Discuss communism on Sup Forums
Workers of Sup Forums unite
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How about I debate your faggot ass.
Stalin was Based.
Adolf, there's a nigger over here!
Be honest have you worked a day in your life?
Lets fuck em up!
What's that animal??
A wombat. Someone is photoshopping these onto everything.
why is Stalin holding a wombat?
They are more dangerous than emus, if they were not anti social loners and wombats managed to unite the world would be fucked.
debate this
OK ty.
Wombats are more interesting than gommunism
Hey faggot, why do you identify as a commie?
wtf i hate eating now
it's cancer
communism sounds romantic, until someones taking your stuff. go try live in a pacific island village, you break your back while the chiefs sit back and get fat. you wont get truer communal living than village life
One of the few based commies.
that's a big hamster
>lets all create a totalitarian dictatorship that will magically dissolve into a stateless utopia with no money but everyone own everything
wew laddy
Welfare beneficiaries unite!
>not being syndicalist/mutualist
its like you love the state
I like how you think comrade
This makes me laugh every time
American here. Is it true people are getting paid 15$ per hour in McDonald's now? I was in a coma.
millions of innocent white Ukrainian Christians were starved to death by Stalin, fuck off.
right-winger says stuff you don't like
left-winger kills 10s of millions
>meh they deserved it or something
I finished reading the Communist Manifesto.
-good critiques of capitalism
-questionable historical analysis
-little to no economic analysis (I assume he writes more on that in Das Kapital)
Many of Marx's assumptions rest on the claim that the bourgeoisie don't work and simply extract wealth from the laboring class. Would you agree with that statement?
kekt hard
The manifesto was written by Marx in a rush, for the benefit of all the commie revolutions that were happening. You want Principles of Communism by Hegel.
Das Kapital is where it is at.
IMO his critiques hold more water against pre capitalist feudalism, which is probably why marxism caught on in feudal countries (SE asia, russia, china) and not developed countries (like the us, uk or france) keep in mind that the reverse was supposed to happen, socialism was to begin in the industrialized world as capitalism was a necessary step towards socialism and communism
you're right, i am for the workers
Lmao, if you united the working class in America and let them build a government it would look like a 17th century monarchy than Communism.
The working class doesn't want Communism. If you care about the working class, stop trying to manipulate them.
Dont forget his retarded view on human behaviour.
>Hurrdurr human behaviour is determined by what class youre in, genetics doesnt mean anything
>Humans are humans, not animals so we can remove our instincts like greed and need for recognition
12 years later, Darwin comes out with the theory of evolution and Marxs ontology isnt sufficient
Stalin grabbing the beaver, Hmmm.
Are you trying to imply something with that OP?
When you get right down to it communism has benefited the capitalists more than it hurt them. Think about nations like China and Vietnam, who, for all their talk of supporting the working class, have been reduced to providing cheap goods for the capitalist nations at the expense of their own people. The poetic irony of the commies ending up as the capitalists bitch is just beautiful.
so, this is the power of american education...
mkay, I'll add it to my reading list. Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit is already there
Yeah, I believe that capitalism increases the standard of living for everyone, but at the same time creates more inequality between the poorest and wealthiest (although there was a great deal of that in the USSR too). Personally I don't see inequality as a big deal as long as everyone is prospering more, but recently I've begun to think that it can cause a lot of resentment in the population and may contribute to violent revolution.
Agreed. From my experience talking to people, it seems like that strain of logic, that nurture has more affect than nature, is still rampant in society.
that is why a social fabric is necessary beyond government and beyond the economy, a free people NEED morality and charity, otherwise s**t goes bad no matter what system you have.
>hat nurture has more affect than nature, is still rampant in society
No shit, marxism is way to idealistic to ever be achieved, in order for it to work it has to be assumed that humans can be molded and that people with the same opportunities will reach the same outcome.
Check this out:
Marx has some good critique of capitalism, but it is understandable considering the conditions of that time. You would however have huge issues trying to apply Marxs teachings to a society, since it is way to idealistic to work. Since the economic part is somewhat good, but the ontology is shit, the nazis recreated the ideology but with a huge focus on genetics and the enviroment (constant struggle) instead. Interesting stuff.
Right now however, modern communists (Im thinking of SJWs) are simply usefull idiots for the establishment, they are used for dividing and conquering the working class against the establishment.
>assumed that humans can be molded
But they can
Somewhat, but there are some important things such as the need for recognition, status and power that will never go away. These are some of the most important driving forces a human that want to achieve something great has.
It might be easier to mold people with an low IQ and ambition, which would explain why mostly undeveloped nations and people support the ideology. You also have intellectuals that support it, but from experience many of the "intellectuals" have very little experience with the working class and they end up being with academics their entire life.
I've read about this. It's jaw droppingly retarded and ideological
People aren't tabula rasa. Their environment can only mold them so much. About 50-80% of people is genetic.
>It's jaw droppingly retarded and ideological
That is communism for you.
>inb4 it isnt real communism
Real communism will never exist and every attempt at achieving it will end in dictatorship, supported by usefull idiots that dont understand what theyre supporting.
>Yeah, I believe that capitalism increases the standard of living for everyone, but at the same time creates more inequality between the poorest and wealthiest (although there was a great deal of that in the USSR too). Personally I don't see inequality as a big deal as long as everyone is prospering more, but recently I've begun to think that it can cause a lot of resentment in the population and may contribute to violent revolution.
Hmm, so you're saying we should look into perhaps something that uses parts of (((Communism))) and parts of (((Capitalism))) to hit a happy equilibrium. A different position, a third position maybe? Something that understands that people are individuals as like (((capitalism))) says, but on the other hand we're also social people who understand we have to work together like (((communism))) claims. You know, I think I might just know the answer...
And that's what I meant, if we need to use genetic edition of people we will.
This is pretty much the final destination for every rational human that sees the faults in both communism and capitalism.
Traditionalism is also a option, but it wont work on a large scale.
This board belongs to the people!
> inb4 commies people
Not everyone and only to a point. If everyone could be niggers wouldn't nig and anyone now who still has a brain would be (((Commies))).
Why is it always the same with (((Commies))), why do you always think it's one extreme or the other?
>"Do you want a pint of water?"
>"No thanks, Kombrig faggot. I'll have a half pint of water though, if I have a pint there won't be enough for everyone else"
>"Okay, so you don't want a drink?"
>"Well I do just not a pint..."
>"No, no, you can only have a pint of water or nothing"
>"But there isn't enough water for everyone to have a pint and the half pint glasses are right next to the pint glasses"
Typical kike logic, it's my way or the 6,000,000 highway.
>if we need to use genetic edition of people we will
What a dystopian world you want to live in. I assume you want equality in looks, behaviour, intelligence, etc. What a brave new world view you support!
Ideally it will be genetic optimization + computerized cybernetic control of society
It doesn't work. Only idiots don't believe in it
and what standards will you have of the people that you "create"?
>developed countries
You mean, republics. Not the same thing.
>The working class doesn't want Communism
Skilled labor probably doesn't want it because they fancy themselves special. Unskilled labor and services probably do want it because they are few steps up from slavery. Skilled labor is and will be eventually deskilled enough that they should probably think a little more seriously about the whole than their part.
>a free people NEED morality and charity
>free people need a hierarchy in which people can be punished by some higher power
You're broken. Sort yourself out and stop listening to what Plato needed.
>need for recognition, status and power that will never go away
Those needs, besides not being universal, do not need to be satisfied by society and you are not entitled to have society satisfy them for you. Make your own little degeneracy club if you must.
Why would anyone genetically alter the people to create communism?
Why shouldn't we just genetically alter the people to make fascism or capitalism work better? Make it so the working class doesn't complain, or make everyone loyal to the state?
>What's Aleppo?
I'm more in line with a form of traditionalist libertarianism, but Uncle H did nothing wrong
National socialism is still (((socialism))) after all
Nu commies Dont even work lel. Last time I spoke to an commie/anarchist he explained that his dad gives him all of his money and he's never worked a day in his life
I'm pretty strongly in favor of traditional values, but I also distrust government power. Like, when I hear fascists speak, I can agree with a lot of what they're saying, I just don't agree with the power they want the government to wield. Sometimes I wonder if I a Confederate flag or the Gadsden flag represents me better.
How can anyone be a worker when there are no jobs
Strictly speaking, I'm not really a Southerner (filthy immigrant living in Flor'da) but I wish the CSA had won the war...
>be communist revolutionary leader
>"remove" hierarchy for the sake of appeasing envy and garnering support
>place yourself on top of new hierarchy and justify it as necessary
>create secret police and justify it as necessary
>kill and imprison dissidents and justify it as necessary
>abuse power constantly and justify it as necessary
Wtf I hate capitalism now
How's this? Looks better than the eyesore yellow imhotbqhpham
>no jobs
That's just a meme. As long as there is access to resources and demand there's an opportunity for profit. Most are just to afraid to take the risk or view meeting demands as evil because muh 1%
>discuss comunism