Can anyone answer this?
Can anyone answer this?
Other urls found in this thread:
go fuck yourself
How many successful businesses do you own?
I'll take that as a no, then.
The world laughs at Trump.
>Picks a few failed businesses out of hundreds that succeeded
>OP literally is a faggot
I truly believe they do.
Nice argument
these slot cards from his remaining casinos suggest something different
How many world powers are you president of?
Name some that were successful? Because 4 bankruptcies is no success.
>hurr durr he was playing 69D chess
No, he wasn't. The man's an idiot.
it's almost Fall 2017 and still:
-no wall at all
-no tax changes at all
-no muslim ban at all
-no health care bill at all
-not even close to full staffing
-no embassy in tel aviv
-no infrastructure reform
-no hillary investigation
Rode the NYC wave until he burned his credit, Slav mob money and failed franchises in desperate attempts to diversify and here we are.
Shut up nigger.
He probably earns your salary from working in your call centre in a day. He didn't get that from being an idiot.
inb4 right wing retards post that long list of Trump's failed/inactive companies and call them successful
Call centres lol. Do people still work in them? I thought they were 100% Indians these days.
>The man's an idiot.
This user speaks the truth.
>Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.
Wow that's alot of failures, his billions must have grown on a tree.
You forgot
>Russian connection........FAILED
Quick list...
Model wife
Leader of free world
Not a Brit cuck
>(((Leonard Zucker)))
No bump for you
>Model wife
The slavwhore who got nude on camera for money?
>Leader of free world
They guy who can't get Obamacare repealed and fails to get his travel ban passed?
How is it bait? I simply asked for people to answer it, sparking a friendly debate.
DJT is arguably the most successful person in the history of the world. Reshaped skylines, reshaped TV, became multibillionaire, became president of the US. The failure argument is stupid.
It's not even summer 2017, brainlet.
>Reshaped skylines
Osama bin Laden would like to have a word with you.
>reshaped TV
Oprah would like to have a word with you.
Trump should focus on reshaping his fat ass via liposuction.
So you don't understand US civics and you hate women? Sounds about right for zee German
liberals keep crying and he keeps getting shit done, constant winning desu
> heh 4 companies went bankrupt
> now don't give me the list of 400 companies that didn't go bankrupt and were sold at a profit or remain in business, those don't count
Oh look, a degeneracy enabler.
>literally four words in OP
>clickbait image
>"Not bait"
No bump for you.
What shit has he got done? He's done nothing he said he would. Where's the wall? Where's the Muslims leaving?
And not only that, you got betas running around America destroying everything they can and no one does anything, the "right" just try to debate them when there's hundreds of them screaming over some guy. What a joke your country is when the beta left are doing all the damage.
You can see I'm clearly still taking part in the debate.
>Where's the Muslims leaving?
Here. Oh wait.
Doesn't fuck him, strongly rumoured to be having affair.
Worth a couple of billion maybe, can't leverage it, can't trade, no credit. Glorified franchise owner.
Losing allies, China, Germany and France rising.
Begging to be allowed Brit state visit, gold carriage ride. Called it off out of fear of protests.
One U.S Presidental election.
That's kinda enough to be honest.
Against a collapsing old has been who was clearly weird as fuck? Hardly a result.
>Against a collapsing old has been who was clearly weird as fuck?
...and still got 3 million more votes than Fat Donny.
where is the wall?
>here, look at this jpeg of an article with an entire paragraph of text!!!
Top kek
From what I've read in the art of the deal, he's actually far more intelligent than the both of you, not to mention his networth. He's the president, and you're a bunch of dirty niggers on an anonymous messaging board spamming the same reaction gif over and over again expecting bait replies, you really are quite unironically pathetic.
>stop posting images, reality triggers me!
>waaaaaah, waaaaaaaah
That is not an argument, you dumbfuck.
this thread is trash. sage
That is not an argument, you dumbfuck.
this thread is fantastic. bump
Remember when American presidents still had dignity?
I do.
So I take it that you also can't answer it? But hey, you're obviously a special snowflake who needs his own custom flag, so I expect nothing of you.
>a literal, obese, senile autist
why would any explanation be required, guv?
>"Trump’s replacement of Paul Manafort with Breitbart’s Steve Bannon shows that Trump understands how Americans actually think. They think TV. They think ratings. They think entertainment."
>"We are a TV-based culture. We have been for some time now. The average American spends 5 hours a day, every day, watching TV. After sleep, it is our number one activity."
>"More shockingly, we spend 8.5 hours a day staring at screens — phones, tablets, computers. And more and more of the content on those devices is also video and TV."
>"If you spend 5-8 hours a day, every day, for years and years doing the same thing it has an impact on you. For the past 40 years, we have devoted 5-8 hours a day staring at a screen — every day. And we haven’t been watching Judy Woodruff. We have been watching reality TV shows. That is what we love. That is what we resonate to. “The Real Housewives of Atlanta.”
>"And Donald Trump is great TV. He knows how to entertain. He understands ratings."
His meme book was written by a ghost, who donates his large cut to anti trump causes.
Trump thought he'd be President and it'd mean everyone would have to respect him. Well now he's a big man and he won't escape being called a limp-dicked loser until the day he pulls the trigger and blows his own fucking brains out.
Archived it
Let's distill the argument by the left.
Trump is mean to illegals, circus folk, the lazy, the unmotivated, hateful religious ideology...
When the bitches, whores, terrorists, criminals, trannies, and welfare fucks add value to this country then their opinion will matter, until then It's just noise.
His net worth is shit. And from what I read that you read, you did not read anything at all. Uninformed people spew uninformed shit.
>Name some that were successful?
The ones in that list are literally the only unsuccessful ones out of hundreds. No, I will not list all the successful ones because it would eat up more than 1000 letters I'm allowed to use in a comment. The four bankruptcies were for individual businesses he owns, not the entire Trump Organizations. Few billionaires with hundreds of businesses don't have some bankruptcies under their built. Even your beloved George Soros has them.
It is a statement. Why would you think it was an argument, retard?
Shill detected...
Well name 5?
You could almost feel sorry for fatty if he wasn't such a gigantic cunt.
>(((They))) are just readying pasta for the fall. Losers, all of them.
You know that Tony Schwarz wrote The Art of The Deal right?
That is not an argument, you dumbfuck.
you miss 100% of the shots you leave on the bar.
Really, there's only one thing you need to say about Trump when it comes down to it. He's weak. Mentally feeble. He's still gnashing the bit about what Obama said and did to him. He's still acting against Obama and whining about Hillary in private. He feels like he's being oppressed and surrounded on all sides despite being the fucking President.
He's weak.
What makes him a winner? How about the fact that he's a billionaire, fucks a hot wife, and is the goddamn President of the United States of America.
Kys, faggot.
You forgot Trump Steaks.
Get BTFO, op.
And yet he's a billionaire/president.
WTF have you done faggot, aside from touching yourself to a picture of Anderson Cooper?
>wedgians' archiving fetishism
your flag has already archived this post like half-a-dozen times...
Don't listen to him nigger keep talking!
Someone's never read the art of the deal,
led alone mein kampf.
You didn't even defend yourself on the fact you're a bunch of dirty niggers. I like it when you rookie shills can't bother to wrap the fact you're only here for thought policing and negative replies, do us all a favor, hang yourselves. Marxist kikes will never set you free. The new world is gonna roll you hard.
You know you have to fail before you succeed right? And you conveniently left out all of Trump's successes. Nice job shill, you've earned yourself a sage. Have a nice day.
he still owns more hotels than you autistic brit
>implying his little baby penis is the reason she's with him.
And there's no way he fucks her.
I run a company. Granted, it's not massive on a global scale, but I do believe I'm more successful than most here.
Is Trump nigger scum? Think about it
>5 kids from 3 different women
>treats women like objects
>prone to sexual assault
>likes to show off his bling
>brags all the time
>is inarticulate
>neglects his kids (pimped his own daughter to Jews and gave autism to his son)
>hasn't seen his father in DECADES
Inconvertible proof that Trump is an albino nigger.
>Presidencies won:
>he doesn't fuck her
Literally had a son with her
>More successful than most in here
And it shows given you taking to a bunch of Autists on Sup Forums
Most of America is nigger-tier.
Not even specifically talking about the black people.
He won the same way he's had any success in his life. Via the system failing.
>listing all of these things off
>not understanding the other choice
10/10 still happy
He's 6% through his presidency. Give him some time. Also the liberal judges block him every chance they get.
keep crying, faggot nigger. he is 100% correct.
actually before the election, /pol tried to maka niggers vote for Trump, and pretty much everything what you listed was used as propaganda aimed at niggers to make them vote trump
>Also the liberal judges block him every chance they get.
This is just going to be the back and forth narrative until someone rounds up a posse and slaughters the entirety of the fucking government and suspends American democracy in favor of a dictatorial state, isn't it?
he breaks what he touches and thats good for draining the swamp
>he won
ur rite my dood
I'll bite.
- It takes time to organize the funding and actually construct one.
-Tax overhaul is in the works. You don't just wake up one day and change the whole thing.
-There have been two tries already where a outlying circuit court denied. Headed to the SC.
-Costs a lot of money and it is very complicated. Working on it despite infighting.
-Staff has to be approved. Do you know if the unstaffed positions are necessary?
-Who gives a shit.
-Did you not see his speech about this very thing where the subcontractor had waited 20 years to get a 19 mile road built? There are so many regulations to remove. Working on it.
-How do you know? Want to have all ducks in a row before pulling the trigger so to speak.
So all the shit you said can be easily debunked and like someone else said chill man it's not even summer yet.
Right wing retards consider this a successful business.
Each one merely a stepping stone to bigger and better things, hence president, next step supreme ruler overlord
>Mexican Intellectual
wasn't an argument
Hopefully the posse is comprised of better shooters than Hodgkinson.
Although hes had however many failures (like all business men) he's had many more successes which is what makes him a business MAGNATE
The US gives nary a glance at you Brits as you are a has been power with a shit navy/army. French and Germans also have shit army/navy and are in the process of killing themselves with immigration
Europe without the U.S. is as it has always been... at war with itself.
Trump isn't fucking you over, you're doing that to yourself.
Trump Villas, Grenadines
Trump Tower, Tampa, FL
Mississippi Casino
Trump Atlanta
Trump Ocean Resort, Baja
Trump at Cap Cana, Dominican Republic
Trump Financial
Trump Philadelphia
Trump Dubai Tower, United Arab Emirates
Trump on the Ocean
Trump Tower, Batumi, Georgia
Trump Plaza Tower, Israel travel booking service
US Pro Golf Tour partnership
Sentient Jet partnership
Running Horse golf, Fresno
Trump animated series
Trump magazine
"Trump Tycoon" mobile app
Trump network
Trump Institute
Trump Steaks by Sharper Image
Trump Office for Staples chairs
Brand licensing in BrazilPalm Beach home sale
Trump Parc Stamford
Miami's Doral Hotel
Trump Towers Mall Istanbul
Trump Towers Pune, India
Trump International Realty
Trump Vineyard Estates
DJT restaurant
Trump National golf club, Washington, DC
Trump National golf club, Philadelphia
ALM/Lawyer Invitational golf tournament
Trump Golf Links, Ferry Point
Trump National golf club, Jupiter, Florida
Trump National golf club, Colts Neck, New Jersey
Trump National golf club, Charlotte
"Why We Want You to Be Rich" book
Miss Universe
"The Apprentice" TV show
"The Ultimate Merger" TV show
Golf Channel TV show
Trump Signature CollectionTrump Waikiki, Hawaii
New tower at Trump Taj Mahal
Trump SoHo
Trump Toronto
Trump Las Vegas
Trump Hollywood
Trump Panama
Trump Chicago
Trump Golf Links, Scotland
Puerto Rico Golf & Residences
Trump US speaking tour
Trump Brand licensing in India
>le Retard trump had these businesses fail Xd
And look at all these successes lol