Hypothetical Question?

What if everything he say is true, and in the next year its proven to be true?

Then what is going to happen to the talking heads that opposed him?(i.e. the Tom Brokaws, the Anderson Coopers, the Megyn Kellys, the parrots on The View)

Think about it, why are they attacking him so much now?

"they are turning the frogs gay"

Fuck off.

Everything he says is right. It's been proven to be right. Alex is our guy. Face it.

that has nothing to do with the proposed question, thanks for nothing

thank you, but what do you seriously think all these liars are going to do? double down? make counter accusations? ignore it completely?

He will be selling super male vitality nonstop.

this bubble is going to burst at some point, and when it does, we will get the truth. which is why user wants to know what others think will/could happen.

again!! fuck!

no, the question is 'what will these other people do'

He was kinda right, if you actually look into it he was talking about chemicals being dumped into lakes that essentially made male frogs females

They will take credit for his info. Laughing all while they remember that the American public has an attention span of 3 min

I love the guy, but if you don't realize he's full of shit you're a fucking moron

yeah, that seems pretty accurate. however, more and more people are becoming skeptical of the MSM every day. which means they are losing the information battle. and once they start running out of people to point fingers at, they will start pointing them at each other, virtually cannibalizing them selves.

> he's full of shit

plz explain

he is saying tons of shit. lots of thing he says does not even make sense. he just strings lots of words together about deep-state and aliens and signals. and sprinkle some alt-right Sup Forums facts now and then.


Been telling you for 20 year the same shit. Listening to him just started FEMA camps police state mass surveillance pedos Bilderburg CFR false flags MK ultra death cults 223 same shit before it was hip to do so

and again! how are you guys so easily swayed off the original topic of question!?

oh wait, never mind >attention span of 3 min

>what is going to happen to the talking heads that opposed him?
>what is going to happen to the talking heads that opposed him?
>what is going to happen to the talking heads that opposed him?
>what is going to happen to the talking heads that opposed him?
>what is going to happen to the talking heads that opposed him?

This is the question user would like answered.

I don't buy in to the jew conspiracy around him.
I'm down with Alex. He's not perfect. No one is.
He has made mistakes, but he's always been on a quest for truth even if he has went of the path a few times.
I'm down with Alex Jones.


BPA and other Estrogen Mimickers as well as Endocrine Disruptions from artificial chemicals does a number on the sexual mind and is literally turning men more feminine/gay and giving women cancer at an astonishing pace.

That being said, Alex will be known in the world of Journalism as a hero. The hero we never deserved.

double down, lie and cheat until something sticks
you can see it happening with trump accusations now


Some decide to go lone wolf, A P O L O G I Z E, and form a new news network with him.

Others double down and say he's still wrong and he was selling the "fake" real story.

The rest either fade into obscurity, claim they knew all long and were in it the (((news))) game for the paycheck, and carry on with their life.

Either way the Alex Jones Truth Channel becomes the most widely consumed source of political media.

user is pleased to see a sign of strong defense, keep it up. user can also reassure that OP is neither a shill or globalist trash. OP wants to hear what you have to say.

nearly everything alex has said in the past is either true, or has come to pass.

why do people still doubt him. oh that's right, you're paid to.

wow, if you like AJ but say he's wrong, you must be on to something. why would you lie?

They will ignore it completely, as they have shown this past election cycle in the U.S. (The Democratic primary rigging and subsequent exposure, leading the the promotion of the perpetrators and the deflection of attention through the controlled media.)