Shoulda held up a sign that said "yaaasss kween slay me"
Shoulda held up a sign that said "yaaasss kween slay me"
>2013: Being gay isn't a choice, I was born this way
>2015: you can identify with whatever gender or sexuality you want
>2017: you can now be "visibly queer" because its basically a fashion statement
at what point does this implode?
>2020: state enforced homosexuality
If gender is a social construct and so things like dresses and suits aren't inherently feminine or masculine respectively then how can you be visibly queer if being queer is displaying the opposite traits of your sex/gender?
The memes are revelations of a cosmic consciousness. Checked.
>2020: "Straightness is causing global warming!"
>2025: "cisgendered gays are problematic and racist!
2030: "All Non-POC/trans others are subject to mandatory imprisonment. Comply or be terminated"
2035: Western civilization bursts asunder by the weight of it's own folly, and the vestiges of yore are buried beneath the wake as all of society returns to the loam
2100: Third world explorers resettle the ruins of Europe and the Americas.
The idea's been floated before.
>2019: since there's no difference between men and women, women will be legally allowed to walk around shirtless. This sounds great on paper, but consider who you'll encounter in America...
>2021: all clothing will become optional. We're talking Times Square on a global scale
>2023: the country basically becomes one giant race-mixing orgy. muh contraception/abortion, but it can't stop the inevitable
>2025: The Wrath of God. the world will be purified in Holy Fire.
They wont listen.
They never listen.
Why wont they listen, Sup Forums?
It just looks like they're having fun. I don't really interpret a sexuality from that picture. Was it meant to undermine Trump or something?
It completely destroyed Trump. He couldn't sleep anymore.
My god what a fucking fascist
Lol! Look how le Trump tries to bend away from fag!
late 2017
Ok. You do you, friend.
(((avi selk))) every fucking time
Trump is 100% okay with the fags being fags and probably thought it was fucking hilarious. He was close friends with Elton John for god's sake (well, until he got butthurt because of Trump's "racist" statements during the campaign).
Right about now. Gay men are appropriating black culture, by the way.
God fags are so gross
> Be invited to the White House by the first President to enter office supporting gay rights
> President compliments LGBT pin
> Ask President if you can hold a fan for you photo, President enthusiastically says yes
> Liberals still find a way to get angry about it
> Libanons still try to to gloat about it
> Trump remains President
Boom, faggots BTFO
This has always been my beef with libshits view of Trump. We're talking about a guy who has (or at least hopefully is trying to) pulled the Republican party (or at least the voters) away from all the things liberals used to hate like corporatism and foreign wars, he's the first republican candidate that got a standing ovation talking about supporting gay rights, and he's now the first president to be pro-fag going into office.
What the fuck are they complaining about?
If they weren't complaining, what else would they be doing? It's not like they have jobs or healthy pastimes.
They can't afford new ideas so they're just trying to throw the old talking points at Trump.
>A brave marines decision to be 'visibly queer' with President Trumps friends grandfather during the battle of the Aleutian Islands
>looking like a tit makes you "queer"
You'd think idiots like him would be attacked by tumblr and sjws for "appropriating LGBT+WTFLOLBBQ identities" by being a fag waving a fan during a photo op.
>e're talking about a guy who has (or at least hopefully is trying to) pulled the Republican party (or at least the voters) away from all the things liberals used to hate like corporatism and foreign wars
Yep a fucking great job he's done with that eh? A couple billion dollars to Saudi arms? Now that's the ticket to world peace!
>knife some gook through the throat
>loot the corpse for sweet war trophies
>look at this gay ass thing this faggot nip was carrying
>70 years later held up as being "visibly queer" by descendants
>2020: The latest gay trend is grabbing a Biker's junk
Should gays be put in camps?
Mike "punch 'em in the perenium" Pence.
this always cracks me up
>Caption: Early jailhouse gay weeaboos (1940s)
Trump clearly doesn't care, so how does this BTFO anybody?
oh right
>liberal logic
wow drumpf is a complete totalitarian wtf
In five years they will catch him fucking a student.
He was obviously slapping him like the Hitler that he is.
>you do you
Is this 2017's "sweetie"? You do you and whataboutism seem to be the liberal redditcuck's favorite meme phrases at the moment
"Transphobia" is criminalized in Canada, and transactivists are pushing the idea that not wanting to have sex with someone because of their genitals (i.e. having a sexual preference) is "transphobic".
It logically follows that eventually not wanting to fuck a man with a dick who calls himself a woman will be illegal.
Fuck trump faggot loving liberal
He said he's for trans rights
I'm going to tell Justin at the next slumber party if you aren't careful.
dude on the right is blasted on heroin
Omg trump touched a human being! He almost showed empathy that one time! Welp, let's just ignore every other thing he's ever said and done and all the policies he supports that wreck everyone's shit except the rich #MAGA!
Nah, that was a cyborg brah
I told him myself
Did he touch you? Don't worry, some other gracious user will find the anime doll and you can show us where. It's okay, we are here to help and will support you.
Fucking amateur.
he seems to be ever so slightly leaning away from the faggot in natural disgust and revulsion
Jesus, what kind of salty fuck made that picture? Does anyone here not admit all of this anyway?