are women more shallow than men?
Are women more shallow than men?
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I wish I was gay. That's how fucking retarded women are.
Are rocks smoother than trees?
Yes, and if you're good friends with one they will admit as such.
They are shallow toward other women because they are in competition with them to be a suitable mate.
Do bears shit in the woods?
Literally this
>man buys steaks
>sets them out on grill
>never lights the grill
>"why is it so hard to find a perfectly-cooked steak?!"
I hate to agree, but tfw the only time anyone flirts with you it's some gay dude.....
That's how you make very rare steaks though.
How does one befriend a woman when everything they talk about is absolutely foreign to you? Personally I don't care, but I've always wondered how men stand the company of such boring harlots.
Yep. The gays got the right idea... now if I could just stomach fucking hairy, square man ass I'd be set.
If I'm honest I get tired of trying to convert MGTOW fags. The way I see it, if they're stupid enough to think it's an acceptable answer to their problems then they're too stupid to reproduce.
Your mother is the only woman in the world who can love you unconditionally.
That steak is not rare, medium rare maybe
Do you constantly take photos of yourself when you go somewhere? Instead of enjoying an event, Are you more concerned with others knowing you attended? If no, your male.
Same. Lucky faggots.
Yes. They are.
However, you are single and pushing wizardhood because you're ugly, caustic, or charmless.
Romantic love is a male idea
Men love women
Women don't love men
>betas bitching about women
If you can't train your broad, that's your fault.
The only thing that can save white women is
pussy aint nothing but meat on bone - >ol dirty bastard
>open sore that never heals (period)
After watching the video of Castillo's mother I believe you
You are right. I should scrap my old car because it is not visually appeasing. Scrap my clothes because they are not to her taste. Move house to somewhere she wants. My life would be bullshit and drama. I work for myself, i do what i want. You can't convert men from being happy.
Dont hate women, just view them as what they are: means to reproduction. Thats all.
What's your definition of shallow?
We need to temporarily remove women's right to vote so we can fix the damage that's been done and save the west
>We need to permanently remove women's right to vote so we can fix the damage that's been done and save the west
Kek, women are literally children that paint their faces.
Could you imagine living like that?
If they didnt provide three wet holes that feel good when you put your dick inside we would hunt and kill them for fun. Like Gophers.
They should only be there to tidy the house and rear young.
I still think Laura looks good, with or without makeup
>yes goy, dont buy our (((jew)))elery or clothes for her
>good goy
I would settle for the loyal part. Dishonest, unfaithful roasties the lot of them.
Yes, my ex, we broke up because I did not want kids, kinda considering lighting up the spark now that I have realized I need to defend my race, but, I don't really want kids.
yes, even unpolished ones
Memes aside, you know I am right. That is what women are for.
How money timed did I have to open some jar for a gf because she was literally too weak to open it.
Most girls cant even do one proper pushup
Literally every single girl in Scotland that I've came across is exactly like that.
Honestly, everyone is nice as fuck here.
>i can't convert men to torturing themselves for three wet holes!
Guess this job requires a better salesman. Call up your greatest ally, maybe he'll do the trick.
SurrenAIR your air toy guns right now, Scottcuck
As much as I hate women for not being loyal, it's largely an evolutionary strategy. Fertile women are consciously or subconsciously always looking for the mate who can best provide for their offspring, and make decisions accordingly.
They also have a conflicting drive to find the best possible genetic mate. The combination of these two drives leads women to be deceitful, disloyal, and conniving. If we were allowed to be honest about it, it wouldn't be so bad. But instead we put women on a pedestal that they never earned.
Unlike you, I don't need to defend myself from invaders or my own people.
At least us Scots haven't betrayed our own.
So just become gay then.
Your time will come.
Lmao, I saw scottish police stations with arabic scripture on them besides the English one.
Scotts are even more cucked than the English and you know it.
I love the comeback at the end
>"I didnt hear you"
Doubt it.
Scotland has remained above 96% white forever, it's not changing anytime soon.
The elites of the world love their gold too much and Scotland is the home of golf with the best courses in the world. We ain't getting shit.
Do u even know what sharia is and means ?
Some jpkes can get outta hand.
Yes, and they have no direction.
So you can remove all the brown people from the world, but if you don't have any method of directing a woman, you can never really pass your untermench genes.
No, you don't.
Lol that bitch at the end pretending not to be dead inside
>being this cucked
>yet being this uppity
Arrogance comes before the fall.
Your understanding of politics is plebbti tier.
They cover their face in chemicals, buy more to remove them, buy more to try and repair the damage. Every man has heard a woman say "I wish i had skin like you"
>If we were allowed to be honest about it, it wouldn't be so bad. But instead we put women on a pedestal that they never earned.
Do not try and shift the blame onto men for women's wicked behavior. Yes, it's in her nature to be a whore, but that doesn't make her any less responsible for her own actions. It's in the thief's nature to steal, but we don't blame the property owner for having stuff that can be stolen, do we?
>If you can't train your broad, that's your fault.
Women can't be trained when you hold no authority. The laws prevent the man from having any authority.
>Kraut trying to call other nations cucked
Lauren looks good without makeup
Shoe looks [spoiler]good[/spoiler] without makeup
Tomi looks [spoiler]better[/spoiler] without makeup
Brittney looks like an ayy.
I don't know who the other one is
Not just that but socially speaking they can never be themselves. They literally wear a mask the whole day. What kind of horrible life this must be
>being so cucked you hide your flag
hmm really made me think
Yeah, funny how brainwashed he is: the option that women could change so that men can have it nice too, doesnt even cross his mind. That is fully bluepilled
There are women who "get it". We're just as stuck as you are. I realized though, that in regards to women, it has become polarized as well. I hope if a time comes, rational and logical people will focus on dialogue rather than the "vessel" expressing it. Approach people as individuals, rather than generalizations. I only have one female friend left, only because she genuinely loves to learn about the world.
2-3 in a group is a good setting to talk to "average" people, normally if you are well spoken they will tend to end up agreeing with you. Larger groups though, too socially diluted.
>good personality
This is fun, isn't it? Let's add more words that don't really mean anything:
Aye that's exactly why I changed my flag.
Mate, I've been nagging for a Scottish flag since I started browsing Sup Forums, I'd be more than proud to display it.
It's funny that the only insult you can use is cuck, it's true that people project their inner insecurities.
Its a fake world we live in. what is a woman supposed to do anyway. she is shooting her foot by not having pained face
>stop using make up
>look meh
>stacy next door is still using her
>she looks hot although she is meh
>chad you want to copulate with goes for stacy because she pained her face
you don't just become gay
le memey boromir face
With enough porn and influences you do.
Nice delusion there. When you ban kitchen knives you will be even more save from diversity. Just believe your BASED SNP party.
Yeah I am aware. It is just the older i become the more I realize that you can't treat women like a rational person. That was my mistake.
It is hard to not hate them actually, realizing that romance is something invented by men for men.
This. Woke
> Anarchist
> Does not understand the concepts of loyalty or a good personality
rly forces you to contemplate
Oh hello there ad hominem. Didn't think you'd show
The migration north will begin soon. Those immigrants want some of that Tennent's and smack you fuckers are famous for.
Delusion? The fuck are you talking about?
Also, there is virtually no crime in the town I live in, only the nicest people you'll ever come across. Plus fuck the SNP.
You're trying too hard, Mohammed. Go fuck a goat and eat kebab.
Milli w. looks acceptable w,o makeup.
Is awsome hie fake they are concerning revealing their genetics.
Actually really makes u think...
I'm going through a divorce after 3 years with my wife. You took the words right out of my mouth. Get me a qt /polgbt/ twink, STAT.
This is the problem though, as a rational individual it is illogical for me to not stand for my right to vote. There has to be some logical/rational measure for voting, generalizations are destroying society.
Nah mate, won't happen.
It's way too cold for sand people up here. Plus the world elites don't want their golf courses to get ruined and those are the ones pulling the strings on immigration.
>mfw women have become so repulsive socially that straight men are considering marrying their bros for the financial benefits of marriage to fund surrogates to have their children
treat them as a child. It will actually work out itself after that. You can have quality enjoyable time with a woman and if you become her authority(by not being beta cuck and giving her a solid dicking) she will bend her world view around you. never ever try to find what woman wants. Shen wants a proper man to rule her life. Also for the same reason never make important decisions on account of womans opinion
fuck it i'm getting my coat on then. Too fucking dark round here.
>Not meeting in the middle, and getting a qt trap
>Not plowing the tight boipucci with your gal and cracking a cold one with your boy afterwards
>Not going to the range with your boy and then shooting a hot sticky load in your girlonce you're done
>Not fixing up a car with your boy, then driving while receiving road head from your girl
Curse the Jews for making females insufferable.
>Everyone I disagree with is Muhammad xD
I hate that they think men should not be allowed to be independent. Personal choice seems to only matter if you agree with them.
Your right about the elites. Thought's on their aims?
I want to live in a world where people who fuck without loving eachother are instantly vaporized by unknown means, erased forever from reality.
Yep I learned that lesson painfully already.
First real relationship I had was from age 17-20 (now I am 24). Beautiful girl, she was 15 when I fucked her for the first time. However the first half of the relationship I kept flirting with other women and even met female classmates in private I considered attractive. During this time my gf was the most attracted to me. Then I gave in to her constant bitching and crying and became beta in the second half which destroyed the relationship.
I wish I knew before because she was a good catch. 176 cm tall, bright green eyes, dark blonde hair, big double D titties that were close together in a nice drop shape.