necessarily referring specifically to her but the large population of black individuals in the United States.
wtf I want to fuck nigger women now
You should look up what her single 'Truffle Butter' means
Ultimately, even animals have to get their shit together and work to survive, unless of course they're domesticated and have everything provided for them.
Since only black identity and collectivism are celebrated unconditionally in America, as opposed tob white, Asian, etc. they find themselves with a lot of unconditional social capital. Being black is "cool," and being black means only living on what that social capital earns you. Worst case scenario, you end up eating gas station food daily in the projects, but hey, you're black and that means society is telling you you have intrinsic value plus you're not starving.
Ultimately, collectivism means aspiring to be the average black man, but the average black man is a poor, violent, irresponsible felon with no prospects or life skills who thinks that becoming successful by living up to the standards set by the society he lives in, instead of in spite of them, is worth less than his intrinsic blackness, which he would lose in doing so. This mindset is what gives him access to and supports that same collectivism, feeding back into the cycle of percieved intrinsic value, having to face that it doesn't automatically lead to a middle class American life or better, becoming bitter, angry, and extremely self conscious, and eventually blaming a specter of racism that can never proven true, but because it's the narrative of the collective, it MUST be true because the collective is all you have and all you're ever had.
Be thankful you aren't an African American. To be black in America more often than not means living a lie from birth to death, having your individuality beaten out of you, being told pushing your limits and achieving something will leave you alone and lacking an identity, and resigning yourself to a collective racial identity that will likely leave you dead in an alley way, your only contribution to the world being kids you never knew.
Because American niggers serve as a entertainment for the rest of the American population.
To entertain degenerates, you have to act like one.
carribbeans are beautiful bc they are mixed with whites
Am I a degenerate if I want to fuck Nicki Minaj?
She's a woman. She's automatically degenerate.
niggers that came from africa to america are the worst tier they were sold by their tribe leaders bc they had no benefit from keeping them, and it was easier for europeans they didnt need to catch niggers be themselves.
My theory is the sold africans were unwanted prisoners.
the media.
African purebreeds are degenerate as fuck. There is a baby rape epidemic in my country because the retards believe sex with virgins cure aids.
They've been trained to be. Believe it or not, there were black who started getting their shit together for a while. Then the government took all their money, racist mobs burned down their economic centers, and the media started promoting coonery.
When will Jap character tattoos finally die?
when they stop being aesthetic
Can someone explain why there are still people who act black in 2017? Like wiggas chiggas and mexiniggas etc
I thought this would die out in the 90s yet there are still clowns acting like this in 2017
Some fads never die. Just look at the 90s kids meme
I'd say that's actually more popular now. White people are afraid of "sounding white" so often times you'll find the urbanites trying to sound as jive as possible.
I think the mockery of higher culture in Fraiser played a big part in demonizing "sounding white"
If you consider every other fad it has less than a decade tops of life before it becomes niche and forgotten but the wigga/chigga thing wont go away. Which makes it feel forced like people are pushing i constantly behind the scenes.
nog barbarism plus a splash of intelligence from the white blood is a dangerous combination.