Americunt here. I've never met a gypsy in my whole life. Could a European explain to me why everyone hates them and the various thing they do?
Americunt here. I've never met a gypsy in my whole life...
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Basically, niggers of Europe.
>I've never met a gypsy in my whole life
You would understand if you met one.
Imagine families of thugs that live since hundreds of years as thieves etc. Literally nobody likes gypsies
They steal, they rape, they go on welfare, they don't work, they're basically niggers but a little smarter
above all of this, they are fucking professional beggars.
poo in loo but more violent
entire culture is literally based on being a criminal
worse than niggers
This is what they leave behind.
Also all of them shit and piss everywhere. They steal, pickpocket, sell drugs, and run prostitution rings.
They are worse than your blacks atleast eastern european ones.
Basically imagine someone who behaves like a nigger and looks like a poo in loo.
so they're niggers
They don't really beg here they just get welfare, I know a gypsy family, the mom gets about a $1,000 in welfare, make about a $1,000 cleaning houses, the husband gets $700 in welfare, he goes pickpocketing, the daughter gets welfare I don't know how much, they get in their house at least $4,000 a month though, and they're behind on rent like 3 months which is only $1,000 a mont anyway. I don't know how they get away with it.
I know a gypsy family who's been in Canada doe 3 generations, not a single one of them can speak English, they're the worst immigrants you can possibly have, thankfully most of them got deported
Imagine your city filled with hordes of this retards...
They are everywhere. I wish we could throw them out soon.
Worse. Way worse.
they are actually worse. I didn't it was possible to be worse than niggers. But somehow they manage to be worse.
They are slightly smarter than niggers and they have absolutely no shame. They use their small children to steal and scam. They will stuff something under their shirt right in front of you and then feign outrage when you call them out on it. They are absolutely worse then niggers in every way and they do exist in the US.
20 years ago gypsies were the worst part of europe, now europe WISHES all they had were gypsies
Gipsies (specially the Romanian ones)>>>>>>>>>low class Brazilian Pardos (violent / criminal) >>> low class Africans from former colonies (specially Guiné-Bissau and islanders in Africa)
It says a lot.
I was talking about eastern europe gypsies. Take a look here xD
I am Eastern European you dumb cunt, thankfully we get the "good" ones here I guess because they have to immigrate but they're still shit
THIS IS HOW THEY ARE. I hate them...
Here, they beg and use their children to beg.
They also beg in diferente ways:
1) they mimick and act deaf-mute with gestual language and try us to give Money to supposed new construction of some shelter for deaf-mutes. Specially in tourist sites
2) they are in some sites like parking lots and the female gipsy wants to read the palm lines for money
3) beg after the masse as poor people
4) beg for """"charities places"""" like normal people
5) beg imitating poor people
6) beg after helping to park cars (but this is more related to homeless guys
The only beggars in Canada are whites, I never saw a non white homeless, it might be different out west where they have a lot of injuns
to sum up - they're fucking professional organized beggars xD in the vid I posted the gypsy cunt said to the filming crew "go get a job" (sic!)
Even kebabs hate them, In Marseilles they even set a gypsy camp on fire and ran the cunts out of their neighborhood when they started stealing their shit. I hate kebabs as much as anyone but at least they stick together and don't let anyone walk all over them. I wish whites would grow a pair again and start doing shit like this.
Everyone hates Romanian Gypsies, nobody cares they got shoaed with kikes because deep down even normies understand why you would.
>Here, they beg and use their children to beg.
When they don't steal kids
would wife 3rd girl from the left.
they're pretty good musicians and dancers. but thats pretty much all what they got going for them. other than that they're pretty degenerate from what I've seen.
they may have some low forms of witchcraft and mysticism.
i think the people have a great sadness about them.
What the fuck are you talking about? Ottawa is absolutely filled with begging natives.
For real? Like 60% of all beggars in Toronto are natives, or at least in the downtown core
We should make a Gypsystan, then they can evolve their culture and laws. As is, every country treats them as rats.
what is worse, Roma gypsies or the Irish LARPing as gypsies (travelers or whatever you call them?
They don't believe in the concept of property. So they steal, nonstop, and bitch about it when you stop them.
Do they count as white? Or do you get called a racist the second you criticize them
gypsies are unironically the most subhuman people I ever met.
here in Germany they are mostly in bigger cities, in Eastern Europe they have whole villages, totally rundown, Africa tier
roma are from india and didn't mix much with Europeans
Thieves, liars & parasites. They will do things like pretend they want a refund when nothing was purchased initially. If you refuse they just scuttle off to somebody more gullible.
SO i would be called a racist for wanting to remove them
So are they like the pikies on the movie Snatch basically?
>would wife 3rd girl from the left.
probably got kidnapped when she was a baby
she looks slavic, not gypsie
Hitler wanted to kill them all actually
it was our last chance to remove them from Europe
Gypsies are such filthy people, ptuuh!
We shall speak of them no more!
Why can't we fucking exterminate these fuckers? Literally useless subhuman.
Yes, note how nobody whines about muh 6 gorillion gypsies though. Everyone implicitly understands that was the right thing to do.
They are the niggers of Europe with even less willing to assimilate.
Do any of them ever realize how degenerate they are and decide to be a functioning member of society?
Gypsy=People from Balkans
less violent, more intelligent, but worse
Cockroach = "people" from Turkey
They are parasites leeching off the blood of all things good.
I've never met an injun once in my life, I was born and raised in Toronto
amerifat= loses against rice farmers and jihadis
I don't know about the Romany ones, but Irish Travellers steal anything not nailed down (including dogs to either use for poaching/baiting or to resell), try to sell dodgy counterfeit rubbish, and start fights with anyone.
A gypsy gave us our expensive train after we dropped it. I'm thanful for that gypsy. Every other one just roamed tourist areas begging for gibs and using their kids to steal shit. Nasty people.
They are not native to European. Good reason enough to kill on the spot
HAHAHAHA damn you poles are pretty based with trolling romas.
The most subhuman of subhumans
And I've lived in a nigger filled city in my childhood
They are super gopniks
intent on fucking your shit up while doing no other work
You know, I'm kind of against this new thing where you get to hide your geographical location, smells of cowardice to me, but seeing shit like this makes me understand why the option was given.
Now all they need is to throw in the Zyklon B
What are you uttering, rapebaby?
>I'm kind of against this new thing where you get to hide your geographical location
>this new thing
Newfag please leave
geo flags were specifically implemented to fuck with Sup Forums, it doesnt work well
They are a people without a home. They rome around Europe commiting crimes to survive. They are different racially from the rest of Europe. They Prostitute their children, and sometimes rob the Johns. In general they survive on crime!!! Did I get it for a Yank?
You are telling me actual people like a society of people go around doing this shit. Sounds more like fiction than real life.
Thieves, child trafficers, drug dealers. Worthless scum of earth that litters every goddamn public place in any major city.
i know it used to be a thing before, and you understand perfectly well what i intended to say
How do you ruin a Turkish party?
Flush the punch bowl.
How do you get a Turk out of a bath tub?
Throw in a bar of soap.
What do you call an abortion clinic is Turkey?
Crime prevention.
What's the difference between a Turkish baby and a trampoline?
You take your shoes off before jumping on a trampoline!
What's delaying the Turkish space program?
Development of a working match.
Why do Germans put their trash in Ziploc bags?
So that the Turks can go window shopping.
Why is there no national library in Turkey?
Someone stole the book.
ive never met one however being an armenian who visited austria as a kid i was sent by my mother to get a shopping cart at a market. however backwards europeans put coin slots on the shopping carts so you have to pay coins to get the shopping cart from the aisle. i had to wait at the entrance for 20 minutes watching people go by. then a woman who thought i was a gypsy trying to steal from people started yelling at me angrily.
look at the picture
No, dumbass, the gypsies are an Indic group that split off from Northern India and headed westward about a thousand years ago.
case closed
You're lucky
She didn't tried to kidnap you
Holy shit, the third one on the left looks good...
>rent condo in chimpcago to gypos
>they generally pay on time and aren't too bad, but they are whiny as fuck
>about a year and a half they get picked up by ICE
>find out from a neighbor, no one from the government bothered to call me to let me know
>condo filled with their shit, tv was left running
>leave things as is hoping someone will come back for them
>their phone numbers are no longer working
>few days later someone shows up to pick up their shit, but leave the vast majority of their furniture, and also take the remote to one of the A/Cs
>have to spend a weekend carrying all that shit out and asking anyone passing by if they want free furniture
wouldn't recommend renting to gypos.
>Romanian Gypsies
They're not even European, much less Romanian. They came from bumfuck India and settled in Euro countries. Romanians are white, not shitskin.
Niggers are stupid enough to be violent so your cops have just cause to gun them down.They are also dumb enough to target connected folks to steal from.
Gypsies are smart enough not to do that and not cause problems for the upper class so they are tolerated by the ruling class. They prey on the poor and tourists.
Fuck you retard gypsies are R*manian
Why does Borat act like he hates gypsies, yet he's a fucking gypsy faggot himself?
What do you mean?
So mexicans
> Romanians are white
Keep telling yourself that, shitskin.
the funny thing about this movie is that most of the people in it are not actors. its mostly improvised with random people on the street.
They are a race of social parasites. They are completely useless.
C'est littéralement la seule communauté on a le droit de cracher dessus sans avoir trop de problèmes
C'est incroyable a quel point c'est des saloperies
They're niggers, but you don't get the nice long-distance warning of being able to see the black skin. It's only once you're close enough to smell them and hear them speak that you realise you're in the presence of literal subhumans.
Also, unrelated but kind of related. I was at the shop earlier and queueing behind a negress. What do American niggers smells like? Because there's definitely a distinct "black" smell and I wonder if it's a racial thing or a cultural thing?
I don't know I never met a Mexican, we don't have any in Canada
Yes, and pollute severely and never work and beg while acting disabled
t. Bosnian
fun fact
Andrea Pirlo has gypsie ancestry, also several other footballers like Quaresma
"There is a great story that the Italian press tell about Andrea Pirlo's grandfather, from Sinti – a Romani population – moving to the country for the first time from eastern Europe and presenting himself at the local town hall to register as a citizen.
In an act of mockery, and because grandfather Pirlo could not speak Italian well, a local official told him that his name would be "Pirlo" because the word is close to "pirla", roughly equivalent to "dickhead" in modern Italian."
low class negresses smell like sweat, coconut oil, and potentially cheap perfume.
higher class negresses generally only smell like coconut oil.
steal beg mostly impossible to civilise no matter how much the communist state tried now they are free to go to western europe they have some useful tribes i would say but those are like 10% the rest are useless cunts
is that how gypsy are in america fuck me running that is good
Romanians are indigenous to Europe
In the beginning of the movie, he shows great approval of his shitskin gypsy friends, but later acts like there's something all of a sudden wrong with them.
turk = turd world shithole
Pardonne mon mauvais français, mais je pense que ne parle personne français ici
Burgertown must be pretty backwards, most carts have a coin slot here