I work 2nd shift. niggerboy works 1st shift. both of us are truck drivers for the same company. i mean big trucks, not forklift fag drivers. basically i need to know how to get nigger boy fired or forcibly moved so i can take his 1st shift position. it is a seniority system. both 1st shift supers have told me and i quote "blackanon is fucking worthless". other times they just shake their head when he is mentioned like i usually inquire about why he doesnt come back with material at the end of the day. they know it puts my shift in a bind and a rush to bring material back to prevent machines from stopping production. also this nigger has cancelled his cdl-a road test 4 times, pissing off the plant manager as it was relayed to me from the 1st shift super. nigger boy NEVER works OT and if he does, he bitches like the nigger he is. the forklift drivers bitch about him like "blackanon was here twice today" 8 fucking hour shift. also nigger boy lies thru his fucking teeth. he told me 1 day he got his A.
> fast forward a few months.
get to work 30 minutes early for inventory and whatnot. told the big truck is at the shop and needs to be brought back. ask bosses why blackanon is just sitting around and not getting it.
>blackanon doesnt have his cdl-a
>i say yes he does he told me he passed
>hes called into office
>he throws a fit at me cuz im nosy and a liar
>i retort with word for word of what he told me and also looked at the boss and said "whenever have i bsed you sir?"
>blackyniggerfag chimps a bit and walks out
so hes a useless nigger, only class b driver, wont get class a, does NOT work OT and never steps up when asked by the supers and a fucking nigger boy liar.
>now heres a good part
i have heard, from a few ppl, tyhat when nigger boy has to go to a particular die shop to pick something up in the straight truck, thqat hes gone ALL day. its only a 200 mile round trip. as it was related to me, he stops in this nigger infested shit town
Nigger at work
>works a nigger job
>encounters niggers
I guess I know why you people voted for Drumpf after all.
and hangs out with family and friends. im considering a gps tracking device. one that can continously send me his gps location and keep it saved so i know when he goes to that shop and if he actually stops off in niggerville. if so i can print out all the relevant data along with cam pics of him sitting in niggerville being paid to act like the lazy nigger he is. the gps wouldnt verify its him, but it would alert me when he heads that way so i can get in my passengar car and get the evidnece. should i consider this course to finally see him terminated? any legal bs to contend with? help me /pol
this nigger dont deserve to be hogging a job and a shift thats more important to me. also, hes a FUCKING NIGGER PIECE OF SHIT
what do u mean?
i rly enjoy my job, its local and pays quite well. and gravy. im white and actually care about what i do
Do it, but don't tell your boss about the gps. Just tell him you "happened to be in that town at that part of the day" and snap a few GOOD pics that identify the nignog. "I thought it was my duty to tell you what he's doing in YOUR truck sir."
The best pics are the ones where he's bringing his nappy headed hoes into the truck to bang.
i have been researching gps trackers, looknig for one that is magnetic and can track IN MOTION. hell i may even put a geo fence into it so ill know when he is most defintely going that way and can hustle out the door to play catchup while still monitoring him with gps. and yes very good idea saying i just happened to be passing thru niggerville and saw him turn off the highway
plant drugs
Most of pol are forklift drivers
I drive a forklift
as u know fag is used as a term of endearment, ok fag? wish my forklift drivers werent lazy and loaded/unloaded my truck. i gotta do that myself
Just a warning. That may be illegal
He might be a nigger, but fuck you have nigger writing. Learn fucking English.
If he's as bad as you say, why the fuck isn't management taking care of it? How fucking useless are they that they don't know where there drivers are at all times? What sort of shitshow are you working for???
man working forklift must be comfy
0 responsibility
comfy warehouse
you can just move shit from A to B to look important
dunno why I'm reading to be mechanical engineer, probably end up being unemployed because I'm just mediocre and lazy
>works a nigger job
You see unqualified niggers in every field these days.
Lol nigga u gay maybe you can offer to suck his dick for money?
Youre no better than a nigger
Maybe try working harder or smarter
Most of the mech engineering jobs are filled by H1B pakis or chinks.
They'll work 70 hours a week for peanuts. I'm thinking about quitting to do some kind of shop work...maybe CNC operator.
God thats the fucking truth. IT hires the most absolutely retarded kneegrows and they literally don't know how to do the job they were hired to do
If hes that fucking bad then management should have already done something about it. Sounds like a shitty fucking job. Just plant an empty bottle of alcohol in the truck and say you found it?
Plant drugs on him then rat him out to the police and your boss. He'll definitely be fired along with the added bonus of getting sent to prison where blacks belong.
If he is a token nigger at the company, the only way to get rid of him is if he gets caught up in some bad company policy violations or find another token nigger to take his place.
more white people needs to see how nigger monkeys really are
>having employers this lax
>rocking the boat
youre not going to win some crusade here, user. how about just relax and enjoy it.
there's not really abundance of pajeets in EU though
maybe in the future, who knows
Can't do it, Cletus.. they are a protected species...
the job is comfy and easy, but busy. im pretty quite well too. but yes im fully aware of how fucked up management is. like others have said, hes a token nigger
its fucked man. the pollack fag head of maintenance allows nig boy to lock his truck and take the key home. only 1st shift loads and unloads the new truck LOL. dont even get me started there. that may be very obvious of a plan since ive been pushing for the rest of the drivers access to a COMPANY truck.nothing would pleas eme more to see that nigger where he belongs
call me a white knight, but ive always railed against this kind of horseshit at work, sometimes to my own detriment. my current employer...its complicated. my concerns are valid and brought forth in the correct manner. so i cant be faulted at work for it. it may be a losing battle, but ill keep fighting itto bad they werent closer to extinction, maybe we would just pen the rest of them up for their own "survival"
paid not pretty, but the women do flock to me LOL
>one that can continously send me his gps location and keep it saved
Hol on hol on hol on
What you sayin is
yo employer
*smacks lips profusely*
don already have one of these on they company equipment?
>CNC operator
Pretty low-skill stuff, actually, but it'll help you understand design-for-manufacturing at a whole new level. How are toolmakers doing in your part of the country?
We got that same fork lift at my store lol
Don't do this you retard the last thing you want to do is to undermine your boss. Just approach your boss and explain your situation and that 1st shift would really be favorable for you and you your schedule. Explain you concerns about this employee and refresh him on any problems you and your boss were subjected to together. On top of this make it apparent that you don't agree at all with this employees work withing and don't believe the company should be spending money on someone who isnnt fulfilling his role in the company. Explain that your theory about where he has been stopping and see if you boss is willing to help you run an investigation, odder to buy the GPS yourself and to carry out the investigation yourself and that you will present any findings to him immediately. This way you can't run into any legal trouble and you will have the support and good will of your boss should things work out. No company wants to spend money paying an unproductive employee and it's likely your boss isn't aware if all these problems especially to the degree of those who work directly around him.
that you don't agree with this employees work ethic *
how do you get lazy as a forklift driver.....i drove one for about 2 years...i was too scared of hitting anything to be lazy.
propane powered is the standard now right?
bad skills ;p
Dont waste your time user
Put your head down adn do your job
do your job well, extremely well
in fact better then anyone else
work like hell
never complain, never report an injury (unless you have to be carried awaay on a stretcher)
dont worry about the nigger
forget he even exists
one day you will arrive at work and nig nog will be gone
fired, cracked out, in prison ... who knows
niggers can never hold down a job
dont get involved in any office politics
you dont want his day shift
you want the job being manager of the facility
look to train into all areas,
it wont be long and you'll be runnin the show
Tfw your favorite restaurant runs out of fried chicken
>be actual forklift driver
>on electric and propane lifts for first 3 years
>get new job because saving up for HEO certs
>drive diesel forklift
>once you go black, you never go back
why doesnt your employer already have GPS units on all your trucks? what kind of shit show do you work for?
I only fugd with electric : /
Do you get drug tested?
Spike the niggers coffee with meth
no they dont.
its a rumor about his whereabouts. i can try to approach my boss but liekly he would kick it upstairs or not at all. thats a hell of an accusation. its why id prefer to follow him personally and take the photo evidence and have it mailed to the plant manager and myself never even be mentioned, only the nog whos fucking off on company time
random. and i have no opportunity to, different shifts
one takes constant smoke breaks and bullshits, the other is slow as fuck and hangs around in the yard "organizing"
u dont get manager without experience as one. i cant do that without giving up my driving position to go on the floor as a production employee, watch for a lead job, then a tech job, then a super job as they open. or goto college for 2 yrs for business then have experience in said field. no that doesnt work where im at without those steps. and you dont get involved in politics as a super and BE a super. hand in hand they go my leaf friend. you can bet your ass i work my fucking ass off. ive started early before im even paid because the situation dictated, ive come in early to drive for 1st shift when to many drivers call in, worked a week on 1st cuz i volunteered to drive while 2 were off, 1 for medical, 1 for planned vacay. no man, the nog has to go, one way or another. management just needs a good last push
I am strongly considering writing out a well worded letter explaining why I would be a better choice for 1st shift and why nigga boy doesnt deserve 1st shift. list out my skills, my accomplishments, etc etc. but not mention what the supers think of nigga boy, rather get recommendations from them and let the big boss ask them why they support me over nigga boy. my dad was HR for years so i can ask him if thats something hes seen before in a place that puts seniority over skill and dedication.